path: root/docs/SkPaint_Reference.bmh
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Diffstat (limited to 'docs/SkPaint_Reference.bmh')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 166 deletions
diff --git a/docs/SkPaint_Reference.bmh b/docs/SkPaint_Reference.bmh
index 31031e76fa..801df43109 100644
--- a/docs/SkPaint_Reference.bmh
+++ b/docs/SkPaint_Reference.bmh
@@ -32,208 +32,220 @@ Shader attached to Paint.
#Topic Overview
#Subtopic Subtopics
-#ToDo not all methods are in topics ##
-#ToDo subtopics are not in topics ##
-# topics # description ##
+# name # description ##
#Legend ##
-# Initializers # Constructors and initialization. ##
-# Destructor # Paint termination. ##
-# Management # Paint copying, moving, comparing. ##
-# Hinting # Glyph outline adjustment. ##
-# Flags # Attributes represented by single bits. ##
-# Anti-alias # Approximating coverage with transparency. ##
-# Dither # Distributing color error. ##
-# Device_Text # Increase precision of glyph position. ##
-# Font_Embedded_Bitmaps # Custom sized bitmap Glyphs. ##
-# Automatic_Hinting # Always adjust glyph paths. ##
-# Vertical_Text # Orient text from top to bottom. ##
-# Fake_Bold # Approximate font styles. ##
-# Full_Hinting_Spacing # Glyph spacing affected by hinting. ##
-# Filter_Quality_Methods # Get and set Filter_Quality. ##
-# Color_Methods # Get and set Color. ##
-# Style # Geometry filling, stroking. ##
-# Stroke_Width # Thickness perpendicular to geometry. ##
-# Miter_Limit # Maximum length of stroked corners. ##
-# Stroke_Cap # Decorations at ends of open strokes. ##
-# Stroke_Join # Decoration at corners of strokes. ##
-# Fill_Path # Make Path from Path_Effect, stroking. ##
-# Shader_Methods # Get and set Shader. ##
-# Color_Filter_Methods # Get and set Color_Filter. ##
-# Blend_Mode_Methods # Get and set Blend_Mode. ##
-# Path_Effect_Methods # Get and set Path_Effect. ##
-# Mask_Filter_Methods # Get and set Mask_Filter. ##
-# Typeface_Methods # Get and set Typeface. ##
-# Image_Filter_Methods # Get and set Image_Filter. ##
-# Draw_Looper_Methods # Get and set Draw_Looper. ##
-# Text_Align # Text placement relative to position. ##
-# Text_Size # Overall height in points. ##
-# Text_Scale_X # Text horizontal scale. ##
-# Text_Skew_X # Text horizontal slant. ##
-# Text_Encoding # Text encoded as characters or Glyphs. ##
-# Font_Metrics # Common glyph dimensions. ##
-# Measure_Text # Width, height, bounds of text. ##
-# Text_Path # Geometry of Glyphs. ##
-# Text_Intercepts # Advanced underline, strike through. ##
-# Fast_Bounds # Approximate area required by Paint. ##
+# Classes_and_Structs # embedded struct and class members ##
+# Constants # enum and enum class, const values ##
+# Constructors # list of functions that construct SkPath ##
+# Member_Functions # list of static functions and member methods ##
+# Operators # operator overloading methods ##
+# Related_Functions # similar methods grouped together ##
+#Table ##
+#Subtopic ##
+#Subtopic Related_Functions
+# name # description ##
+#Legend ##
+# Anti-alias # approximating coverage with transparency ##
+# Automatic_Hinting # always adjust glyph paths ##
+# Blend_Mode_Methods # get and set Blend_Mode ##
+# Color_Filter_Methods # get and set Color_Filter ##
+# Color_Methods # get and set Color ##
+# Destructor # paint termination ##
+# Device_Text # increase precision of glyph position ##
+# Dither # distributing color error ##
+# Draw_Looper_Methods # get and set Draw_Looper ##
+# Fake_Bold # approximate font styles ##
+# Fast_Bounds # approximate area required by Paint ##
+# Fill_Path # make Path from Path_Effect, stroking ##
+# Filter_Quality_Methods # get and set Filter_Quality ##
+# Flags # attributes represented by single bits ##
+# Font_Embedded_Bitmaps # custom sized bitmap Glyphs ##
+# Font_Metrics # common glyph dimensions ##
+# Full_Hinting_Spacing # glyph spacing affected by hinting ##
+# Hinting # glyph outline adjustment ##
