path: root/modules/skjson/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/skjson/src')
2 files changed, 362 insertions, 246 deletions
diff --git a/modules/skjson/src/SkJSON.cpp b/modules/skjson/src/SkJSON.cpp
index 05bf04d8f0..8af85ba695 100644
--- a/modules/skjson/src/SkJSON.cpp
+++ b/modules/skjson/src/SkJSON.cpp
@@ -18,130 +18,356 @@ namespace skjson {
+namespace {
+ Value's impl side:
+ -- fixed 64-bit size
+ -- 8-byte aligned
+ -- union of:
+ bool
+ int32
+ float
+ char[8] (short string storage)
+ external payload pointer
+ -- highest 3 bits reserved for type storage
+ */
static_assert( sizeof(Value) == 8, "");
static_assert(alignof(Value) == 8, "");
static constexpr size_t kRecAlign = alignof(Value);
-void Value::init_tagged(Tag t) {
- memset(fData8, 0, sizeof(fData8));
- fData8[Value::kTagOffset] = SkTo<uint8_t>(t);
- SkASSERT(this->getTag() == t);
+// The current record layout assumes LE and will take some tweaking for BE.
+#if defined(SK_CPU_BENDIAN)
+static_assert(false, "Big-endian builds are not supported.");
+class ValueRec : public Value {
+ static constexpr uint64_t kTypeBits = 3,
+ kTypeShift = 64 - kTypeBits,
+ kTypeMask = ((1ULL << kTypeBits) - 1) << kTypeShift;
+ enum RecType : uint64_t {
+ // We picked kShortString == 0 so that tag 0b000 and stored max_size-size (7-7=0)
+ // conveniently overlap the '\0' terminator, allowing us to store a 7 character
+ // C string inline.
+ kShortString = 0b000ULL << kTypeShift, // inline payload
+ kNull = 0b001ULL << kTypeShift, // no payload
+ kBool = 0b010ULL << kTypeShift, // inline payload
+ kInt = 0b011ULL << kTypeShift, // inline payload
+ kFloat = 0b100ULL << kTypeShift, // inline payload
+ kString = 0b101ULL << kTypeShift, // ptr to external storage
+ kArray = 0b110ULL << kTypeShift, // ptr to external storage
+ kObject = 0b111ULL << kTypeShift, // ptr to external storage
+ };
-// Pointer values store a type (in the upper kTagBits bits) and a pointer.
-void Value::init_tagged_pointer(Tag t, void* p) {
- *this->cast<uintptr_t>() = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(p);
+ RecType getRecType() const {
+ return static_cast<RecType>(*this->cast<uint64_t>() & kTypeMask);
+ }
- if (sizeof(Value) == sizeof(uintptr_t)) {
- // For 64-bit, we rely on the pointer upper bits being unused/zero.
- SkASSERT(!(fData8[kTagOffset] & kTagMask));
- fData8[kTagOffset] |= SkTo<uint8_t>(t);
- } else {
- // For 32-bit, we need to zero-initialize the upper 32 bits
- SkASSERT(sizeof(Value) == sizeof(uintptr_t) * 2);
- this->cast<uintptr_t>()[kTagOffset >> 2] = 0;
- fData8[kTagOffset] = SkTo<uint8_t>(t);
+ // Access the record data as T.
+ //
+ // This is also used to access the payload for inline records. Since the record type lives in
+ // the high bits, sizeof(T) must be less than sizeof(Value) when accessing inline payloads.
+ //
+ // E.g.
+ //
+ // uint8_t
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // | val8 | val8 | val8 | val8 | val8 | val8 | val8 | TYPE|
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ // uint32_t
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // | val32 | unused | TYPE|
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ // T* (64b)
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // | T* (kTypeShift bits) |TYPE|
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //
+ template <typename T>
+ const T* cast() const {
+ static_assert(sizeof (T) <= sizeof(ValueRec), "");
+ static_assert(alignof(T) <= alignof(ValueRec), "");
+ return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(this);
- SkASSERT(this->getTag() == t);
- SkASSERT(this->ptr<void>() == p);
+ template <typename T>
+ T* cast() { return const_cast<T*>(const_cast<const ValueRec*>(this)->cast<T>()); }
-NullValue::NullValue() {
- this->init_tagged(Tag::kNull);
- SkASSERT(this->getTag() == Tag::kNull);
+ // Access the pointer payload.
