path: root/src/pathops/SkOpSegment.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/pathops/SkOpSegment.cpp')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 516 deletions
diff --git a/src/pathops/SkOpSegment.cpp b/src/pathops/SkOpSegment.cpp
index ce35f846b3..de813cb7c9 100644
--- a/src/pathops/SkOpSegment.cpp
+++ b/src/pathops/SkOpSegment.cpp
@@ -102,47 +102,6 @@ SkOpAngle* SkOpSegment::activeAngleOther(SkOpSpanBase* start, SkOpSpanBase** sta
return other->activeAngleInner(oSpan, startPtr, endPtr, done, sortable);
-SkDPoint SkOpSegment::activeLeftTop(SkOpSpanBase** firstSpan) {
- SkASSERT(!done());
- SkDPoint topPt = {SK_ScalarMax, SK_ScalarMax};
- // see if either end is not done since we want smaller Y of the pair
- bool lastDone = true;
- SkOpSpanBase* span = &fHead;
- SkOpSpanBase* lastSpan = NULL;
- do {
- if (!lastDone || (!span->final() && !span->upCast()->done())) {
- const SkPoint& xy = span->pt();
- if (topPt.fY > xy.fY || (topPt.fY == xy.fY && topPt.fX > xy.fX)) {
- topPt = xy;
- if (firstSpan) {
- *firstSpan = span;
- }
- }
- if (fVerb != SkPath::kLine_Verb && !lastDone) {
- double curveTopT;
- SkDCurve curve;
- this->subDivide(lastSpan, span, &curve);
- SkDPoint curveTop = (curve.*Top[fVerb])(fPts, fWeight, lastSpan->t(), span->t(),
- &curveTopT);
- if (topPt.fY > curveTop.fY || (topPt.fY == curveTop.fY && topPt.fX > curveTop.fX)) {
- topPt = curveTop;
- if (firstSpan) {
- const SkPoint& lastXY = lastSpan->pt();
- *firstSpan = lastXY.fY > xy.fY || (lastXY.fY == xy.fY && lastXY.fX > xy.fX)
- ? span : lastSpan;
- }
- }
- }
- lastSpan = span;
- }
- if (span->final()) {
- break;
- }
- lastDone = span->upCast()->done();
- } while ((span = span->upCast()->next()));
- return topPt;
bool SkOpSegment::activeOp(SkOpSpanBase* start, SkOpSpanBase* end, int xorMiMask, int xorSuMask,
SkPathOp op) {
int sumMiWinding = this->updateWinding(end, start);
@@ -278,88 +237,6 @@ SkOpPtT* SkOpSegment::addMissing(double t, SkOpSegment* opp, SkChunkAlloc* alloc
return result;
-SkOpAngle* SkOpSegment::addSingletonAngleDown(SkOpSegment** otherPtr, SkOpAngle** anglePtr,
- SkChunkAlloc* allocator) {
- SkOpSpan* startSpan = fTail.prev();
- SkASSERT(startSpan);
- SkOpAngle* angle = SkOpTAllocator<SkOpAngle>::Allocate(allocator);
- *anglePtr = angle;
- angle->set(&fTail, startSpan);
- fTail.setFromAngle(angle);
- SkOpSegment* other = NULL; // these initializations silence a release build warning
- SkOpSpan* oStartSpan = NULL;
- SkOpSpanBase* oEndSpan = NULL;
- SkOpPtT* ptT = fTail.ptT(), * startPtT = ptT;
- while ((ptT = ptT->next()) != startPtT) {
- other = ptT->segment();
- oStartSpan = ptT->span()->upCastable();
- if (oStartSpan && oStartSpan->windValue()) {
- oEndSpan = oStartSpan->next();
- break;
- }
- oEndSpan = ptT->span();
- oStartSpan = oEndSpan->prev();
- if (oStartSpan && oStartSpan->windValue()) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!oStartSpan) {
- return NULL;
- }
- SkOpAngle* oAngle = SkOpTAllocator<SkOpAngle>::Allocate(allocator);
- oAngle->set(oStartSpan, oEndSpan);
- oStartSpan->setToAngle(oAngle);
- *otherPtr = other;
- return oAngle;
-SkOpAngle* SkOpSegment::addSingletonAngles(int step, SkChunkAlloc* allocator) {
- SkOpSegment* other;
- SkOpAngle* angle, * otherAngle;
