#include "CrashHandler.h" #include "DMJsonWriter.h" #include "DMSrcSink.h" #include "OverwriteLine.h" #include "ProcStats.h" #include "SkBBHFactory.h" #include "SkCommonFlags.h" #include "SkForceLinking.h" #include "SkGraphics.h" #include "SkMD5.h" #include "SkOSFile.h" #include "SkTaskGroup.h" #include "Test.h" #include "Timer.h" DEFINE_bool(tests, true, "Run tests?"); DEFINE_string(images, "resources", "Images to decode."); //DEFINE_string(src, "gm skp image subset", "Source types to test."); DEFINE_string(src, "gm skp", "Source types to test. TEMPORARILY DISABLED"); DEFINE_bool(nameByHash, false, "If true, write to FLAGS_writePath[0]/.png instead of " "to FLAGS_writePath[0]///.png"); DEFINE_bool2(pathOpsExtended, x, false, "Run extended pathOps tests."); DEFINE_string(matrix, "1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1", "Matrix to apply when using 'matrix' in config."); DEFINE_bool(gpu_threading, false, "Allow GPU work to run on multiple threads?"); DEFINE_string(blacklist, "", "Space-separated config/src/name triples to blacklist. '_' matches anything. E.g. \n" "'--blacklist gpu skp _' will blacklist all SKPs drawn into the gpu config.\n" "'--blacklist gpu skp _ 8888 gm aarects' will also blacklist the aarects GM on 8888."); __SK_FORCE_IMAGE_DECODER_LINKING; using namespace DM; /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ SK_DECLARE_STATIC_MUTEX(gFailuresMutex); static SkTArray gFailures; static void fail(ImplicitString err) { SkAutoMutexAcquire lock(gFailuresMutex); SkDebugf("\n\nFAILURE: %s\n\n", err.c_str()); gFailures.push_back(err); } static int32_t gPending = 0; // Atomic. static void done(double ms, ImplicitString config, ImplicitString src, ImplicitString name) { SkDebugf("%s(%4dMB %5d) %s\t%s %s %s ", FLAGS_verbose ? "\n" : kSkOverwriteLine , sk_tools::getMaxResidentSetSizeMB() , sk_atomic_dec(&gPending)-1 , HumanizeMs(ms).c_str() , config.c_str() , src.c_str() , name.c_str()); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ template struct Tagged : public SkAutoTDelete { const char* tag; }; static const bool kMemcpyOK = true; static SkTArray, kMemcpyOK> gSrcs; static SkTArray, kMemcpyOK> gSinks; static void push_src(const char* tag, Src* s) { SkAutoTDelete src(s); if (FLAGS_src.contains(tag) && !SkCommandLineFlags::ShouldSkip(FLAGS_match, src->name().c_str())) { Tagged& s = gSrcs.push_back(); s.reset(src.detach()); s.tag = tag; } } static void gather_srcs() { for (const skiagm::GMRegistry* r = skiagm::GMRegistry::Head(); r; r = r->next()) { push_src("gm", new GMSrc(r->factory())); } if (!FLAGS_skps.isEmpty()) { SkOSFile::Iter it(FLAGS_skps[0], "skp"); for (SkString file; it.next(&file); ) { push_src("skp", new SKPSrc(SkOSPath::Join(FLAGS_skps[0], file.c_str()))); } } if (!FLAGS_images.isEmpty()) { const char* exts[] = { "bmp", "gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "webp", "ktx", "astc", "wbmp", "ico", "BMP", "GIF", "JPG", "JPEG", "PNG", "WEBP", "KTX", "ASTC", "WBMP", "ICO", }; for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(exts); i++) { SkOSFile::Iter it(FLAGS_images[0], exts[i]); for (SkString file; it.next(&file); ) { SkString path = SkOSPath::Join(FLAGS_images[0], file.c_str()); push_src("image", new ImageSrc(path)); // Decode entire image. push_src("subset", new ImageSrc(path, 5)); // Decode 5 random subsets. } } } } static GrGLStandard get_gpu_api() { if (FLAGS_gpuAPI.contains("gl")) { return kGL_GrGLStandard; } if (FLAGS_gpuAPI.contains("gles")) { return kGLES_GrGLStandard; } return