+ template <typename T>
+ const T* ptr() const {
+ static_assert(sizeof(uintptr_t) == sizeof(Value) ||
+ sizeof(uintptr_t) * 2 == sizeof(Value), "");
+ return (sizeof(uintptr_t) < sizeof(Value))
+ // For 32-bit, pointers are stored unmodified.
+ ? *this->cast<const T*>()
+ // For 64-bit, we use the high bits of the pointer as type storage.
+ : reinterpret_cast<T*>(*this->cast<uintptr_t>() & ~kTypeMask);
+ }
+ // Type-bound recs only store their type.
+ static ValueRec MakeTypeBound(RecType t) {
+ ValueRec v;
+ *v.cast<uint64_t>() = t;
+ SkASSERT(v.getRecType() == t);
+ return v;
+ }
+ // Primitive recs store a type and inline primitive payload.
+ template <typename T>
+ static ValueRec MakePrimitive(RecType t, T src) {
+ ValueRec v = MakeTypeBound(t);
+ *v.cast<T>() = src;
+ SkASSERT(v.getRecType() == t);
+ return v;
+ }
+ // Pointer recs store a type (in the upper kTypeBits bits) and a pointer.
+ template <typename T>
+ static ValueRec MakePtr(RecType t, const T* p) {
+ SkASSERT((t & kTypeMask) == t);
+ if (sizeof(uintptr_t) == sizeof(Value)) {
+ // For 64-bit, we rely on the pointer hi bits being unused.
+ SkASSERT(!(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(p) & kTypeMask));
+ }
+ ValueRec v = MakeTypeBound(t);
+ *v.cast<uintptr_t>() |= reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(p);
+ SkASSERT(v.getRecType() == t);
+ SkASSERT(v.ptr<T>() == p);
+ return v;
+ }
+ // Vector recs point to externally allocated slabs with the following layout:
+ //
+ // [size_t n] [REC_0] ... [REC_n-1] [optional extra trailing storage]
+ //
+ // Long strings use extra_alloc_size == 1 to store the \0 terminator.
+ template <typename T, size_t extra_alloc_size = 0>
+ static ValueRec MakeVector(RecType t, const T* src, size_t size, SkArenaAlloc& alloc) {
+ // For zero-size arrays, we just store a nullptr.
+ size_t* size_ptr = nullptr;
+ if (size) {
+ // The Ts are already in memory, so their size should be safeish.
+ const auto total_size = sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(T) * size + extra_alloc_size;
+ size_ptr = reinterpret_cast<size_t*>(alloc.makeBytesAlignedTo(total_size, kRecAlign));
+ auto* data_ptr = reinterpret_cast<T*>(size_ptr + 1);
+ *size_ptr = size;
+ memcpy(data_ptr, src, sizeof(T) * size);
+ }
+ return MakePtr(t, size_ptr);
+ }
+ size_t vectorSize(RecType t) const {
+ if (this->is<NullValue>()) return 0;
+ SkASSERT(this->getRecType() == t);
+ const auto* size_ptr = this->ptr<const size_t>();
+ return size_ptr ? *size_ptr : 0;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ const T* vectorBegin(RecType t) const {
+ if (this->is<NullValue>()) return nullptr;
+ SkASSERT(this->getRecType() == t);
+ const auto* size_ptr = this->ptr<const size_t>();
+ return size_ptr ? reinterpret_cast<const T*>(size_ptr + 1) : nullptr;
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ const T* vectorEnd(RecType t) const {
+ if (this->is<NullValue>()) return nullptr;
+ SkASSERT(this->getRecType() == t);
+ const auto* size_ptr = this->ptr<const size_t>();
+ return size_ptr ? reinterpret_cast<const T*>(size_ptr + 1) + *size_ptr : nullptr;
+ }
+ // Strings have two flavors:
+ //
+ // -- short strings (len <= 7) -> these are stored inline, in the record
+ // (one byte reserved for null terminator/type):
+ //
+ // [str] [\0]|[max_len - actual_len]
+ //
+ // Storing [max_len - actual_len] allows the 'len' field to double-up as a
+ // null terminator when size == max_len (this works 'cause kShortString == 0).
+ //
+ // -- long strings (len > 7) -> these are externally allocated vectors (VectorRec<char>).
+ //
+ // The string data plus a null-char terminator are copied over.