- if (step > 0) {
- otherAngle = addSingletonAngleUp(&other, &angle, allocator);
- } else {
- otherAngle = addSingletonAngleDown(&other, &angle, allocator);
- }
- if (!otherAngle) {
- return NULL;
- }
- angle->insert(otherAngle);
- return angle;
-SkOpAngle* SkOpSegment::addSingletonAngleUp(SkOpSegment** otherPtr, SkOpAngle** anglePtr,
- SkChunkAlloc* allocator) {
- SkOpSpanBase* endSpan = fHead.next();
- SkASSERT(endSpan);
- SkOpAngle* angle = SkOpTAllocator<SkOpAngle>::Allocate(allocator);
- *anglePtr = angle;
- angle->set(&fHead, endSpan);
- fHead.setToAngle(angle);
- SkOpSegment* other = NULL; // these initializations silence a release build warning
- SkOpSpan* oStartSpan = NULL;
- SkOpSpanBase* oEndSpan = NULL;
- SkOpPtT* ptT = fHead.ptT(), * startPtT = ptT;
- while ((ptT = ptT->next()) != startPtT) {
- other = ptT->segment();
- oEndSpan = ptT->span();
- oStartSpan = oEndSpan->prev();
- if (oStartSpan && oStartSpan->windValue()) {
- break;
- }
- oStartSpan = oEndSpan->upCastable();
- if (oStartSpan && oStartSpan->windValue()) {
- oEndSpan = oStartSpan->next();
- break;
- }
- }
- SkOpAngle* oAngle = SkOpTAllocator<SkOpAngle>::Allocate(allocator);
- oAngle->set(oEndSpan, oStartSpan);
- oEndSpan->setFromAngle(oAngle);
- *otherPtr = other;
- return oAngle;
SkOpPtT* SkOpSegment::addT(double t, AllowAlias allowAlias, SkChunkAlloc* allocator) {
SkPoint pt = this->ptAtT(t);
@@ -437,14 +314,6 @@ void SkOpSegment::align() {
-bool SkOpSegment::BetweenTs(const SkOpSpanBase* lesser, double testT,
- const SkOpSpanBase* greater) {
- if (lesser->t() > greater->t()) {
- SkTSwap<const SkOpSpanBase*>(lesser, greater);
- }
- return approximately_between(lesser->t(), testT, greater->t());
void SkOpSegment::calcAngles(SkChunkAlloc* allocator) {
bool activePrior = !fHead.isCanceled();
if (activePrior && !fHead.simple()) {
@@ -494,20 +363,9 @@ void SkOpSegment::checkAngleCoin(SkOpCoincidence* coincidences, SkChunkAlloc* al
} while ((base = span->next()));
-// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1165647/how-to-determine-if-a-list-of-polygon-points-are-in-clockwise-order
-bool SkOpSegment::clockwise(const SkOpSpanBase* start, const SkOpSpanBase* end, bool* swap) const {
- SkASSERT(fVerb != SkPath::kLine_Verb);
- if (fVerb != SkPath::kCubic_Verb) {
- SkOpCurve edge;
- this->subDivide(start, end, &edge);
- return SkDQuad::Clockwise(edge, swap);
- }
- return SkDCubic::Clockwise(fPts, start->t(), end->t(), swap);
void SkOpSegment::ComputeOneSum(const SkOpAngle* baseAngle, SkOpAngle* nextAngle,
SkOpAngle::IncludeType includeType) {
- const SkOpSegment* baseSegment = baseAngle->segment();
+ SkOpSegment* baseSegment = baseAngle->segment();
int sumMiWinding = baseSegment->updateWindingReverse(baseAngle);
int sumSuWinding;
bool binary = includeType >= SkOpAngle::kBinarySingle;
@@ -534,9 +392,9 @@ void SkOpSegment::ComputeOneSum(const SkOpAngle* baseAngle, SkOpAngle* nextAngle
-void SkOpSegment::ComputeOneSumReverse(const SkOpAngle* baseAngle, SkOpAngle* nextAngle,
+void SkOpSegment::ComputeOneSumReverse(SkOpAngle* baseAngle, SkOpAngle* nextAngle,
SkOpAngle::IncludeType includeType) {
- const SkOpSegment* baseSegment = baseAngle->segment();
+ SkOpSegment* baseSegment = baseAngle->segment();
