path: root/src/core/SkConvolver.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/core/SkConvolver.h')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/SkConvolver.h b/src/core/SkConvolver.h
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index 0000000000..a2758e57a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/SkConvolver.h
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+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "SkSize.h"
+#include "SkTypes.h"
+#include "SkTArray.h"
+// avoid confusion with Mac OS X's math library (Carbon)
+#if defined(__APPLE__)
+#undef FloatToConvolutionFixed
+#undef ConvolutionFixedToFloat
+// Represents a filter in one dimension. Each output pixel has one entry in this
+// object for the filter values contributing to it. You build up the filter
+// list by calling AddFilter for each output pixel (in order).
+// We do 2-dimensional convolution by first convolving each row by one
+// SkConvolutionFilter1D, then convolving each column by another one.
+// Entries are stored in ConvolutionFixed point, shifted left by kShiftBits.
+class SkConvolutionFilter1D {
+ typedef short ConvolutionFixed;
+ // The number of bits that ConvolutionFixed point values are shifted by.
+ enum { kShiftBits = 14 };
+ SK_API SkConvolutionFilter1D();
+ SK_API ~SkConvolutionFilter1D();
+ // Convert between floating point and our ConvolutionFixed point representation.
+ static ConvolutionFixed FloatToFixed(float f) {
+ return static_cast<ConvolutionFixed>(f * (1 << kShiftBits));
+ }
+ static unsigned char FixedToChar(ConvolutionFixed x) {
+ return static_cast<unsigned char>(x >> kShiftBits);
+ }
+ static float FixedToFloat(ConvolutionFixed x) {
+ // The cast relies on ConvolutionFixed being a short, implying that on
+ // the platforms we care about all (16) bits will fit into
+ // the mantissa of a (32-bit) float.
+ SK_COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(ConvolutionFixed) == 2, ConvolutionFixed_type_should_fit_in_float_mantissa);
+ float raw = static_cast<float>(x);
+ return ldexpf(raw, -kShiftBits);
+ }
+ // Returns the maximum pixel span of a filter.
+ int maxFilter() const { return fMaxFilter; }
+ // Returns the number of filters in this filter. This is the dimension of the
+ // output image.
+ int numValues() const { return static_cast<int>(fFilters.count()); }
+ // Appends the given list of scaling values for generating a given output
+ // pixel. |filterOffset| is the distance from the edge of the image to where
+ // the scaling factors start. The scaling factors apply to the source pixels
+ // starting from this position, and going for the next |filterLength| pixels.
+ //
+ // You will probably want to make sure your input is normalized (that is,
+ // all entries in |filterValuesg| sub to one) to prevent affecting the overall
+ // brighness of the image.
+ //
+ // The filterLength must be > 0.
+ //
+ // This version will automatically convert your input to ConvolutionFixed point.
+ SK_API void AddFilter(int filterOffset,
+ const float* filterValues,
+ int filterLength);
+ // Same as the above version, but the input is already ConvolutionFixed point.
+ void AddFilter(int filterOffset,
+ const ConvolutionFixed* filterValues,
+ int filterLength);
+ // Retrieves a filter for the given |valueOffset|, a position in the output
+ // image in the direction we're convolving. The offset and length of the
+ // filter values are put into the corresponding out arguments (see AddFilter
+ // above for what these mean), and a pointer to the first scaling factor is
+ // returned. There will be |filterLength| values in this array.
+ inline const ConvolutionFixed* FilterForValue(int valueOffset,
+ int* filterOffset,
+ int* filterLength) const {
+ const FilterInstance& filter = fFilters[valueOffset];
+ *filterOffset = filter.fOffset;
+ *filterLength = filter.fTrimmedLength;
+ if (filter.fTrimmedLength == 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return &fFilterValues[filter.fDataLocation];
+ }
+ // Retrieves the filter for the offset 0, presumed to be the one and only.
+ // The offset and length of the filter values are put into the corresponding
+ // out arguments (see AddFilter). Note that |filterLegth| and
+ // |specifiedFilterLength| may be different if leading/trailing zeros of the
+ // original floating point form were clipped.
