path: root/src/gpu/gl/win
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gpu/gl/win')
2 files changed, 343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gpu/gl/win/GrGLCreateNativeInterface_win.cpp b/src/gpu/gl/win/GrGLCreateNativeInterface_win.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f050a6f038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gpu/gl/win/GrGLCreateNativeInterface_win.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+ * Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file.
+ */
+#include "gl/GrGLInterface.h"
+#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#include <Windows.h>
+#include <GL/GL.h>
+ * Windows makes the GL funcs all be __stdcall instead of __cdecl :(
+ * This implementation will only work if GR_GL_FUNCTION_TYPE is __stdcall.
+ * Otherwise, a springboard would be needed that hides the calling convention.
+ */
+#define GR_GL_GET_PROC(F) interface->f ## F = (GrGL ## F ## Proc) wglGetProcAddress("gl" #F);
+#define GR_GL_GET_PROC_SUFFIX(F, S) interface->f ## F = (GrGL ## F ## Proc) wglGetProcAddress("gl" #F #S);
+const GrGLInterface* GrGLCreateNativeInterface() {
+ // wglGetProcAddress requires a context.
+ // GL Function pointers retrieved in one context may not be valid in another
+ // context. For that reason we create a new GrGLInterface each time we're
+ // called.
+ if (NULL != wglGetCurrentContext()) {
+ const char* versionString = (const char*) glGetString(GL_VERSION);
+ const char* extString = (const char*) glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);
+ GrGLVersion glVer = GrGLGetVersionFromString(versionString);
+ if (glVer < GR_GL_VER(1,5)) {
+ // We must have array and element_array buffer objects.
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ GrGLInterface* interface = new GrGLInterface();
+ // Functions that are part of GL 1.1 will return NULL in
+ // wglGetProcAddress
+ interface->fBindTexture = glBindTexture;
+ interface->fBlendFunc = glBlendFunc;
+ interface->fClear = glClear;
+ interface->fClearColor = glClearColor;
+ interface->fClearStencil = glClearStencil;
+ interface->fColorMask = glColorMask;
+ interface->fColorPointer = glColorPointer;
+ interface->fCullFace = glCullFace;
+ interface->fDeleteTextures = glDeleteTextures;
+ interface->fDepthMask = glDepthMask;
+ interface->fDisable = glDisable;
+ interface->fDrawArrays = glDrawArrays;
+ interface->fDrawElements = glDrawElements;
+ interface->fDrawBuffer = glDrawBuffer;
+ interface->fEnable = glEnable;
+ interface->fFrontFace = glFrontFace;
+ interface->fFinish = glFinish;
+ interface->fFlush = glFlush;
+ interface->fGenTextures = glGenTextures;
+ interface->fGetError = glGetError;
+ interface->fGetIntegerv = glGetIntegerv;
+ interface->fGetString = glGetString;
+ interface->fGetTexLevelParameteriv = glGetTexLevelParameteriv;
+ interface->fLineWidth = glLineWidth;
+ interface->fPixelStorei = glPixelStorei;
+ interface->fReadBuffer = glReadBuffer;
+ interface->fReadPixels = glReadPixels;
+ interface->fScissor = glScissor;
+ interface->fStencilFunc = glStencilFunc;
+ interface->fStencilMask = glStencilMask;
+ interface->fStencilOp = glStencilOp;
+ interface->fTexImage2D = glTexImage2D;
+ interface->fTexParameteri = glTexParameteri;
+ if (glVer >= GR_GL_VER(4,2) ||
+ GrGLHasExtensionFromString("GL_ARB_texture_storage", extString)) {
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(TexStorage2D);
+ } else if (GrGLHasExtensionFromString("GL_EXT_texture_storage", extString)) {
+ }
+ interface->fTexSubImage2D = glTexSubImage2D;
+ interface->fViewport = glViewport;
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(ActiveTexture);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(AttachShader);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(BeginQuery);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(BindAttribLocation);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(BindBuffer);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(BindFragDataLocation);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(BlendColor);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(BufferData);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(BufferSubData);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(CompileShader);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(CompressedTexImage2D);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(CreateProgram);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(CreateShader);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(DeleteBuffers);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(DeleteQueries);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(DeleteProgram);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(DeleteShader);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(DisableVertexAttribArray);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(DrawBuffers);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(EnableVertexAttribArray);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(EndQuery);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(GenBuffers);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(GenQueries);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(GetBufferParameteriv);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(GetQueryiv);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(GetQueryObjectiv);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(GetQueryObjectuiv);
+ if (glVer > GR_GL_VER(3,3) ||
+ GrGLHasExtensionFromString("GL_ARB_timer_query", extString)) {
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(GetQueryObjecti64v);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(GetQueryObjectui64v);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(QueryCounter);
+ } else if (GrGLHasExtensionFromString("GL_EXT_timer_query", extString)) {