int sumMiWinding = baseSegment->updateWinding(baseAngle);
int sumSuWinding;
bool binary = includeType >= SkOpAngle::kBinarySingle;
@@ -634,102 +492,6 @@ int SkOpSegment::computeSum(SkOpSpanBase* start, SkOpSpanBase* end,
return start->starter(end)->windSum();
-SkOpSpan* SkOpSegment::crossedSpanY(const SkPoint& basePt, double mid, bool opp, bool current,
- SkScalar* bestY, double* hitT, bool* hitSomething, bool* vertical) {
- SkScalar bottom = fBounds.fBottom;
- *vertical = false;
- if (bottom <= *bestY) {
- return NULL;
- }
- SkScalar top = fBounds.fTop;
- if (top >= basePt.fY) {
- return NULL;
- }
- if (fBounds.fLeft > basePt.fX) {
- return NULL;
- }
- if (fBounds.fRight < basePt.fX) {
- return NULL;
- }
- if (fBounds.fLeft == fBounds.fRight) {
- // if vertical, and directly above test point, wait for another one
- *vertical = AlmostEqualUlps(basePt.fX, fBounds.fLeft);
- return NULL;
- }
- // intersect ray starting at basePt with edge
- SkIntersections intersections;
- // OPTIMIZE: use specialty function that intersects ray with curve,
- // returning t values only for curve (we don't care about t on ray)
- intersections.allowNear(false);
- int pts = (intersections.*CurveVertical[fVerb])(fPts, fWeight, top, bottom, basePt.fX, false);
- if (pts == 0 || (current && pts == 1)) {
- return NULL;
- }
- if (current) {
- SkASSERT(pts > 1);
- int closestIdx = 0;
- double closest = fabs(intersections[0][0] - mid);
- for (int idx = 1; idx < pts; ++idx) {
- double test = fabs(intersections[0][idx] - mid);
- if (closest > test) {
- closestIdx = idx;
- closest = test;
- }
- }
- intersections.quickRemoveOne(closestIdx, --pts);
- }
- double bestT = -1;
- for (int index = 0; index < pts; ++index) {
- double foundT = intersections[0][index];
- if (approximately_less_than_zero(foundT)
- || approximately_greater_than_one(foundT)) {
- continue;
- }
- SkScalar testY = (*CurvePointAtT[fVerb])(fPts, fWeight, foundT).fY;
- if (approximately_negative(testY - *bestY)
- || approximately_negative(basePt.fY - testY)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (pts > 1 && fVerb == SkPath::kLine_Verb) {
- *vertical = true;
- return NULL; // if the intersection is edge on, wait for another one
- }
- if (fVerb > SkPath::kLine_Verb) {
- SkScalar dx = (*CurveSlopeAtT[fVerb])(fPts, fWeight, foundT).fX;
- if (approximately_zero(dx)) {
- *vertical = true;
- return NULL; // hit vertical, wait for another one
- }
- }
- *bestY = testY;
- bestT = foundT;
- }
- if (bestT < 0) {
- return NULL;
- }
- SkASSERT(bestT >= 0);
- SkASSERT(bestT < 1);
- SkOpSpanBase* testTSpanBase = &this->fHead;
- SkOpSpanBase* nextTSpan;
- double endT = 0;
- do {
- nextTSpan = testTSpanBase->upCast()->next();
- endT = nextTSpan->t();
- if (endT >= bestT) {
- break;
- }
- testTSpanBase = nextTSpan;
- } while (testTSpanBase);
- SkOpSpan* bestTSpan = NULL;
- SkOpSpan* testTSpan = testTSpanBase->upCast();
- if (!testTSpan->isCanceled()) {
- *hitT = bestT;
- bestTSpan = testTSpan;
- *hitSomething = true;
- }
- return bestTSpan;
void SkOpSegment::detach(const SkOpSpan* span) {
if (span->done()) {
@@ -1036,126 +798,6 @@ SkOpSegment* SkOpSegment::findNextXor(SkOpSpanBase** nextStart, SkOpSpanBase** n
return nextSegment;
-SkOpSegment* SkOpSegment::findTop(bool firstPass, SkOpSpanBase** startPtr, SkOpSpanBase** endPtr,