kNone_GrGLStandard; } static void push_sink(const char* tag, Sink* s) { SkAutoTDelete sink(s); if (!FLAGS_config.contains(tag)) { return; } // Try a noop Src as a canary. If it fails, skip this sink. struct : public Src { Error draw(SkCanvas*) const SK_OVERRIDE { return ""; } SkISize size() const SK_OVERRIDE { return SkISize::Make(16, 16); } Name name() const SK_OVERRIDE { return "noop"; } } noop; SkBitmap bitmap; SkDynamicMemoryWStream stream; Error err = sink->draw(noop, &bitmap, &stream); if (!err.isEmpty()) { SkDebugf("Skipping %s: %s\n", tag, err.c_str()); return; } Tagged& ts = gSinks.push_back(); ts.reset(sink.detach()); ts.tag = tag; } static bool gpu_supported() { #if SK_SUPPORT_GPU return FLAGS_gpu; #else return false; #endif } static Sink* create_sink(const char* tag) { #define SINK(t, sink, ...) if (0 == strcmp(t, tag)) { return new sink(__VA_ARGS__); } if (gpu_supported()) { typedef GrContextFactory Gr; const GrGLStandard api = get_gpu_api(); SINK("gpunull", GPUSink, Gr::kNull_GLContextType, api, 0, false, FLAGS_gpu_threading); SINK("gpudebug", GPUSink, Gr::kDebug_GLContextType, api, 0, false, FLAGS_gpu_threading); SINK("gpu", GPUSink, Gr::kNative_GLContextType, api, 0, false, FLAGS_gpu_threading); SINK("gpudft", GPUSink, Gr::kNative_GLContextType, api, 0, true, FLAGS_gpu_threading); SINK("msaa4", GPUSink, Gr::kNative_GLContextType, api, 4, false, FLAGS_gpu_threading); SINK("msaa16", GPUSink, Gr::kNative_GLContextType, api, 16, false, FLAGS_gpu_threading); SINK("nvprmsaa4", GPUSink, Gr::kNVPR_GLContextType, api, 4, false, FLAGS_gpu_threading); SINK("nvprmsaa16", GPUSink, Gr::kNVPR_GLContextType, api, 16, false, FLAGS_gpu_threading); #if SK_ANGLE SINK("angle", GPUSink, Gr::kANGLE_GLContextType, api, 0, false, FLAGS_gpu_threading); #endif #if SK_MESA SINK("mesa", GPUSink, Gr::kMESA_GLContextType, api, 0, false, FLAGS_gpu_threading); #endif } if (FLAGS_cpu) { SINK("565", RasterSink, kRGB_565_SkColorType); SINK("8888", RasterSink, kN32_SkColorType); // TODO(mtklein): reenable once skiagold can handle .pdf uploads. //SINK("pdf", PDFSink); } #undef SINK return NULL; } static Sink* create_via(const char* tag, Sink* wrapped) { #define VIA(t, via, ...) if (0 == strcmp(t, tag)) { return new via(__VA_ARGS__); } VIA("serialize", ViaSerialization, wrapped); VIA("tiles", ViaTiles, 256, 256, NULL, wrapped); VIA("tiles_rt", ViaTiles, 256, 256, new SkRTreeFactory, wrapped); const int xp = SkGPipeWriter::kCrossProcess_Flag, sa = xp | SkGPipeWriter::kSharedAddressSpace_Flag; VIA("pipe", ViaPipe, 0, wrapped); VIA("pipe_xp", ViaPipe, xp, wrapped); VIA("pipe_sa", ViaPipe, sa, wrapped); if (FLAGS_matrix.count() == 9) { SkMatrix m; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { m[i] = (SkScalar)atof(FLAGS_matrix[i]); } VIA("matrix", ViaMatrix, m, wrapped); } #undef VIA return NULL; } static void gather_sinks() { for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_config.count(); i++) { const char* config = FLAGS_config[i]; SkTArray parts; SkStrSplit(config, "-", &parts); Sink* sink = NULL; for (int i = parts.count(); i-- > 0;) { const char* part = parts[i].c_str(); Sink* next = (sink == NULL) ? create_sink(part) : create_via(part, sink); if (next == NULL) { SkDebugf("Skipping %s: Don't understand '%s'.