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC_SUFFIX(GetQueryObjecti64v, EXT);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC_SUFFIX(GetQueryObjectui64v, EXT);
+ }
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(GetProgramInfoLog);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(GetProgramiv);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(GetShaderInfoLog);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(GetShaderiv);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(GetUniformLocation);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(LinkProgram);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(ShaderSource);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(StencilFuncSeparate);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(StencilMaskSeparate);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(StencilOpSeparate);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(Uniform1f);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(Uniform1i);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(Uniform1fv);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(Uniform1iv);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(Uniform2f);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(Uniform2i);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(Uniform2fv);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(Uniform2iv);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(Uniform3f);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(Uniform3i);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(Uniform3fv);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(Uniform3iv);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(Uniform4f);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(Uniform4i);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(Uniform4fv);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(Uniform4iv);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(UniformMatrix2fv);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(UniformMatrix3fv);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(UniformMatrix4fv);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(UseProgram);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(VertexAttrib4fv);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(VertexAttribPointer);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(BindFragDataLocationIndexed);
+ // First look for GL3.0 FBO or GL_ARB_framebuffer_object (same since
+ // GL_ARB_framebuffer_object doesn't use ARB suffix.)
+ if (glVer > GR_GL_VER(3,0) ||
+ GrGLHasExtensionFromString("GL_ARB_framebuffer_object", extString)) {
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(GenFramebuffers);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(GetRenderbufferParameteriv);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(BindFramebuffer);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(FramebufferTexture2D);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(CheckFramebufferStatus);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(DeleteFramebuffers);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(RenderbufferStorage);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(GenRenderbuffers);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(DeleteRenderbuffers);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(FramebufferRenderbuffer);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(BindRenderbuffer);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(RenderbufferStorageMultisample);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(BlitFramebuffer);
+ } else if (GrGLHasExtensionFromString("GL_EXT_framebuffer_object",
+ extString)) {
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC_SUFFIX(GenFramebuffers, EXT);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC_SUFFIX(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv, EXT);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC_SUFFIX(GetRenderbufferParameteriv, EXT);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC_SUFFIX(BindFramebuffer, EXT);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC_SUFFIX(FramebufferTexture2D, EXT);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC_SUFFIX(CheckFramebufferStatus, EXT);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC_SUFFIX(DeleteFramebuffers, EXT);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC_SUFFIX(RenderbufferStorage, EXT);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC_SUFFIX(GenRenderbuffers, EXT);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC_SUFFIX(DeleteRenderbuffers, EXT);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC_SUFFIX(FramebufferRenderbuffer, EXT);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC_SUFFIX(BindRenderbuffer, EXT);
+ if (GrGLHasExtensionFromString("GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample", extString)) {
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC_SUFFIX(RenderbufferStorageMultisample, EXT);
+ }
+ if (GrGLHasExtensionFromString("GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit", extString)) {
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC_SUFFIX(BlitFramebuffer, EXT);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // we must have FBOs
+ delete interface;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(MapBuffer);
+ GR_GL_GET_PROC(UnmapBuffer);
+ interface->fBindingsExported = kDesktop_GrGLBinding;
+ return interface;
+ } else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
diff --git a/src/gpu/gl/win/SkNativeGLContext_win.cpp b/src/gpu/gl/win/SkNativeGLContext_win.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9650bc1199
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gpu/gl/win/SkNativeGLContext_win.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+ * Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file.