+ static constexpr size_t kMaxInlineStringSize = sizeof(Value) - 1;
+ static ValueRec MakeString(const char* src, size_t size, SkArenaAlloc& alloc) {
+ ValueRec v;
+ if (size > kMaxInlineStringSize) {
+ v = MakeVector<char, 1>(kString, src, size, alloc);
+ const_cast<char *>(v.vectorBegin<char>(ValueRec::kString))[size] = '\0';
+ } else {
+ v = MakeTypeBound(kShortString);
+ auto* payload = v.cast<char>();
+ memcpy(payload, src, size);
+ payload[size] = '\0';
+ const auto len_tag = SkTo<char>(kMaxInlineStringSize - size);
+ // This technically overwrites the type hi bits, but is safe because
+ // 1) kShortString == 0
+ // 2) 0 <= len_tag <= 7
+ static_assert(kShortString == 0, "please don't break this");
+ payload[kMaxInlineStringSize] = len_tag;
+ SkASSERT(v.getRecType() == kShortString);
+ }
+ return v;
+ }
-BoolValue::BoolValue(bool b) {
- this->init_tagged(Tag::kBool);
- *this->cast<bool>() = b;
- SkASSERT(this->getTag() == Tag::kBool);
+ size_t stringSize() const {
+ if (this->getRecType() == ValueRec::kShortString) {
+ const auto* payload = this->cast<char>();
+ return kMaxInlineStringSize - SkToSizeT(payload[kMaxInlineStringSize]);
+ }
+ return this->vectorSize(ValueRec::kString);
+ }
+ const char* stringBegin() const {
+ if (this->getRecType() == ValueRec::kShortString) {
+ return this->cast<char>();
+ }
+ return this->vectorBegin<char>(ValueRec::kString);
+ }
+ const char* stringEnd() const {
+ if (this->getRecType() == ValueRec::kShortString) {
+ const auto* payload = this->cast<char>();
+ return payload + kMaxInlineStringSize - SkToSizeT(payload[kMaxInlineStringSize]);
+ }
+ return this->vectorEnd<char>(ValueRec::kString);
+ }
+} // namespace
+// Boring public Value glue.
+const Value& Value::Null() {
+ static const Value g_null = ValueRec::MakeTypeBound(ValueRec::kNull);
+ return g_null;
-NumberValue::NumberValue(int32_t i) {
- this->init_tagged(Tag::kInt);
- *this->cast<int32_t>() = i;
- SkASSERT(this->getTag() == Tag::kInt);
+const Member& Member::Null() {
+ static const Member g_null = { Value::Null().as<StringValue>(), Value::Null() };
+ return g_null;
-NumberValue::NumberValue(float f) {
- this->init_tagged(Tag::kFloat);
- *this->cast<float>() = f;
- SkASSERT(this->getTag() == Tag::kFloat);
+Value::Type Value::getType() const {
+ static constexpr Value::Type kTypeMap[] = {
+ Value::Type::kString, // kShortString
+ Value::Type::kNull, // kNull
+ Value::Type::kBool, // kBool
+ Value::Type::kNumber, // kInt
+ Value::Type::kNumber, // kFloat
+ Value::Type::kString, // kString
+ Value::Type::kArray, // kArray
+ Value::Type::kObject, // kObject
+ };
+ const auto& rec = *reinterpret_cast<const ValueRec*>(this);
+ const auto type_index = static_cast<size_t>(rec.getRecType() >> ValueRec::kTypeShift);
+ SkASSERT(type_index < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kTypeMap));
+ return kTypeMap[type_index];
-// Vector recs point to externally allocated slabs with the following layout:
-// [size_t n] [REC_0] ... [REC_n-1] [optional extra trailing storage]
-// Long strings use extra_alloc_size == 1 to store the \0 terminator.
-template <typename T, size_t extra_alloc_size = 0>
-static void* MakeVector(const void* src, size_t size, SkArenaAlloc& alloc) {
- // The Ts are already in memory, so their size should be safe.
