path: root/gm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gm')
6 files changed, 454 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/gm/rebaseline_server/imagediffdb.py b/gm/rebaseline_server/imagediffdb.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69d282f1d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gm/rebaseline_server/imagediffdb.py
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
+Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+found in the LICENSE file.
+Calulate differences between image pairs, and store them in a database.
+import contextlib
+import logging
+import os
+import shutil
+import urllib
+ from PIL import Image, ImageChops
+except ImportError:
+ raise ImportError('Requires PIL to be installed; see '
+ + 'http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/')
+IMAGE_SUFFIX = '.png'
+IMAGE_FORMAT = 'PNG' # must match one of the PIL image formats, listed at
+ # http://effbot.org/imagingbook/formats.htm
+IMAGES_SUBDIR = 'images'
+DIFFS_SUBDIR = 'diffs'
+WHITEDIFFS_SUBDIR = 'whitediffs'
+class DiffRecord(object):
+ """ Record of differences between two images. """
+ def __init__(self, storage_root,
+ expected_image_url, expected_image_locator,
+ actual_image_url, actual_image_locator):
+ """Download this pair of images (unless we already have them on local disk),
+ and prepare a DiffRecord for them.
+ TODO(epoger): Make this asynchronously download images, rather than blocking
+ until the images have been downloaded and processed.
+ Args:
+ storage_root: root directory on local disk within which we store all
+ images
+ expected_image_url: file or HTTP url from which we will download the
+ expected image
+ expected_image_locator: a unique ID string under which we will store the
+ expected image within storage_root (probably including a checksum to
+ guarantee uniqueness)
+ actual_image_url: file or HTTP url from which we will download the
+ actual image
+ actual_image_locator: a unique ID string under which we will store the
+ actual image within storage_root (probably including a checksum to
+ guarantee uniqueness)
+ """
+ # Download the expected/actual images, if we don't have them already.
+ expected_image = _download_and_open_image(
+ os.path.join(storage_root, IMAGES_SUBDIR,
+ str(expected_image_locator) + IMAGE_SUFFIX),
+ expected_image_url)
+ actual_image = _download_and_open_image(
+ os.path.join(storage_root, IMAGES_SUBDIR,
+ str(actual_image_locator) + IMAGE_SUFFIX),
+ actual_image_url)
+ # Store the diff image (absolute diff at each pixel).
+ diff_image = _generate_image_diff(actual_image, expected_image)
+ self._weighted_diff_measure = _calculate_weighted_diff_metric(diff_image)
+ diff_image_locator = _get_difference_locator(
+ expected_image_locator=expected_image_locator,
+ actual_image_locator=actual_image_locator)
+ diff_image_filepath = os.path.join(
+ storage_root, DIFFS_SUBDIR, str(diff_image_locator) + IMAGE_SUFFIX)
+ _mkdir_unless_exists(os.path.join(storage_root, DIFFS_SUBDIR))
+ diff_image.save(diff_image_filepath, IMAGE_FORMAT)
+ # Store the whitediff image (any differing pixels show as white).
+ #
+ # TODO(epoger): From http://effbot.org/imagingbook/image.htm , it seems
+ # like we should be able to use im.point(function, mode) to perform both
+ # the point() and convert('1') operations simultaneously, but I couldn't
+ # get it to work.
+ whitediff_image = (diff_image.point(lambda p: (0, 256)[p!=0])
+ .convert('1'))
+ whitediff_image_filepath = os.path.join(
+ storage_root, WHITEDIFFS_SUBDIR, str(diff_image_locator) + IMAGE_SUFFIX)
+ _mkdir_unless_exists(os.path.join(storage_root, WHITEDIFFS_SUBDIR))
+ whitediff_image.save(whitediff_image_filepath, IMAGE_FORMAT)
+ # Calculate difference metrics.
+ (self._width, self._height) = diff_image.size
+ self._num_pixels_differing = whitediff_image.histogram()[255]
+ def get_num_pixels_differing(self):
+ """Returns the absolute number of pixels that differ."""
+ return self._num_pixels_differing
+ def get_percent_pixels_differing(self):
+ """Returns the percentage of pixels that differ, as a float between
+ 0 and 100 (inclusive)."""
+ return ((float(self._num_pixels_differing) * 100) /
+ (self._width * self._height))
+ def get_weighted_diff_measure(self):
+ """Returns a weighted measure of image diffs, as a float between 0 and 100
+ (inclusive)."""