- bool* unsortable, SkChunkAlloc* allocator) {
- // iterate through T intersections and return topmost
- // topmost tangent from y-min to first pt is closer to horizontal
- SkASSERT(!done());
- SkOpSpanBase* firstT = NULL;
- (void) this->activeLeftTop(&firstT);
- if (!firstT) {
- *unsortable = !firstPass;
- firstT = &fHead;
- while (firstT->upCast()->done()) {
- firstT = firstT->upCast()->next();
- }
- *startPtr = firstT;
- *endPtr = firstT->upCast()->next();
- return this;
- }
- // sort the edges to find the leftmost
- int step = 1;
- SkOpSpanBase* end;
- if (firstT->final() || firstT->upCast()->done()) {
- step = -1;
- end = firstT->prev();
- SkASSERT(end);
- } else {
- end = firstT->upCast()->next();
- }
- // if the topmost T is not on end, or is three-way or more, find left
- // look for left-ness from tLeft to firstT (matching y of other)
- SkASSERT(firstT != end);
- SkOpAngle* markAngle = spanToAngle(firstT, end);
- if (!markAngle) {
- markAngle = addSingletonAngles(step, allocator);
- }
- if (!markAngle) {
- return NULL;
- }
- if (!markAngle->markStops()) {
- return NULL;
- }
- const SkOpAngle* baseAngle = markAngle->next() == markAngle && !isVertical() ? markAngle
- : markAngle->findFirst();
- if (!baseAngle) {
- return NULL; // nothing to do
- }
- SkScalar top = SK_ScalarMax;
- const SkOpAngle* firstAngle = NULL;
- const SkOpAngle* angle = baseAngle;
- SkDebugf("-%s- baseAngle\n", __FUNCTION__);
- baseAngle->debugLoop();
- do {
- if (!angle->unorderable()) {
- const SkOpSegment* next = angle->segment();
- SkPathOpsBounds bounds;
- next->subDivideBounds(angle->end(), angle->start(), &bounds);
- if (top > bounds.fTop) {
- top = bounds.fTop;
- firstAngle = angle;
- }
- }
- angle = angle->next();
- } while (angle != baseAngle);
- if (!firstAngle) {
- return NULL; // if all are unorderable, give up
- }
- SkDebugf("-%s- firstAngle\n", __FUNCTION__);
- firstAngle->debugLoop();
- // skip edges that have already been processed
- angle = firstAngle;
- SkOpSegment* leftSegment = NULL;
- bool looped = false;
- do {
- *unsortable = angle->unorderable();
- if (firstPass || !*unsortable) {
- leftSegment = angle->segment();
- *startPtr = angle->end();
- *endPtr = angle->start();
- const SkOpSpan* firstSpan = (*startPtr)->starter(*endPtr);
- if (!firstSpan->done()) {
- break;
- }
- }
- angle = angle->next();
- looped = true;
- } while (angle != firstAngle);
- if (angle == firstAngle && looped) {
- return NULL;
- }
- if (leftSegment->verb() >= SkPath::kQuad_Verb) {
- SkOpSpanBase* start = *startPtr;
- SkOpSpanBase* end = *endPtr;
- bool swap;
- bool cw = leftSegment->clockwise(start, end, &swap);
- SkDebugf("%s id=%d s=%1.9g e=%1.9g (%c) cw=%d swap=%d inflections=%d monotonic=%d\n",
- __FUNCTION__, leftSegment->debugID(), start->t(), end->t(),
- start->t() < end->t() ? '-' : '+', cw,
- swap, leftSegment->debugInflections(start, end),
- leftSegment->monotonicInY(start, end));
- if (!cw && swap) {
- // FIXME: I doubt it makes sense to (necessarily) swap if the edge was not the first
- // sorted but merely the first not already processed (i.e., not done)
- SkTSwap(*startPtr, *endPtr);
- }
- // FIXME: clockwise isn't reliable -- try computing swap from tangent ?