- const auto total_size = sizeof(size_t) + size * sizeof(T) + extra_alloc_size;
- auto* size_ptr = reinterpret_cast<size_t*>(alloc.makeBytesAlignedTo(total_size, kRecAlign));
- auto* data_ptr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(size_ptr + 1);
- *size_ptr = size;
- memcpy(data_ptr, src, size * sizeof(T));
- return size_ptr;
+template <>
+bool PrimitiveValue<bool, Value::Type::kBool>::operator*() const {
+ const auto& rec = *reinterpret_cast<const ValueRec*>(this);
+ if (rec.is<NullValue>()) return false;
+ SkASSERT(rec.getRecType() == ValueRec::kBool);
+ return *rec.cast<bool>();
-ArrayValue::ArrayValue(const Value* src, size_t size, SkArenaAlloc& alloc) {
- this->init_tagged_pointer(Tag::kArray, MakeVector<Value>(src, size, alloc));
- SkASSERT(this->getTag() == Tag::kArray);
+template <>
+double PrimitiveValue<double, Value::Type::kNumber>::operator*() const {
+ const auto& rec = *reinterpret_cast<const ValueRec*>(this);
+ if (rec.is<NullValue>()) return 0;
+ SkASSERT(rec.getRecType() == ValueRec::kInt ||
+ rec.getRecType() == ValueRec::kFloat);
+ return rec.getRecType() == ValueRec::kInt
+ ? static_cast<double>(*rec.cast<int32_t>())
+ : static_cast<double>(*rec.cast<float>());
-// Strings have two flavors:
-// -- short strings (len <= 7) -> these are stored inline, in the record
-// (one byte reserved for null terminator/type):
-// [str] [\0]|[max_len - actual_len]
-// Storing [max_len - actual_len] allows the 'len' field to double-up as a
-// null terminator when size == max_len (this works 'cause kShortString == 0).
-// -- long strings (len > 7) -> these are externally allocated vectors (VectorRec<char>).
-// The string data plus a null-char terminator are copied over.
-StringValue::StringValue(const char* src, size_t size, SkArenaAlloc& alloc) {
- if (size > kMaxInlineStringSize) {
- this->init_tagged_pointer(Tag::kString, MakeVector<char, 1>(src, size, alloc));
+template <>
+size_t VectorValue<Value, Value::Type::kArray>::size() const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const ValueRec*>(this)->vectorSize(ValueRec::kArray);
- auto* data = this->cast<VectorValue<char, Value::Type::kString>>()->begin();
- const_cast<char*>(data)[size] = '\0';
- SkASSERT(this->getTag() == Tag::kString);
- return;
- }
+template <>
+const Value* VectorValue<Value, Value::Type::kArray>::begin() const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const ValueRec*>(this)->vectorBegin<Value>(ValueRec::kArray);
- this->init_tagged(Tag::kShortString);
+template <>
+const Value* VectorValue<Value, Value::Type::kArray>::end() const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const ValueRec*>(this)->vectorEnd<Value>(ValueRec::kArray);
- auto* payload = this->cast<char>();
- memcpy(payload, src, size);
- payload[size] = '\0';
+template <>
+size_t VectorValue<Member, Value::Type::kObject>::size() const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const ValueRec*>(this)->vectorSize(ValueRec::kObject);
- const auto len_tag = SkTo<char>(kMaxInlineStringSize - size);
- // This technically overwrites the tag, but is safe because
- // 1) kShortString == 0
- // 2) 0 <= len_tag <= 7
- static_assert(static_cast<uint8_t>(Tag::kShortString) == 0, "please don't break this");
- payload[kMaxInlineStringSize] = len_tag;
+template <>
+const Member* VectorValue<Member, Value::Type::kObject>::begin() const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const ValueRec*>(this)->vectorBegin<Member>(ValueRec::kObject);
- SkASSERT(this->getTag() == Tag::kShortString);
+template <>
+const Member* VectorValue<Member, Value::Type::kObject>::end() const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const ValueRec*>(this)->vectorEnd<Member>(ValueRec::kObject);
-ObjectValue::ObjectValue(const Member* src, size_t size, SkArenaAlloc& alloc) {
- this->init_tagged_pointer(Tag::kObject, MakeVector<Member>(src, size, alloc));
- SkASSERT(this->getTag() == Tag::kObject);
+template <>
+size_t VectorValue<char, Value::Type::kString>::size() const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const ValueRec*>(this)->stringSize();
+template <>
+const char* VectorValue<char, Value::Type::kString>::begin() const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const ValueRec*>(this)->stringBegin();
-// Boring public Value glue.
+template <>
+const char* VectorValue<char, Value::Type::kString>::end() const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const ValueRec*>(this)->stringEnd();
const Value& ObjectValue::operator[](const char* key) const {
// Reverse search for duplicates resolution (policy: return last).
