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diff --git a/site/dev/contrib/jumper.md b/site/dev/contrib/jumper.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/dev/contrib/jumper.md
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+Contributing to SkJumper
+SkJumper is the execution engine of SkRasterPipeline, a system we've been using
+to accelerate CPU-bound work inside Skia, most notably color-space conversions
+and color-correct drawing.
+(This is where I'd put my link to design document if I had one...)
+SkJumper is more annoying to contribute to than most Skia code because of its
+offline compilation step. You'll need particular tools installed on your
+machine and to tell GN about them. This document is designed to guide you
+through this process and ease some of that annoyance.
+One-time Setup
+To generate stage code you need Clang 5.0, objdump, and ccache. It's best that
+Clang is exactly the same version we typically use (as of writing 5.0.0) and
+you'll need objdump to be compiled with support for x86-64, ARMv7, and ARMv8.
+The easiest way to satisfy these contraints is to get your hands on a Mac and
+install Xcode, Xcode command line tools, and [Homebrew](https://brew.sh). Once
+you have `brew` installed, run these commands to get the tools you need:
+<!--?prettify lang=sh?-->
+ ls -d /usr/include >/dev/null || xcode-select --install
+ brew install llvm binutils ccache
+Setting up GN
+With your tools installed, tell GN about them
+ skia_jumper_clang = path/to/clang-5.0
+ skia_jumper_objdump = path/to/gobjdump
+ skia_jumper_ccache = path/to/ccache
+then regenerate and build as normal.
+If you look in your GN out directory, you should now see a bunch of `.o` files,
+and `git status` should show no changes to `src/jumper/SkJumper_generated*.S`.
+That's good. Those object files are the intermediates we parse to produce
+the assembly files. We just leave them around in case you want to look at
+them yourself.
+Make A Change
+Let's use the `from_srgb` stage as a little playground to make a real change.
+Linearizing sRGB encoded bytes is slow, so let's pretend we've decided to trade
+quality for speed, approximating the existing implementation with a simple square.
+Open up `SkJumper_stages.cpp` and find the `from_srgb` stage. It'll look like
+<!--?prettify lang=cc?-->
+ STAGE(from_srgb) {
+ r = from_srgb(r);
+ g = from_srgb(g);
+ b = from_srgb(b);
+ }
+Let's replace whatever's there with our fast approximation:
+<!--?prettify lang=cc?-->
+ STAGE(from_srgb) {
+ r *= r;
+ g *= g;
+ b *= b;
+ }
+When you save and re-Ninja, you should now see changes to
+`src/jumper/SkJumper_generated.S` and `src/jumper/SkJumper_generated_win.S`.
+If you can't read assembly, no big deal. If you can, run `git diff`. You
+should see the various `sk_from_srgb_*` functions get dramatically simpler,
+something like three multiplies and a couple other bookkeeping instructions.
+It's not unusual for isolated changes in one stage to cause seemingly unrelated
+changes in another. When adding or removing any code you'll usually see all
+the comments in branch instructions change a little bit, but the actual
+instruction on the left won't change. When adding or removing uses of
+constants, you'll often see both the comment and instruction on the left change
+for other loads of constants from memory, especially on x86-64. You'll also
+see some code that looks like garbage change; those are the constants. If
+any of this worries you, please do go running to someone who knows more for
+help, but odds are everything is fine.
+At this point things should just be business as usual. Any time you change
+`SkJumper_stages.cpp`, Ninja ought to notice and regenerate the assembly files.
+Adding a new Stage
+Adding a new stage is a lot like changing an existing stage. Edit
+`SkJumper_stages.cpp`, build Skia, test, repeat until correct.
+You'll just need to also edit `SkRasterPipeline.h` to add your new stage to the
+macro listing all the stages. The stage name is the handle normal Skia code
+uses to refer to the stage abstractly, and the wiring between
+`SkRasterPipeline::foo` and `STAGE(foo) { ... }` should work automatically.