- } else {
- SkDebugf("%s id=%d s=%1.9g e=%1.9g (%c) cw=%d swap=%d inflections=%d monotonic=%d\n",
- __FUNCTION__, leftSegment->debugID(), (*startPtr)->t(), (*endPtr)->t(),
- (*startPtr)->t() < (*endPtr)->t() ? '-' : '+', -1, -1, -1, 1);
- }
- return leftSegment;
SkOpGlobalState* SkOpSegment::globalState() const {
return contour()->globalState();
@@ -1169,6 +811,7 @@ void SkOpSegment::init(SkPoint pts[], SkScalar weight, SkOpContour* contour, SkP
fCubicType = SkDCubic::kUnsplit_SkDCubicType;
fCount = 0;
fDoneCount = 0;
+ fTopsFound = false;
fVisited = false;
SkOpSpan* zeroSpan = &fHead;
zeroSpan->init(this, NULL, 0, fPts[0]);
@@ -1178,68 +821,6 @@ void SkOpSegment::init(SkPoint pts[], SkScalar weight, SkOpContour* contour, SkP
SkDEBUGCODE(fID = globalState()->nextSegmentID());
-void SkOpSegment::initWinding(SkOpSpanBase* start, SkOpSpanBase* end,
- SkOpAngle::IncludeType angleIncludeType) {
- int local = SkOpSegment::SpanSign(start, end);
- SkDEBUGCODE(bool success);
- if (angleIncludeType == SkOpAngle::kBinarySingle) {
- int oppLocal = SkOpSegment::OppSign(start, end);
- SkDEBUGCODE(success =) markAndChaseWinding(start, end, local, oppLocal, NULL);
- // OPTIMIZATION: the reverse mark and chase could skip the first marking
- SkDEBUGCODE(success |=) markAndChaseWinding(end, start, local, oppLocal, NULL);
- } else {
- SkDEBUGCODE(success =) markAndChaseWinding(start, end, local, NULL);
- // OPTIMIZATION: the reverse mark and chase could skip the first marking
- SkDEBUGCODE(success |=) markAndChaseWinding(end, start, local, NULL);
- }
- SkASSERT(success);
-when we start with a vertical intersect, we try to use the dx to determine if the edge is to
-the left or the right of vertical. This determines if we need to add the span's
-sign or not. However, this isn't enough.
-If the supplied sign (winding) is zero, then we didn't hit another vertical span, so dx is needed.
-If there was a winding, then it may or may not need adjusting. If the span the winding was borrowed
-from has the same x direction as this span, the winding should change. If the dx is opposite, then
-the same winding is shared by both.
-bool SkOpSegment::initWinding(SkOpSpanBase* start, SkOpSpanBase* end, double tHit,
- int winding, SkScalar hitDx, int oppWind, SkScalar hitOppDx) {
- SkASSERT(this == start->segment());
- SkASSERT(hitDx || !winding);
- SkScalar dx = (*CurveSlopeAtT[fVerb])(fPts, fWeight, tHit).fX;
-// SkASSERT(dx);
- int windVal = start->starter(end)->windValue();
- SkDebugf("%s id=%d oldWinding=%d hitDx=%c dx=%c windVal=%d", __FUNCTION__, debugID(), winding,
- hitDx ? hitDx > 0 ? '+' : '-' : '0', dx > 0 ? '+' : '-', windVal);
- int sideWind = winding + (dx < 0 ? windVal : -windVal);
- if (abs(winding) < abs(sideWind)) {
- winding = sideWind;
- }
- SkDEBUGCODE(int oppLocal = SkOpSegment::OppSign(start, end));
- SkASSERT(hitOppDx || !oppWind || !oppLocal);
- int oppWindVal = start->starter(end)->oppValue();
- if (!oppWind) {
- oppWind = dx < 0 ? oppWindVal : -oppWindVal;
- } else if (hitOppDx * dx >= 0) {
- int oppSideWind = oppWind + (dx < 0 ? oppWindVal : -oppWindVal);
- if (abs(oppWind) < abs(oppSideWind)) {
- oppWind = oppSideWind;
- }
- }
- SkDebugf(" winding=%d oppWind=%d\n", winding, oppWind);
