Baseline images originally generated on a Mac Pro Model Name: Mac Pro Model Identifier: MacPro5,1 Processor Name: 6-Core Intel Xeon Chipset Model: ATI Radeon HD 5770 Ran these commands to generate: GYP_DEFINES="skia_scalar=float" make gm out/Debug/gm -w gm/base-macpro The machine generating these baseline images had a monitor set up in landscape mode, such that MacOS enabled LCD subpixel text rendering. If you generate your own images on a machine with a different monitor setup (e.g. portrait mode), you may see different pixel values at the edge of text within some images. Run skdiff to look for these diffs. Note: we do NOT currently have a buildbot that validates the correctness of these images. They are maintained manually by Mike Reed, and may occasionally be out of date.