+ return self._weighted_diff_measure
+class ImageDiffDB(object):
+ """ Calculates differences between image pairs, maintaining a database of
+ them for download."""
+ def __init__(self, storage_root):
+ """
+ Args:
+ storage_root: string; root path within the DB will store all of its stuff
+ """
+ self._storage_root = storage_root
+ # Dictionary of DiffRecords, keyed by (expected_image_locator,
+ # actual_image_locator) tuples.
+ self._diff_dict = {}
+ def add_image_pair(self,
+ expected_image_url, expected_image_locator,
+ actual_image_url, actual_image_locator):
+ """Download this pair of images (unless we already have them on local disk),
+ and prepare a DiffRecord for them.
+ TODO(epoger): Make this asynchronously download images, rather than blocking
+ until the images have been downloaded and processed.
+ When we do that, we should probably add a new method that will block
+ until all of the images have been downloaded and processed. Otherwise,
+ we won't know when it's safe to start calling get_diff_record().
+ jcgregorio notes: maybe just make ImageDiffDB thread-safe and create a
+ thread-pool/worker queue at a higher level that just uses ImageDiffDB?
+ Args:
+ expected_image_url: file or HTTP url from which we will download the
+ expected image
+ expected_image_locator: a unique ID string under which we will store the
+ expected image within storage_root (probably including a checksum to
+ guarantee uniqueness)
+ actual_image_url: file or HTTP url from which we will download the
+ actual image
+ actual_image_locator: a unique ID string under which we will store the
+ actual image within storage_root (probably including a checksum to
+ guarantee uniqueness)
+ """
+ key = (expected_image_locator, actual_image_locator)
+ if not key in self._diff_dict:
+ try:
+ new_diff_record = DiffRecord(
+ self._storage_root,
+ expected_image_url=expected_image_url,
+ expected_image_locator=expected_image_locator,
+ actual_image_url=actual_image_url,
+ actual_image_locator=actual_image_locator)
+ except:
+ logging.exception('got exception while creating new DiffRecord')
+ return
+ self._diff_dict[key] = new_diff_record
+ def get_diff_record(self, expected_image_locator, actual_image_locator):
+ """Returns the DiffRecord for this image pair.
+ Raises a KeyError if we don't have a DiffRecord for this image pair.
+ """
+ key = (expected_image_locator, actual_image_locator)
+ return self._diff_dict[key]
+# Utility functions
+def _calculate_weighted_diff_metric(image):
+ """Given a diff image (per-channel diff at each pixel between two images),
+ calculate the weighted diff metric (a stab at how different the two images
+ really are).
+ Args:
+ image: PIL image; a per-channel diff between two images
+ Returns: a weighted diff metric, as a float between 0 and 100 (inclusive).
+ """
+ # TODO(epoger): This is just a wild guess at an appropriate metric.
+ # In the long term, we will probably use some metric generated by
+ # skpdiff anyway.
+ (width, height) = image.size
+ maxdiff = 3 * (width * height) * 255**2
+ h = image.histogram()
+ assert(len(h) % 256 == 0)
+ totaldiff = sum(map(lambda index,value: value * (index%256)**2,
+ range(len(h)), h))
+ return float(100 * totaldiff) / maxdiff
+def _generate_image_diff(image1, image2):
+ """Wrapper for ImageChops.difference(image1, image2) that will handle some
+ errors automatically, or at least yield more useful error messages.
+ TODO(epoger): Currently, some of the images generated by the bots are RGBA
+ and others are RGB. I'm not sure why that is. For now, to avoid confusion
+ within the UI, convert all to RGB when diffing.
+ Args:
+ image1: a PIL image object
+ image2: a PIL image object
+ Returns: per-pixel diffs between image1 and image2, as a PIL image object
+ """
+ try:
+ return ImageChops.difference(image1.convert('RGB'), image2.convert('RGB'))
+ except ValueError:
+ logging.error('Error diffing image1 [%s] and image2 [%s].' % (
+ repr(image1), repr(image2)))
+ raise
+def _download_and_open_image(local_filepath, url):
+ """Open the image at local_filepath; if there is no file at that path,
+ download it from url to that path and then open it.