- // if this fails to mark (because the edges are too small) inform caller to try again
- bool success = markAndChaseWinding(start, end, winding, oppWind, NULL);
- // OPTIMIZATION: the reverse mark and chase could skip the first marking
- success |= markAndChaseWinding(end, start, winding, oppWind, NULL);
- return success;
bool SkOpSegment::isClose(double t, const SkOpSegment* opp) const {
SkDPoint cPt = this->dPtAtT(t);
SkDVector dxdy = (*CurveDSlopeAtT[this->verb()])(this->pts(), this->weight(), t);
@@ -1306,8 +887,7 @@ bool SkOpSegment::markAndChaseWinding(SkOpSpanBase* start, SkOpSpanBase* end,
while ((other = other->nextChase(&start, &step, &spanStart, &last))) {
if (spanStart->windSum() != SK_MinS32) {
if (this->operand() == other->operand()) {
- SkASSERT(spanStart->windSum() == winding);
- if (spanStart->oppSum() != oppWinding) {
+ if (spanStart->windSum() != winding || spanStart->oppSum() != oppWinding) {
return false;
@@ -1438,39 +1018,6 @@ static SkOpSegment* set_last(SkOpSpanBase** last, SkOpSpanBase* endSpan) {
return NULL;
-bool SkOpSegment::monotonicInY(const SkOpSpanBase* start, const SkOpSpanBase* end) const {
- SkASSERT(fVerb != SkPath::kLine_Verb);
- if (fVerb == SkPath::kQuad_Verb) {
- SkDQuad dst = SkDQuad::SubDivide(fPts, start->t(), end->t());
- return dst.monotonicInY();
- }
- if (fVerb == SkPath::kConic_Verb) {
- SkDConic dst = SkDConic::SubDivide(fPts, fWeight, start->t(), end->t());
- return dst.monotonicInY();
- }
- SkASSERT(fVerb == SkPath::kCubic_Verb);
- SkDCubic dst = SkDCubic::SubDivide(fPts, start->t(), end->t());
- if (dst.monotonicInY()) {
- return true;
- }
- SkDCubic whole;
- whole.set(fPts);
- return whole.monotonicInY();
-bool SkOpSegment::NextCandidate(SkOpSpanBase* span, SkOpSpanBase** start,
- SkOpSpanBase** end) {
- while (span->final() || span->upCast()->done()) {
- if (span->final()) {
- return false;
- }
- span = span->upCast()->next();
- }
- *start = span;
- *end = span->upCast()->next();
- return true;
SkOpSegment* SkOpSegment::nextChase(SkOpSpanBase** startPtr, int* stepPtr, SkOpSpan** minPtr,
SkOpSpanBase** last) const {
SkOpSpanBase* origStart = *startPtr;
@@ -1499,7 +1046,7 @@ SkOpSegment* SkOpSegment::nextChase(SkOpSpanBase** startPtr, int* stepPtr, SkOpS
return NULL;
- if (angle->sign() != next->sign() && !angle->segment()->contour()->isXor()
+ if (angle->debugSign() != next->debugSign() && !angle->segment()->contour()->isXor()
&& !next->segment()->contour()->isXor()) {
SkDebugf("%s mismatched signs\n", __FUNCTION__);
@@ -1558,7 +1105,7 @@ void SkOpSegment::missingCoincidence(SkOpCoincidence* coincidences, SkChunkAlloc
SkASSERT(ptT->span() == span);
while ((ptT = ptT->next()) != spanStopPtT) {
SkOpSegment* opp = ptT->span()->segment();
- if (opp->setVisited()) {
+ if (!opp->setVisited()) {
if (opp->verb() == SkPath::kLine_Verb) {
@@ -2024,19 +1571,6 @@ bool SkOpSegment::subDivide(const SkOpSpanBase* start, const SkOpSpanBase* end,
return true;
-void SkOpSegment::subDivideBounds(const SkOpSpanBase* start, const SkOpSpanBase* end,
- SkPathOpsBounds* bounds) const {
- SkDCurve edge;
- subDivide(start, end, &edge);
- (edge.*SetBounds[fVerb])(fPts, fWeight, start->t(), end->t(), bounds);
-SkDPoint SkOpSegment::top(const SkOpSpanBase* start, const SkOpSpanBase* end, double* topT) const {