+ */
+#include "gl/SkNativeGLContext.h"
+#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#include <Windows.h>
+SkNativeGLContext::AutoContextRestore::AutoContextRestore() {
+ fOldHGLRC = wglGetCurrentContext();
+ fOldHDC = wglGetCurrentDC();
+SkNativeGLContext::AutoContextRestore::~AutoContextRestore() {
+ wglMakeCurrent(fOldHDC, fOldHGLRC);
+ATOM SkNativeGLContext::gWC = 0;
+ : fWindow(NULL)
+ , fDeviceContext(NULL)
+ , fGlRenderContext(0) {
+SkNativeGLContext::~SkNativeGLContext() {
+ this->destroyGLContext();
+void SkNativeGLContext::destroyGLContext() {
+ if (fGlRenderContext) {
+ wglDeleteContext(fGlRenderContext);
+ }
+ if (fWindow && fDeviceContext) {
+ ReleaseDC(fWindow, fDeviceContext);
+ }
+ if (fWindow) {
+ DestroyWindow(fWindow);
+ }
+const GrGLInterface* SkNativeGLContext::createGLContext() {
+ HINSTANCE hInstance = (HINSTANCE)GetModuleHandle(NULL);
+ if (!gWC) {
+ wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
+ wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
+ wc.hbrBackground = NULL;
+ wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
+ wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
+ wc.hInstance = hInstance;
+ wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC) DefWindowProc;
+ wc.lpszClassName = TEXT("Griffin");
+ wc.lpszMenuName = NULL;
+ gWC = RegisterClass(&wc);
+ if (!gWC) {
+ SkDebugf("Could not register window class.\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!(fWindow = CreateWindow(TEXT("Griffin"),
+ TEXT("The Invisible Man"),
+ 0, 0, 1, 1,
+ hInstance, NULL))) {
+ SkDebugf("Could not create window.\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!(fDeviceContext = GetDC(fWindow))) {
+ SkDebugf("Could not get device context.\n");
+ this->destroyGLContext();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ZeroMemory(&pfd, sizeof(pfd));
+ pfd.nSize = sizeof(pfd);
+ pfd.nVersion = 1;
+ pfd.dwFlags = PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL;
+ pfd.iPixelType = PFD_TYPE_RGBA;
+ pfd.cColorBits = 32;
+ pfd.cDepthBits = 0;
+ pfd.cStencilBits = 0;
+ pfd.iLayerType = PFD_MAIN_PLANE;
+ int pixelFormat = 0;
+ if (!(pixelFormat = ChoosePixelFormat(fDeviceContext, &pfd))) {
+ SkDebugf("No matching pixel format descriptor.\n");
+ this->destroyGLContext();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!SetPixelFormat(fDeviceContext, pixelFormat, &pfd)) {
+ SkDebugf("Could not set the pixel format %d.\n", pixelFormat);
+ this->destroyGLContext();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!(fGlRenderContext = wglCreateContext(fDeviceContext))) {
+ SkDebugf("Could not create rendering context.\n");
+ this->destroyGLContext();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!(wglMakeCurrent(fDeviceContext, fGlRenderContext))) {
+ SkDebugf("Could not set the context.\n");
+ this->destroyGLContext();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ const GrGLInterface* interface = GrGLCreateNativeInterface();
+ if (NULL == interface) {
+ SkDebugf("Could not create GL interface.\n");
+ this->destroyGLContext();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return interface;
+void SkNativeGLContext::makeCurrent() const {
+ if (!wglMakeCurrent(fDeviceContext, fGlRenderContext)) {
+ SkDebugf("Could not create rendering context.\n");
+ }