@@ -155,8 +381,7 @@ const Value& ObjectValue::operator[](const char* key) const {
- static const Value g_null = NullValue();
- return g_null;
+ return Value::Null();
namespace {
@@ -232,7 +457,7 @@ public:
- const Value parse(const char* p) {
+ const Value& parse(const char* p) {
p = skip_ws(p);
switch (*p) {
@@ -241,7 +466,7 @@ public:
case '[':
goto match_array;
- return this->error(NullValue(), p, "invalid top-level value");
+ return this->error(Value::Null(), p, "invalid top-level value");
@@ -255,15 +480,15 @@ public:
// goto match_object_key;
p = skip_ws(p);
- if (*p != '"') return this->error(NullValue(), p, "expected object key");
+ if (*p != '"') return this->error(Value::Null(), p, "expected object key");
p = this->matchString(p, [this](const char* key, size_t size) {
this->pushObjectKey(key, size);
- if (!p) return NullValue();
+ if (!p) return Value::Null();
p = skip_ws(p);
- if (*p != ':') return this->error(NullValue(), p, "expected ':' separator");
+ if (*p != ':') return this->error(Value::Null(), p, "expected ':' separator");
@@ -273,7 +498,7 @@ public:
switch (*p) {
case '\0':
- return this->error(NullValue(), p, "unexpected input end");
+ return this->error(Value::Null(), p, "unexpected input end");
case '"':
p = this->matchString(p, [this](const char* str, size_t size) {
this->pushString(str, size);
@@ -297,7 +522,7 @@ public:
- if (!p) return NullValue();
+ if (!p) return Value::Null();
// goto match_post_value;
@@ -317,7 +542,7 @@ public:
case '}':
goto pop_object;
- return this->error(NullValue(), p - 1, "unexpected value-trailing token");
+ return this->error(Value::Null(), p - 1, "unexpected value-trailing token");
// unreachable
@@ -327,7 +552,7 @@ public:
SkASSERT(*p == '}');
if (fScopeStack.back() < 0) {
- return this->error(NullValue(), p, "unexpected object terminator");
+ return this->error(Value::Null(), p, "unexpected object terminator");
@@ -340,11 +565,13 @@ public:
if (fScopeStack.empty()) {
SkASSERT(fValueStack.size() == 1);
+ auto* root = fAlloc.make<Value>();
+ *root = fValueStack.front();
// Stop condition: parsed the top level element and there is no trailing garbage.
return *skip_ws(p) == '\0'
- ? fValueStack.front()
- : this->error(NullValue(), p, "trailing root garbage");
+ ? *root
+ : this->error(Value::Null(), p, "trailing root garbage");
goto match_post_value;
@@ -362,7 +589,7 @@ public:
SkASSERT(*p == ']');
if (fScopeStack.back() >= 0) {
- return this->error(NullValue(), p, "unexpected array terminator");
+ return this->error(Value::Null(), p, "unexpected array terminator");
@@ -370,7 +597,7 @@ public:
goto pop_common;
- return NullValue();
+ return Value::Null();
const SkString& getError() const {
@@ -387,12 +614,11 @@ private:
SkString fError;
- template <typename VectorT>
- void popScopeAsVec(size_t scope_start) {
+ template <typename T>
+ void popScopeAsVec(ValueRec::RecType type, size_t scope_start) {
SkASSERT(scope_start > 0);
SkASSERT(scope_start <= fValueStack.size());
- using T = typename VectorT::ValueT;
static_assert( sizeof(T) >= sizeof(Value), "");
static_assert( sizeof(T) % sizeof(Value) == 0, "");
static_assert(alignof(T) == alignof(Value), "");
@@ -404,7 +630,7 @@ private:
const auto* begin = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(fValueStack.data() + scope_start);
// Instantiate the placeholder value added in onPush{Object/Array}.
- fValueStack[scope_start - 1] = VectorT(begin, count, fAlloc);
+ fValueStack[scope_start - 1] = ValueRec::MakeVector<T>(type, begin, count, fAlloc);
// Drop the current scope.