+ Args:
+ local_filepath: path on local disk where the image should be stored
+ url: URL from which we can download the image if we don't have it yet
+ Returns: a PIL image object
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(local_filepath):
+ _mkdir_unless_exists(os.path.dirname(local_filepath))
+ with contextlib.closing(urllib.urlopen(url)) as url_handle:
+ with open(local_filepath, 'wb') as file_handle:
+ shutil.copyfileobj(fsrc=url_handle, fdst=file_handle)
+ return _open_image(local_filepath)
+def _open_image(filepath):
+ """Wrapper for Image.open(filepath) that yields more useful error messages.
+ Args:
+ filepath: path on local disk to load image from
+ Returns: a PIL image object
+ """
+ try:
+ return Image.open(filepath)
+ except IOError:
+ logging.error('IOError loading image file %s' % filepath)
+ raise
+def _mkdir_unless_exists(path):
+ """Unless path refers to an already-existing directory, create it.
+ Args:
+ path: path on local disk
+ """
+ if not os.path.isdir(path):
+ os.makedirs(path)
+def _get_difference_locator(expected_image_locator, actual_image_locator):
+ """Returns the locator string used to look up the diffs between expected_image
+ and actual_image.
+ Args:
+ expected_image_locator: locator string pointing at expected image
+ actual_image_locator: locator string pointing at actual image
+ Returns: locator where the diffs between expected and actual images can be
+ found
+ """
+ return "%s-vs-%s" % (expected_image_locator, actual_image_locator)
diff --git a/gm/rebaseline_server/imagediffdb_test.py b/gm/rebaseline_server/imagediffdb_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..034ac51b3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gm/rebaseline_server/imagediffdb_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
+Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+found in the LICENSE file.
+Test imagediffdb.py
+TODO(epoger): Modify to use Python's unittest framework.
+# System-level imports
+import logging
+# Local imports
+import imagediffdb
+IMAGE_URL_BASE = 'http://chromium-skia-gm.commondatastorage.googleapis.com/gm/bitmap-64bitMD5/'
+def main():
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+ # params for each self-test:
+ # 0. expected image locator
+ # 1. expected image URL
+ # 2. actual image locator
+ # 3. actual image URL
+ # 4. expected percent_pixels_differing (as a string, to 4 decimal places)
+ # 5. expected weighted_diff_measure (as a string, to 4 decimal places)
+ selftests = [
+ ['16206093933823793653',
+ IMAGE_URL_BASE + 'arcofzorro/16206093933823793653.png',
+ '13786535001616823825',
+ IMAGE_URL_BASE + 'arcofzorro/13786535001616823825.png',
+ '0.0653', '0.0113'],
+ ]
+ # Add all image pairs to the database
+ db = imagediffdb.ImageDiffDB('/tmp/ImageDiffDB')
+ for selftest in selftests:
+ retval = db.add_image_pair(
+ expected_image_locator=selftest[0], expected_image_url=selftest[1],
+ actual_image_locator=selftest[2], actual_image_url=selftest[3])
+ # Fetch each image pair from the database
+ for selftest in selftests:
+ record = db.get_diff_record(expected_image_locator=selftest[0],
+ actual_image_locator=selftest[2])
+ assert (('%.4f' % record.get_percent_pixels_differing()) == selftest[4])
+ assert (('%.4f' % record.get_weighted_diff_measure()) == selftest[5])
+ logging.info("Self-test completed successfully!")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/gm/rebaseline_server/results.py b/gm/rebaseline_server/results.py
index 59a8f30c50..90a532a594 100755
--- a/gm/rebaseline_server/results.py
+++ b/gm/rebaseline_server/results.py
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ GM_DIRECTORY = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
if GM_DIRECTORY not in sys.path:
import gm_json
+import imagediffdb
IMAGE_FILENAME_FORMATTER = '%s_%s.png' # pass in (testname, config)
@@ -55,12 +56,15 @@ class Results(object):
are immutable. If you want to update the results based on updated JSON
file contents, you will need to create a new Results object."""
- def __init__(self, actuals_root, expected_root):
+ def __init__(self, actuals_root, expected_root, generated_images_root):
actuals_root: root directory containing all actual-results.json files
expected_root: root directory containing all expected-results.json files
+ generated_images_root: directory within which to create all pixels diffs;
+ if this directory does not yet exist, it will be created
+ self._image_diff_db = imagediffdb.ImageDiffDB(generated_images_root)
self._actuals_root = actuals_root
self._expected_root = expected_root
@@ -249,6 +253,36 @@ class Results(object):
'for builders %s' % (
expected_builders_written, actual_builders_written))
+ def _generate_pixel_diffs_if_needed(self, test, expected_image, actual_image):
+ """If expected_image and actual_image both exist but are different,
+ add the image pair to self._image_diff_db and generate pixel diffs.