\n", config, part); delete sink; sink = NULL; break; } sink = next; } if (sink) { push_sink(config, sink); } } } static bool match(const char* needle, const char* haystack) { return 0 == strcmp("_", needle) || NULL != strstr(haystack, needle); } static ImplicitString is_blacklisted(const char* sink, const char* src, const char* name) { for (int i = 0; i < FLAGS_blacklist.count() - 2; i += 3) { if (match(FLAGS_blacklist[i+0], sink) && match(FLAGS_blacklist[i+1], src) && match(FLAGS_blacklist[i+2], name)) { return SkStringPrintf("%s %s %s", FLAGS_blacklist[i+0], FLAGS_blacklist[i+1], FLAGS_blacklist[i+2]); } } return ""; } // The finest-grained unit of work we can run: draw a single Src into a single Sink, // report any errors, and perhaps write out the output: a .png of the bitmap, or a raw stream. struct Task { Task(const Tagged& src, const Tagged& sink) : src(src), sink(sink) {} const Tagged& src; const Tagged& sink; static void Run(Task* task) { SkString name = task->src->name(); SkString whyBlacklisted = is_blacklisted(task->sink.tag, task->src.tag, name.c_str()); WallTimer timer; timer.start(); if (!FLAGS_dryRun && whyBlacklisted.isEmpty()) { SkBitmap bitmap; SkDynamicMemoryWStream stream; Error err = task->sink->draw(*task->src, &bitmap, &stream); if (!err.isEmpty()) { fail(SkStringPrintf("%s %s %s: %s", task->sink.tag, task->src.tag, name.c_str(), err.c_str())); } if (!FLAGS_writePath.isEmpty()) { const char* ext = task->sink->fileExtension(); if (stream.bytesWritten() == 0) { SkMemoryStream pixels(bitmap.getPixels(), bitmap.getSize()); WriteToDisk(*task, &pixels, bitmap.getSize(), &bitmap, ext); } else { SkAutoTDelete data(stream.detachAsStream()); WriteToDisk(*task, data, data->getLength(), NULL, ext); } } } timer.end(); if (!whyBlacklisted.isEmpty()) { name.appendf(" (--blacklist, %s)", whyBlacklisted.c_str()); } done(timer.fWall, task->sink.tag, task->src.tag, name); } static void WriteToDisk(const Task& task, SkStream* data, size_t len, const SkBitmap* bitmap, const char* ext) { SkMD5 hash; hash.writeStream(data, len); SkMD5::Digest digest; hash.finish(digest); JsonWriter::BitmapResult result; result.name = task.src->name(); result.config = task.sink.tag; result.sourceType = task.src.tag; result.ext = ext; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { result.md5.appendf("%02x", digest.data[i]); } JsonWriter::AddBitmapResult(result); const char* dir = FLAGS_writePath[0]; if (0 == strcmp(dir, "@")) { // Needed for iOS. dir = FLAGS_resourcePath[0]; } sk_mkdir(dir); SkString path; if (FLAGS_nameByHash) { path = SkOSPath::Join(dir, result.md5.c_str()); path.append("."); path.append(ext); if (sk_exists(path.c_str())) { return; // Content-addressed. If it exists already, we're done. } } else { path = SkOSPath::Join(dir, task.sink.tag); sk_mkdir(path.c_str()); path = SkOSPath::Join(path.c_str(), task.src.tag); sk_mkdir(path.c_str()); path = SkOSPath::Join(path.c_str(), task.src->name().c_str()); path.append("."); path.append(ext); } SkFILEWStream file(path.c_str()); if (!file.isValid()) { fail(SkStringPrintf("Can't open %s for writing.\n", path.c_str())); return; } data->rewind(); if (bitmap) { // We can't encode A8 bitmaps as PNGs. Convert them to 8888 first. SkBitmap converted; if (bitmap->info().colorType() == kAlpha_8_SkColorType) { if (!bitmap->copyTo(&converted, kN32_SkColorType)) { fail("Can't convert A8 to 8888.\n"); return; } bitmap = &converted; } if (!SkImageEncoder::EncodeStream(&file, *bitmap, SkImageEncoder::kPNG_Type, 100)) { fail(SkStringPrintf("Can't encode PNG to %s.\n", path.c_str())); return; } } else { if (!file.writeStream(data, len)) { fail(SkStringPrintf("Can't write to %s.