path: root/include/views
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'include/views')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 411 deletions
diff --git a/include/views/SkWidget.h b/include/views/SkWidget.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a0a80d0a82..0000000000
--- a/include/views/SkWidget.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,411 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- * found in the LICENSE file.
- */
-#ifndef SkWidget_DEFINED
-#define SkWidget_DEFINED
-#include "SkBitmap.h"
-#include "SkDOM.h"
-#include "SkPaint.h"
-#include "SkString.h"
-#include "SkTextBox.h"
-#include "SkView.h"
-class SkEvent;
-class SkInterpolator;
-class SkShader;
-class SkWidget : public SkView {
- SkWidget(uint32_t flags = 0) : SkView(flags | kFocusable_Mask | kEnabled_Mask) {}
- /** Call this to post the widget's event to its listeners */
- void postWidgetEvent();
- static void Init();
- static void Term();
- // override to add slots to an event before posting
- virtual void prepareWidgetEvent(SkEvent*);
- virtual void onEnabledChange();
- // <event ...> to initialize the event from XML
- virtual void onInflate(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node* node);
- SkEvent fEvent;
- typedef SkView INHERITED;
-class SkHasLabelWidget : public SkWidget {
- SkHasLabelWidget(uint32_t flags = 0) : SkWidget(flags) {}
- size_t getLabel(SkString* label = NULL) const;
- size_t getLabel(char lable[] = NULL) const;
- void setLabel(const SkString&);
- void setLabel(const char label[]);
- void setLabel(const char label[], size_t len);
- // called when the label changes
- virtual void onLabelChange();
- // overrides
- virtual void onInflate(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node*);
- SkString fLabel;
- typedef SkWidget INHERITED;
-class SkButtonWidget : public SkHasLabelWidget {
- SkButtonWidget(uint32_t flags = 0) : SkHasLabelWidget(flags), fState(kOff_State) {}
- enum State {
- kOff_State, //!< XML: buttonState="off"
- kOn_State, //!< XML: buttonState="on"
- kUnknown_State //!< XML: buttonState="unknown"
- };
- State getButtonState() const { return fState; }
- void setButtonState(State);
- /** called when the label changes. default behavior is to inval the widget */
- virtual void onButtonStateChange();
- // overrides
- virtual void onInflate(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node*);
- State fState;
- typedef SkHasLabelWidget INHERITED;
-class SkPushButtonWidget : public SkButtonWidget {
- SkPushButtonWidget(uint32_t flags = 0) : SkButtonWidget(flags) {}
- bool onEvent(const SkEvent&) override;
- void onDraw(SkCanvas*) override;
- Click* onFindClickHandler(SkScalar x, SkScalar y, unsigned modi) override;
- bool onClick(Click* click) override;
- typedef SkButtonWidget INHERITED;
-class SkCheckBoxWidget : public SkButtonWidget {
- SkCheckBoxWidget(uint32_t flags = 0);
- virtual bool onEvent(const SkEvent&);
- virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas*);
- virtual void onInflate(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node*);
- typedef SkButtonWidget INHERITED;
-class SkStaticTextView : public SkView {
- SkStaticTextView(uint32_t flags = 0);
- virtual ~SkStaticTextView();
- enum Mode {
- kFixedSize_Mode,
- kAutoWidth_Mode,
- kAutoHeight_Mode,
- kModeCount
- };
- Mode getMode() const { return (Mode)fMode; }
- void setMode(Mode);
- SkTextBox::SpacingAlign getSpacingAlign() const { return (SkTextBox::SpacingAlign)fSpacingAlign; }
- void setSpacingAlign(SkTextBox::SpacingAlign);
- void getMargin(SkPoint* margin) const;
- void setMargin(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy);
- size_t getText(SkString* text = NULL) const;
- size_t getText(char text[] = NULL) const;
- void setText(const SkString&);
- void setText(const char text[]);
- void setText(const char text[], size_t len);
- void getPaint(SkPaint*) const;
- void setPaint(const SkPaint&);
- // overrides
- virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas*);
- virtual void onInflate(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node*);
- SkPoint fMargin;
- SkString fText;
- SkPaint fPaint;
- uint8_t fMode;
- uint8_t fSpacingAlign;
- void computeSize();
- typedef SkView INHERITED;
-class SkBitmapView : public SkView {
- SkBitmapView(uint32_t flags = 0);
- virtual ~SkBitmapView();
- bool getBitmap(SkBitmap*) const;
- void setBitmap(const SkBitmap*, bool viewOwnsPixels);
- bool loadBitmapFromFile(const char path[]);
- virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas*);
- virtual void onInflate(const SkDOM&, const SkDOM::Node*);
- SkBitmap fBitmap;
- typedef SkView INHERITED;
-class SkHasLabelView : public SkView {
- void getLabel(SkString*) const;
- void setLabel(const SkString&);