+ Args:
+ test: string; name of test
+ expected_image: (hashType, hashDigest) tuple describing the expected image
+ actual_image: (hashType, hashDigest) tuple describing the actual image
+ """
+ if expected_image == actual_image:
+ return
+ (expected_hashtype, expected_hashdigest) = expected_image
+ (actual_hashtype, actual_hashdigest) = actual_image
+ if None in [expected_hashtype, expected_hashdigest,
+ actual_hashtype, actual_hashdigest]:
+ return
+ expected_url = gm_json.CreateGmActualUrl(
+ test_name=test, hash_type=expected_hashtype,
+ hash_digest=expected_hashdigest)
+ actual_url = gm_json.CreateGmActualUrl(
+ test_name=test, hash_type=actual_hashtype,
+ hash_digest=actual_hashdigest)
+ self._image_diff_db.add_image_pair(
+ expected_image_locator=expected_hashdigest,
+ expected_image_url=expected_url,
+ actual_image_locator=actual_hashdigest,
+ actual_image_url=actual_url)
def _load_actual_and_expected(self):
"""Loads the results of all tests, across all builders (based on the
files within self._actuals_root and self._expected_root),
@@ -343,6 +377,9 @@ class Results(object):
updated_result_type = result_type
(test, config) = IMAGE_FILENAME_RE.match(image_name).groups()
+ self._generate_pixel_diffs_if_needed(
+ test=test, expected_image=expected_image,
+ actual_image=actual_image)
results_for_this_test = {
'resultType': updated_result_type,
'builder': builder,
@@ -359,6 +396,26 @@ class Results(object):
if expectations_per_test:
results_for_this_test[field] = expectations_per_test.get(field)
+ if updated_result_type == gm_json.JSONKEY_ACTUALRESULTS_NOCOMPARISON:
+ pass # no diff record to calculate at all
+ elif updated_result_type == gm_json.JSONKEY_ACTUALRESULTS_SUCCEEDED:
+ results_for_this_test['percentDifferingPixels'] = 0
+ results_for_this_test['weightedDiffMeasure'] = 0
+ else:
+ try:
+ diff_record = self._image_diff_db.get_diff_record(
+ expected_image_locator=expected_image[1],
+ actual_image_locator=actual_image[1])
+ results_for_this_test['percentDifferingPixels'] = (
+ diff_record.get_percent_pixels_differing())
+ results_for_this_test['weightedDiffMeasure'] = (
+ diff_record.get_weighted_diff_measure())
+ except KeyError:
+ logging.warning('unable to find diff_record for ("%s", "%s")' %
+ (expected_image[1], actual_image[1]))
+ pass
Results._add_to_category_dict(categories_all, results_for_this_test)
diff --git a/gm/rebaseline_server/server.py b/gm/rebaseline_server/server.py
index bc33c21ec0..a0f31f8ce8 100755
--- a/gm/rebaseline_server/server.py
+++ b/gm/rebaseline_server/server.py
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ EXPECTATIONS_SVN_REPO = 'http://skia.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/expectations/gm'
PATHSPLIT_RE = re.compile('/([^/]+)/(.+)')
TRUNK_DIRECTORY = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(
+ 'generated-images')
# A simple dictionary of file name extensions to MIME types. The empty string
# entry is used as the default when no extension was given or if the extension
@@ -155,11 +157,13 @@ class Server(object):
- 'Parsing results from actuals in %s and expectations in %s ...' % (
+ ('Parsing results from actuals in %s and expectations in %s, '
+ + 'and generating pixel diffs (may take a while) ...') % (
self._actuals_dir, self._expectations_dir))
self.results = results.Results(
- expected_root=self._expectations_dir)
+ expected_root=self._expectations_dir,
+ generated_images_root=GENERATED_IMAGES_ROOT)
def _result_reloader(self):
""" If --reload argument was specified, reload results at the appropriate
diff --git a/gm/rebaseline_server/static/loader.js b/gm/rebaseline_server/static/loader.js
index ab5ab480d2..3b16e2e439 100644
--- a/gm/rebaseline_server/static/loader.js
+++ b/gm/rebaseline_server/static/loader.js
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Loader.controller(
$scope.header = data.header;
$scope.categories = data.categories;
$scope.testData = data.testData;
- $scope.sortColumn = 'test';
+ $scope.sortColumn = 'weightedDiffMeasure';
$scope.showTodos = false;
$scope.showSubmitAdvancedSettings = false;
@@ -242,6 +242,13 @@ Loader.controller(
// array copies? (For better performance.)
if ($scope.viewingTab == $scope.defaultTab) {
+ // TODO(epoger): Until we allow the user to reverse sort order,
+ // there are certain columns we want to sort in a different order.