- SkDCurve edge;
- subDivide(start, end, &edge);
- return (edge.*Top[fVerb])(fPts, fWeight, start->t(), end->t(), topT);
void SkOpSegment::undoneSpan(SkOpSpanBase** start, SkOpSpanBase** end) {
SkOpSpan* span = this->head();
do {
@@ -2072,10 +1606,19 @@ int SkOpSegment::updateOppWindingReverse(const SkOpAngle* angle) const {
return updateOppWinding(startSpan, endSpan);
-int SkOpSegment::updateWinding(const SkOpSpanBase* start, const SkOpSpanBase* end) const {
- const SkOpSpan* lesser = start->starter(end);
+int SkOpSegment::updateWinding(SkOpSpanBase* start, SkOpSpanBase* end) {
+ SkOpSpan* lesser = start->starter(end);
int winding = lesser->windSum();
if (winding == SK_MinS32) {
+ SkOpGlobalState* globals = this->globalState();
+ SkOpContour* contourHead = globals->contourHead();
+ int windTry = 0;
+ while (!lesser->sortableTop(contourHead) && ++windTry < SkOpGlobalState::kMaxWindingTries) {
+ ;
+ }
+ winding = lesser->windSum();
+ }
+ if (winding == SK_MinS32) {
return winding;
int spanWinding = SkOpSegment::SpanSign(start, end);
@@ -2086,15 +1629,15 @@ int SkOpSegment::updateWinding(const SkOpSpanBase* start, const SkOpSpanBase* en
return winding;
-int SkOpSegment::updateWinding(const SkOpAngle* angle) const {
- const SkOpSpanBase* startSpan = angle->start();
- const SkOpSpanBase* endSpan = angle->end();
+int SkOpSegment::updateWinding(SkOpAngle* angle) {
+ SkOpSpanBase* startSpan = angle->start();
+ SkOpSpanBase* endSpan = angle->end();
return updateWinding(endSpan, startSpan);
-int SkOpSegment::updateWindingReverse(const SkOpAngle* angle) const {
- const SkOpSpanBase* startSpan = angle->start();
- const SkOpSpanBase* endSpan = angle->end();
+int SkOpSegment::updateWindingReverse(const SkOpAngle* angle) {
+ SkOpSpanBase* startSpan = angle->start();
+ SkOpSpanBase* endSpan = angle->end();
return updateWinding(startSpan, endSpan);
@@ -2110,41 +1653,6 @@ bool SkOpSegment::UseInnerWinding(int outerWinding, int innerWinding) {
return result;
-int SkOpSegment::windingAtT(double tHit, const SkOpSpan* span, bool crossOpp,
- SkScalar* dx) const {
- if (approximately_zero(tHit - span->t())) { // if we hit the end of a span, disregard
- return SK_MinS32;
- }
- int winding = crossOpp ? span->oppSum() : span->windSum();
- SkASSERT(winding != SK_MinS32);
- int windVal = crossOpp ? span->oppValue() : span->windValue();
- SkDebugf("%s id=%d opp=%d tHit=%1.9g t=%1.9g oldWinding=%d windValue=%d", __FUNCTION__,
- debugID(), crossOpp, tHit, span->t(), winding, windVal);
- // see if a + change in T results in a +/- change in X (compute x'(T))
- *dx = (*CurveSlopeAtT[fVerb])(fPts, fWeight, tHit).fX;
- if (fVerb > SkPath::kLine_Verb && approximately_zero(*dx)) {
- *dx = fPts[2].fX - fPts[1].fX - *dx;
- }
- if (*dx == 0) {
- SkDebugf(" dx=0 winding=SK_MinS32\n");
- return SK_MinS32;
- }
- if (windVal < 0) { // reverse sign if opp contour traveled in reverse
- *dx = -*dx;
- }
- if (winding * *dx > 0) { // if same signs, result is negative
- winding += *dx > 0 ? -windVal : windVal;
- }
- SkDebugf(" dx=%c winding=%d\n", *dx > 0 ? '+' : '-', winding);
- return winding;
int SkOpSegment::windSum(const SkOpAngle* angle) const {
const SkOpSpan* minSpan = angle->start()->starter(angle->end());
return minSpan->windSum();