@@ -422,7 +648,7 @@ private:
void popObjectScope() {
const auto scope_start = fScopeStack.back();
SkASSERT(scope_start > 0);
- this->popScopeAsVec<ObjectValue>(SkTo<size_t>(scope_start));
+ this->popScopeAsVec<Member>(ValueRec::kObject, SkTo<size_t>(scope_start));
const auto& obj = fValueStack.back().as<ObjectValue>();
@@ -444,7 +670,7 @@ private:
void popArrayScope() {
const auto scope_start = -fScopeStack.back();
SkASSERT(scope_start > 0);
- this->popScopeAsVec<ArrayValue>(SkTo<size_t>(scope_start));
+ this->popScopeAsVec<Value>(ValueRec::kArray, SkTo<size_t>(scope_start));
const auto& arr = fValueStack.back().as<ArrayValue>();
@@ -460,31 +686,31 @@ private:
void pushTrue() {
- fValueStack.push_back(BoolValue(true));
+ fValueStack.push_back(ValueRec::MakePrimitive<bool>(ValueRec::kBool, true));
void pushFalse() {
- fValueStack.push_back(BoolValue(false));
+ fValueStack.push_back(ValueRec::MakePrimitive<bool>(ValueRec::kBool, false));
void pushNull() {
- fValueStack.push_back(NullValue());
+ fValueStack.push_back(ValueRec::MakeTypeBound(ValueRec::kNull));
void pushString(const char* s, size_t size) {
- fValueStack.push_back(StringValue(s, size, fAlloc));
+ fValueStack.push_back(ValueRec::MakeString(s, size, fAlloc));
void pushInt32(int32_t i) {
- fValueStack.push_back(NumberValue(i));
+ fValueStack.push_back(ValueRec::MakePrimitive<int32_t>(ValueRec::kInt, i));
void pushFloat(float f) {
- fValueStack.push_back(NumberValue(f));
+ fValueStack.push_back(ValueRec::MakePrimitive<float>(ValueRec::kFloat, f));
template <typename T>
- T error(T&& ret_val, const char* p, const char* msg) {
+ const T& error(const T& ret_val, const char* p, const char* msg) {
static constexpr size_t kMaxContext = 128;
fError = SkStringPrintf("%s: >", msg);
@@ -704,25 +930,17 @@ void Write(const Value& v, SkWStream* stream) {
} // namespace
-SkString Value::toString() const {
- SkDynamicMemoryWStream wstream;
- Write(*this, &wstream);
- const auto data = wstream.detachAsData();
- // TODO: is there a better way to pass data around without copying?
- return SkString(static_cast<const char*>(data->data()), data->size());
static constexpr size_t kMinChunkSize = 4096;
-DOM::DOM(const char* c_str)
+DOM::DOM(const char* cstr)
: fAlloc(kMinChunkSize) {
DOMParser parser(fAlloc);
- fRoot = parser.parse(c_str);
+ fRoot = &parser.parse(cstr);
void DOM::write(SkWStream* stream) const {
- Write(fRoot, stream);
+ Write(*fRoot, stream);
} // namespace skjson
diff --git a/modules/skjson/src/SkJSONTest.cpp b/modules/skjson/src/SkJSONTest.cpp
index 6d4338cbbb..8b876ddf4e 100644
--- a/modules/skjson/src/SkJSONTest.cpp
+++ b/modules/skjson/src/SkJSONTest.cpp
@@ -7,9 +7,7 @@
#include "Test.h"
-#include "SkArenaAlloc.h"
#include "SkJSON.h"
-#include "SkString.h"
#include "SkStream.h"
using namespace skjson;
@@ -109,29 +107,18 @@ static void check_primitive(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, const Value& v, T pv,
bool is_type) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, v.is<VT>() == is_type);
- const VT* cast_t = v;
- REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, (cast_t != nullptr) == is_type);
- if (is_type) {
- REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, &v.as<VT>() == cast_t);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, *v.as<VT>() == pv);
- }
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, *v.as<VT>() == pv);
template <typename T>
static void check_vector(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, const Value& v, size_t expected_size,
bool is_vector) {
REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, v.is<T>() == is_vector);
- const T* cast_t = v;
- REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, (cast_t != nullptr) == is_vector);
- if (is_vector) {
- const auto& vec = v.as<T>();
- REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, &vec == cast_t);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, vec.size() == expected_size);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, vec.begin() != nullptr);
- REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, vec.end() == vec.begin() + expected_size);
- }
+ const auto& vec = v.as<T>();
