# Dockerfile for building Skia in release mode, using 3rd party libs from DEPS, with SwiftShader. FROM launcher.gcr.io/google/clang-debian9 AS build RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install -y \ git \ python \ curl \ build-essential \ libfontconfig-dev \ libgl1-mesa-dev \ libglu1-mesa-dev \ && groupadd -g 2000 skia \ && useradd -u 2000 -g 2000 skia USER skia ADD --chown=skia:skia https://storage.googleapis.com/swiftshader-binaries/OpenGL_ES/Latest/Linux/libGLESv2.so /usr/local/lib/libGLESv2.so ADD --chown=skia:skia https://storage.googleapis.com/swiftshader-binaries/OpenGL_ES/Latest/Linux/libEGL.so /usr/local/lib/libEGL.so RUN cd /tmp \ && git clone 'https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git' \ && git clone https://swiftshader.googlesource.com/SwiftShader swiftshader \ && mkdir -p /tmp/skia \ && cd /tmp/skia \ && /tmp/depot_tools/fetch skia \ && cd skia RUN mkdir -p /tmp/skia/skia/out/Static RUN echo ' \n\ cc = "clang" \n\ cxx = "clang++" \n\ skia_use_egl = true \n\ is_debug = false \n\ skia_use_system_freetype2 = false \n\ extra_cflags = [ \n\ "-I/tmp/swiftshader/include", \n\ "-DGR_EGL_TRY_GLES3_THEN_GLES2", \n\ "-g0", \n\ ] \n\ extra_ldflags = [ \n\ "-L/usr/local/lib", \n\ "-Wl,-rpath", \n\ "-Wl,/usr/local/lib" \n\ ] ' > /tmp/skia/skia/out/Static/args.gn RUN cd /tmp/skia/skia \ && python tools/git-sync-deps \ && ./bin/fetch-gn \ && ./bin/gn gen out/Static \ && /tmp/depot_tools/ninja -C out/Static # Uncomment the lines below and update the ref to patch in a CL. # #RUN cd /tmp/skia/skia \ # && git fetch https://skia.googlesource.com/skia refs/changes/25/130325/15 \ # && git checkout FETCH_HEAD \ # && /tmp/depot_tools/ninja -C out/Static