\n", path.c_str())); return; } } } }; // Run all tasks in the same enclave serially on the same thread. // They can't possibly run concurrently with each other. static void run_enclave(SkTArray* tasks) { for (int i = 0; i < tasks->count(); i++) { Task::Run(tasks->begin() + i); } } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ // Unit tests don't fit so well into the Src/Sink model, so we give them special treatment. static struct : public skiatest::Reporter { void onReportFailed(const skiatest::Failure& failure) SK_OVERRIDE { SkString s; failure.getFailureString(&s); fail(s); JsonWriter::AddTestFailure(failure); } bool allowExtendedTest() const SK_OVERRIDE { return FLAGS_pathOpsExtended; } bool verbose() const SK_OVERRIDE { return FLAGS_veryVerbose; } } gTestReporter; static SkTArray, kMemcpyOK> gCPUTests, gGPUTests; static void gather_tests() { if (!FLAGS_tests) { return; } for (const skiatest::TestRegistry* r = skiatest::TestRegistry::Head(); r; r = r->next()) { SkAutoTDelete test(r->factory()(NULL)); if (SkCommandLineFlags::ShouldSkip(FLAGS_match, test->getName())) { continue; } test->setReporter(&gTestReporter); if (test->isGPUTest() && gpu_supported()) { gGPUTests.push_back().reset(test.detach()); } else if (!test->isGPUTest() && FLAGS_cpu) { gCPUTests.push_back().reset(test.detach()); } } } static void run_test(SkAutoTDelete* t) { WallTimer timer; timer.start(); skiatest::Test* test = t->get(); if (!FLAGS_dryRun) { test->setGrContextFactory(GetThreadLocalGrContextFactory()); test->run(); if (!test->passed()) { fail(SkStringPrintf("test %s failed", test->getName())); } } timer.end(); done(timer.fWall, "unit", "test", test->getName()); } /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/ int dm_main(); int dm_main() { SetupCrashHandler(); SkAutoGraphics ag; SkTaskGroup::Enabler enabled(FLAGS_threads); gather_srcs(); gather_sinks(); gather_tests(); gPending = gSrcs.count() * gSinks.count() + gCPUTests.count() + gGPUTests.count(); SkDebugf("%d srcs * %d sinks + %d tests == %d tasks\n", gSrcs.count(), gSinks.count(), gCPUTests.count() + gGPUTests.count(), gPending); // We try to exploit as much parallelism as is safe. Most Src/Sink pairs run on any thread, // but Sinks that identify as part of a particular enclave run serially on a single thread. // CPU tests run on any thread. GPU tests depend on --gpu_threading. SkTArray enclaves[kNumEnclaves]; for (int j = 0; j < gSinks.count(); j++) { SkTArray& tasks = enclaves[gSinks[j]->enclave()]; for (int i = 0; i < gSrcs.count(); i++) { tasks.push_back(Task(gSrcs[i], gSinks[j])); } } SK_COMPILE_ASSERT(kAnyThread_Enclave == 0, AnyThreadZero); SkTaskGroup tg; tg.batch( Task::Run, enclaves[0].begin(), enclaves[0].count()); tg.batch(run_enclave, enclaves+1, kNumEnclaves-1); tg.batch( run_test, gCPUTests.begin(), gCPUTests.count()); if (FLAGS_gpu_threading) { tg.batch(run_test, gGPUTests.begin(), gGPUTests.count()); } else { for (int i = 0; i < gGPUTests.count(); i++) { run_test(&gGPUTests[i]); } } tg.wait(); // At this point we're back in single-threaded land. SkDebugf("\n"); JsonWriter::DumpJson(); if (gFailures.count() > 0) { SkDebugf("Failures:\n"); for (int i = 0; i < gFailures.count(); i++) { SkDebugf("\t%s", gFailures[i].c_str()); } SkDebugf("%d failures\n", gFailures.count()); return 1; } if (gPending > 0) { SkDebugf("Hrm, we didn't seem to run everything we intended to! Please file a bug.\n"); return 1; } return 0; } #if !defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_IOS) && !defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_NACL) int main(int argc, char** argv) { SkCommandLineFlags::Parse(argc, argv); return dm_main(); } #endif