+ var doReverse = (
+ ($scope.sortColumn == 'percentDifferingPixels') ||
+ ($scope.sortColumn == 'weightedDiffMeasure'));
$scope.filteredTestData =
@@ -252,7 +259,7 @@ Loader.controller(
- $scope.sortColumn);
+ $scope.sortColumn, doReverse);
$scope.limitedTestData = $filter("limitTo")(
$scope.filteredTestData, $scope.displayLimit);
} else {
diff --git a/gm/rebaseline_server/static/view.html b/gm/rebaseline_server/static/view.html
index 1a5faf50c1..bd6cffd376 100644
--- a/gm/rebaseline_server/static/view.html
+++ b/gm/rebaseline_server/static/view.html
@@ -249,6 +249,22 @@
actual image
+ <input type="radio"
+ name="sortColumnRadio"
+ value="percentDifferingPixels"
+ ng-checked="(sortColumn == 'percentDifferingPixels')"
+ ng-click="sortResultsBy('percentDifferingPixels')">
+ differing pixels
+ </th>
+ <th>
+ <input type="radio"
+ name="sortColumnRadio"
+ value="weightedDiffMeasure"
+ ng-checked="(sortColumn == 'weightedDiffMeasure')"
+ ng-click="sortResultsBy('weightedDiffMeasure')">
+ per-channel deltas
+ </th>
+ <th>
<!-- item-selection checkbox column -->
@@ -277,16 +293,49 @@
- <td>
+ <!-- expected image -->
+ <td valign="top">
<a target="_blank" href="http://chromium-skia-gm.commondatastorage.googleapis.com/gm/{{result.expectedHashType}}/{{result.test}}/{{result.expectedHashDigest}}.png">
<img width="{{imageSize}}" src="http://chromium-skia-gm.commondatastorage.googleapis.com/gm/{{result.expectedHashType}}/{{result.test}}/{{result.expectedHashDigest}}.png"/>
- <td>
+ <!-- actual image -->
+ <td valign="top">
<a target="_blank" href="http://chromium-skia-gm.commondatastorage.googleapis.com/gm/{{result.actualHashType}}/{{result.test}}/{{result.actualHashDigest}}.png">
<img width="{{imageSize}}" src="http://chromium-skia-gm.commondatastorage.googleapis.com/gm/{{result.actualHashType}}/{{result.test}}/{{result.actualHashDigest}}.png"/>
+ <!-- whitediffs: every differing pixel shown in white -->
+ <td valign="top">
+ <div ng-hide="result.expectedHashDigest == result.actualHashDigest">
+ <a target="_blank" href="/static/generated-images/whitediffs/{{result.expectedHashDigest}}-vs-{{result.actualHashDigest}}.png">
+ <img width="{{imageSize}}" src="/static/generated-images/whitediffs/{{result.expectedHashDigest}}-vs-{{result.actualHashDigest}}.png"/>
+ </a><br>
+ {{result.percentDifferingPixels.toFixed(4)}}%
+ </div>
+ <div ng-hide="result.expectedHashDigest != result.actualHashDigest"
+ style="text-align:center">
+ &ndash;none&ndash;
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ <!-- diffs: per-channel RGB deltas -->
+ <td valign="top">
+ <div ng-hide="result.expectedHashDigest == result.actualHashDigest">
+ <a target="_blank" href="/static/generated-images/diffs/{{result.expectedHashDigest}}-vs-{{result.actualHashDigest}}.png">
+ <img width="{{imageSize}}" src="/static/generated-images/diffs/{{result.expectedHashDigest}}-vs-{{result.actualHashDigest}}.png"/>
+ </a><br>
+ {{result.weightedDiffMeasure.toFixed(4)}}%
+ </div>
+ <div ng-hide="result.expectedHashDigest != result.actualHashDigest"
+ style="text-align:center">
+ &ndash;none&ndash;
+ </div>
+ </td>
<input type="checkbox"