- void setLabel(const char label[]);
- SkString fLabel;
- // called when the label changes
- virtual void onLabelChange();
- // overrides
- virtual void onInflate(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node*);
-class SkPushButtonView : public SkHasLabelView {
- SkPushButtonView(uint32_t flags = 0);
- virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas*);
- virtual void onInflate(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node*);
-class SkCheckBoxView : public SkHasLabelView {
- SkCheckBoxView(uint32_t flags = 0);
- enum State {
- kOff_State,
- kOn_State,
- kMaybe_State
- };
- State getState() const { return fState; }
- void setState(State);
- virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas*);
- virtual void onInflate(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node*);
- State fState;
-class SkProgressView : public SkView {
- SkProgressView(uint32_t flags = 0);
- virtual ~SkProgressView();
- uint16_t getValue() const { return fValue; }
- uint16_t getMax() const { return fMax; }
- void setMax(U16CPU max);
- void setValue(U16CPU value);
- virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas*);
- virtual void onInflate(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node* node);
- uint16_t fValue, fMax;
- SkShader* fOnShader, *fOffShader;
- SkInterpolator* fInterp;
- bool fDoInterp;
- typedef SkView INHERITED;
-class SkListSource : public SkEventSink {
- virtual int countRows() = 0;
- virtual void getRow(int index, SkString* left, SkString* right) = 0;
- virtual SkEvent* getEvent(int index);
- static SkListSource* CreateFromDir(const char path[], const char suffix[],
- const char targetPrefix[]);
- static SkListSource* CreateFromDOM(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node* node);
-class SkListView : public SkView {
- SkListView(uint32_t flags = 0);
- virtual ~SkListView();
- SkScalar getRowHeight() const { return fRowHeight; }
- void setRowHeight(SkScalar);
- /** Return the index of the selected row, or -1 if none
- */
- int getSelection() const { return fCurrIndex; }
- /** Set the index of the selected row, or -1 for none
- */
- void setSelection(int);
- void moveSelectionUp();
- void moveSelectionDown();
- enum Attr {
- kBG_Attr,
- kNormalText_Attr,
- kHiliteText_Attr,
- kHiliteCell_Attr,
- kAttrCount
- };
- SkPaint& paint(Attr);
- SkListSource* getListSource() const { return fSource; }
- SkListSource* setListSource(SkListSource*);
-#if 0
- enum Action {
- kSelectionChange_Action,
- kSelectionPicked_Action,
- kActionCount
- };
- /** If event is not null, it is retained by the view, and a copy
- of the event will be posted to its listeners when the specified
- action occurs. If event is null, then no event will be posted for
- the specified action.
- */
- void setActionEvent(Action, SkEvent* event);
- virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas*);
- virtual void onSizeChange();
- virtual bool onEvent(const SkEvent&);
- virtual void onInflate(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node* node);
- SkPaint fPaint[kAttrCount];
- SkListSource* fSource;
- SkScalar fRowHeight;
- int fCurrIndex; // logical index
- int fScrollIndex; // logical index of top-most visible row
- int fVisibleRowCount;
- SkString* fStrCache;
- void dirtyStrCache();
- void ensureStrCache(int visibleCount);
- int logicalToVisualIndex(int index) const { return index - fScrollIndex; }
- void invalSelection();
- bool getRowRect(int index, SkRect*) const;
- void ensureSelectionIsVisible();
- typedef SkView INHERITED;
-class SkGridView : public SkView {
- SkGridView(uint32_t flags = 0);
- virtual ~SkGridView();
- void getCellSize(SkPoint*) const;
- void setCellSize(SkScalar x, SkScalar y);
- /** Return the index of the selected item, or -1 if none
- */
- int getSelection() const { return fCurrIndex; }
- /** Set the index of the selected row, or -1 for none
- */
- void setSelection(int);
- void moveSelectionUp();
- void moveSelectionDown();
- enum Attr {
- kBG_Attr,
- kHiliteCell_Attr,
- kAttrCount
- };
- SkPaint& paint(Attr);
- SkListSource* getListSource() const { return fSource; }
- SkListSource* setListSource(SkListSource*);
- virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas*);
- virtual void onSizeChange();
- virtual bool onEvent(const SkEvent&);
- virtual void onInflate(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node* node);
- SkView* fScrollBar;
- SkPaint fPaint[kAttrCount];
- SkListSource* fSource;
- int fCurrIndex; // logical index
- SkPoint fCellSize;
- SkIPoint fVisibleCount;
- int logicalToVisualIndex(int index) const { return index; }
- void invalSelection();
- bool getCellRect(int index, SkRect*) const;
- void ensureSelectionIsVisible();
- typedef SkView INHERITED;