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, vec.size() == expected_size);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, (vec.begin() != nullptr) == is_vector);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, vec.end() == vec.begin() + expected_size);
static void check_string(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, const Value& v, const char* s) {
@@ -141,7 +128,7 @@ static void check_string(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, const Value& v, const cha
-DEF_TEST(SkJSON_DOM_visit, reporter) {
+DEF_TEST(SkJSON_DOM, reporter) {
static constexpr char json[] = "{ \n\
\"k1\": null, \n\
\"k2\": false, \n\
@@ -244,6 +231,7 @@ DEF_TEST(SkJSON_DOM_visit, reporter) {
check_primitive<float, NumberValue>(reporter, v.as<ArrayValue>()[0], 1, true);
check_primitive<bool, BoolValue>(reporter, v.as<ArrayValue>()[1], true, true);
check_vector<StringValue>(reporter, v.as<ArrayValue>()[2], 3, true);
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, v.as<ArrayValue>()[3].is<NullValue>());
@@ -275,100 +263,10 @@ DEF_TEST(SkJSON_DOM_visit, reporter) {
check_string(reporter, v.as<ObjectValue>()["kk1"], "baz");
check_primitive<bool, BoolValue>(reporter, v.as<ObjectValue>()["kk2"], false, true);
-template <typename T>
-void check_value(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, const Value& v, const char* expected_string) {
- REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, v.is<T>());
- const T* cast_t = v;
- REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, cast_t == &v.as<T>());
- const auto vstr = v.toString();
- REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == strcmp(expected_string, vstr.c_str()));
-DEF_TEST(SkJSON_DOM_build, reporter) {
- SkArenaAlloc alloc(4096);
- const auto v0 = NullValue();
- check_value<NullValue>(reporter, v0, "null");
- const auto v1 = BoolValue(true);
- check_value<BoolValue>(reporter, v1, "true");
- const auto v2 = BoolValue(false);
- check_value<BoolValue>(reporter, v2, "false");
- const auto v3 = NumberValue(0);
- check_value<NumberValue>(reporter, v3, "0");
- const auto v4 = NumberValue(42);
- check_value<NumberValue>(reporter, v4, "42");
- const auto v5 = NumberValue(42.75f);
- check_value<NumberValue>(reporter, v5, "42.75");
- const auto v6 = StringValue(nullptr, 0, alloc);
- check_value<StringValue>(reporter, v6, "\"\"");
- const auto v7 = StringValue(" foo ", 5, alloc);
- check_value<StringValue>(reporter, v7, "\" foo \"");
- const auto v8 = StringValue(" foo bar baz ", 13, alloc);
- check_value<StringValue>(reporter, v8, "\" foo bar baz \"");
- const auto v9 = ArrayValue(nullptr, 0, alloc);
- check_value<ArrayValue>(reporter, v9, "[]");
- const Value values0[] = { v0, v3, v9 };
- const auto v10 = ArrayValue(values0, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(values0), alloc);
- check_value<ArrayValue>(reporter, v10, "[null,0,[]]");
- const auto v11 = ObjectValue(nullptr, 0, alloc);
- check_value<ObjectValue>(reporter, v11, "{}");
- const Member members0[] = {
- { StringValue("key_0", 5, alloc), v1 },
- { StringValue("key_1", 5, alloc), v4 },
- { StringValue("key_2", 5, alloc), v11 },
- };
- const auto v12 = ObjectValue(members0, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(members0), alloc);
- check_value<ObjectValue>(reporter, v12, "{"
- "\"key_0\":true,"
- "\"key_1\":42,"
- "\"key_2\":{}"
- "}");
- const Value values1[] = { v2, v6, v12 };
- const auto v13 = ArrayValue(values1, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(values1), alloc);
- check_value<ArrayValue>(reporter, v13, "["
- "false,"
- "\"\","
- "{"
- "\"key_0\":true,"
- "\"key_1\":42,"
- "\"key_2\":{}"
- "}"
- "]");
- const Member members1[] = {
- { StringValue("key_00", 6, alloc), v5 },
- { StringValue("key_01", 6, alloc), v7 },
- { StringValue("key_02", 6, alloc), v13 },
- };
- const auto v14 = ObjectValue(members1, SK_ARRAY_COUNT(members1), alloc);
- check_value<ObjectValue>(reporter, v14, "{"
- "\"key_00\":42.75,"
- "\"key_01\":\" foo \","
- "\"key_02\":["
- "false,"
- "\"\","
- "{"
- "\"key_0\":true,"
- "\"key_1\":42,"
- "\"key_2\":{}"
- "}"
- "]"
- "}");
+ {
+ const auto& v =
+ jroot["foo"].as<ObjectValue>()["bar"].as<ObjectValue>()["baz"];
+ REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, v.is<NullValue>());
+ }