+ // There will be |filterLength| values in the return array.
+ // Returns NULL if the filter is 0-length (for instance when all floating
+ // point values passed to AddFilter were clipped to 0).
+ SK_API const ConvolutionFixed* GetSingleFilter(int* specifiedFilterLength,
+ int* filterOffset,
+ int* filterLength) const;
+ // Add another value to the fFilterValues array -- useful for
+ // SIMD padding which happens outside of this class.
+ void addFilterValue( ConvolutionFixed val ) {
+ fFilterValues.push_back( val );
+ }
+ struct FilterInstance {
+ // Offset within filterValues for this instance of the filter.
+ int fDataLocation;
+ // Distance from the left of the filter to the center. IN PIXELS
+ int fOffset;
+ // Number of values in this filter instance.
+ int fTrimmedLength;
+ // Filter length as specified. Note that this may be different from
+ // 'trimmed_length' if leading/trailing zeros of the original floating
+ // point form were clipped differently on each tail.
+ int fLength;
+ };
+ // Stores the information for each filter added to this class.
+ SkTArray<FilterInstance> fFilters;
+ // We store all the filter values in this flat list, indexed by
+ // |FilterInstance.data_location| to avoid the mallocs required for storing
+ // each one separately.
+ SkTArray<ConvolutionFixed> fFilterValues;
+ // The maximum size of any filter we've added.
+ int fMaxFilter;
+typedef void (*SkConvolveVertically_pointer)(
+ const SkConvolutionFilter1D::ConvolutionFixed* filterValues,
+ int filterLength,
+ unsigned char* const* sourceDataRows,
+ int pixelWidth,
+ unsigned char* outRow,
+ bool hasAlpha);
+typedef void (*SkConvolve4RowsHorizontally_pointer)(
+ const unsigned char* srcData[4],
+ const SkConvolutionFilter1D& filter,
+ unsigned char* outRow[4]);
+typedef void (*SkConvolveHorizontally_pointer)(
+ const unsigned char* srcData,
+ const SkConvolutionFilter1D& filter,
+ unsigned char* outRow,
+ bool hasAlpha);
+typedef void (*SkConvolveFilterPadding_pointer)(
+ SkConvolutionFilter1D* filter);
+struct SkConvolutionProcs {
+ // This is how many extra pixels may be read by the
+ // conolve*horizontally functions.
+ int fExtraHorizontalReads;
+ SkConvolveVertically_pointer fConvolveVertically;
+ SkConvolve4RowsHorizontally_pointer fConvolve4RowsHorizontally;
+ SkConvolveHorizontally_pointer fConvolveHorizontally;
+ SkConvolveFilterPadding_pointer fApplySIMDPadding;
+// Does a two-dimensional convolution on the given source image.
+// It is assumed the source pixel offsets referenced in the input filters
+// reference only valid pixels, so the source image size is not required. Each
+// row of the source image starts |sourceByteRowStride| after the previous
+// one (this allows you to have rows with some padding at the end).
+// The result will be put into the given output buffer. The destination image
+// size will be xfilter.numValues() * yfilter.numValues() pixels. It will be
+// in rows of exactly xfilter.numValues() * 4 bytes.
+// |sourceHasAlpha| is a hint that allows us to avoid doing computations on
+// the alpha channel if the image is opaque. If you don't know, set this to
+// true and it will work properly, but setting this to false will be a few
+// percent faster if you know the image is opaque.
+// The layout in memory is assumed to be 4-bytes per pixel in B-G-R-A order
+// (this is ARGB when loaded into 32-bit words on a little-endian machine).
+SK_API void BGRAConvolve2D(const unsigned char* sourceData,
+ int sourceByteRowStride,
+ bool sourceHasAlpha,
+ const SkConvolutionFilter1D& xfilter,
+ const SkConvolutionFilter1D& yfilter,
+ int outputByteRowStride,
+ unsigned char* output,
+ SkConvolutionProcs* convolveProcs,
+ bool useSimdIfPossible);
+#endif // SK_CONVOLVER_H