/* * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "nanobenchAndroid.h" #include "AnimationContext.h" #include "IContextFactory.h" #include "SkiaCanvasProxy.h" #include "android/rect.h" #include "android/native_window.h" #include "renderthread/TimeLord.h" /* These functions are only compiled in the Android Framework. */ HWUITarget::HWUITarget(const Config& c, Benchmark* bench) : Target(c) { } void HWUITarget::setup() { this->renderer.proxy->fence(); } SkCanvas* HWUITarget::beginTiming(SkCanvas* canvas) { SkCanvas* targetCanvas = this->renderer.prepareToDraw(); if (targetCanvas) { this->fc.reset(targetCanvas); canvas = &this->fc; // This might minimally distort timing, but canvas isn't valid outside the timer. canvas->clear(SK_ColorWHITE); } return canvas; } void HWUITarget::endTiming() { this->renderer.finishDrawing(); } void HWUITarget::fence() { this->renderer.proxy->fence(); } bool HWUITarget::needsFrameTiming() const { return true; } bool HWUITarget::init(SkImageInfo info, Benchmark* bench) { this->renderer.initialize({bench->getSize().x(), bench->getSize().y()}); return true; } bool HWUITarget::capturePixels(SkBitmap* bmp) { return this->renderer.capturePixels(bmp); }