+# Image_Filter_Methods # get and set Image_Filter ##
+# Initializers # constructors and initialization ##
+# Management # paint copying, moving, comparing ##
+# Mask_Filter_Methods # get and set Mask_Filter ##
+# Measure_Text # width, height, bounds of text ##
+# Miter_Limit # maximum length of stroked corners ##
+# Path_Effect_Methods # get and set Path_Effect ##
+# Shader_Methods # get and set Shader ##
+# Stroke_Cap # decorations at ends of open strokes ##
+# Stroke_Join # decoration at corners of strokes ##
+# Stroke_Width # thickness perpendicular to geometry ##
+# Style # geometry filling, stroking ##
+# Text_Align # text placement relative to position ##
+# Text_Encoding # text encoded as characters or Glyphs ##
+# Text_Intercepts # advanced underline, strike through ##
+# Text_Path # geometry of Glyphs ##
+# Text_Scale_X # text horizontal scale ##
+# Text_Size # overall height in points ##
+# Text_Skew_X # text horizontal slant ##
+# Typeface_Methods # get and set Typeface ##
+# Vertical_Text # orient text from top to bottom ##
#Table ##
#Subtopic ##
#Subtopic Constants
-# constants # description ##
+# name # description ##
#Legend ##
-# Align # Glyph locations relative to text position. ##
-# Cap # Start and end geometry on stroked shapes. ##
-# Flags # Values described by bits and masks. ##
-# FontMetrics::FontMetricsFlags # Valid Font_Metrics. ##
-# Hinting # Level of glyph outline adjustment. ##
-# Join # Corner geometry on stroked shapes. ##
-# Style # Stroke, fill, or both. ##
-# TextEncoding # Character or glyph encoded size. ##
+# Align # glyph locations relative to text position ##
+# Cap # start and end geometry on stroked shapes ##
+# Flags # values described by bits and masks ##
+# FontMetrics::FontMetricsFlags # valid Font_Metrics ##
+# Hinting # level of glyph outline adjustment ##
+# Join # corner geometry on stroked shapes ##
+# Style # stroke, fill, or both ##
+# TextEncoding # character or glyph encoded size ##
#Table ##
#Subtopic ##
-#Subtopic Structs
+#Subtopic Classes_and_Structs
-# struct # description ##
+# name # description ##
#Legend ##
-# FontMetrics # Typeface values. ##
+# FontMetrics # typeface values ##
#Table ##
#Subtopic ##
#Subtopic Constructors
-# # description ##
+# name # description ##
#Legend ##
-# SkPaint() # Constructs with default values. ##
-# SkPaint(const SkPaint& paint) # Makes a shallow copy. ##
-# SkPaint(SkPaint&& paint) # Moves paint without copying it. ##
-# ~SkPaint() # Decreases Reference_Count of owned objects. ##
+# SkPaint() # constructs with default values ##
+# SkPaint(SkPaint&& paint) # moves paint without copying it ##
+# SkPaint(const SkPaint& paint) # makes a shallow copy ##
+# ~SkPaint() # decreases Reference_Count of owned objects ##
#Table ##
#Subtopic ##
#Subtopic Operators
-# operator # description ##
+# name # description ##
#Legend ##
-# operator=(const SkPaint& paint) # Makes a shallow copy. ##
-# operator=(SkPaint&& paint) # Moves paint without copying it. ##
-# operator==(const SkPaint& a, const SkPaint& b) # Compares paints for equality. ##
-# operator!=(const SkPaint& a, const SkPaint& b) # Compares paints for inequality. ##
+# operator!=(const SkPaint& a, const SkPaint& b) # compares paints for inequality ##
+# operator=(SkPaint&& paint) # moves paint without copying it ##
+# operator=(const SkPaint& paint) # makes a shallow copy ##
+# operator==(const SkPaint& a, const SkPaint& b) # compares paints for equality ##
#Table ##
#Subtopic ##
#Subtopic Member_Functions
-# function # description ##
+# name # description ##
#Legend ##
-# breakText # Returns text that fits in a width. ##
-# canComputeFastBounds # Returns true if settings allow for fast bounds computation. ##
-# computeFastBounds # Returns fill bounds for quick reject tests. ##
-# computeFastStrokeBounds # Returns stroke bounds for quick reject tests. ##
-# containsText # Returns if all text corresponds to Glyphs. ##
-# countText # Returns number of Glyphs in text. ##
-# doComputeFastBounds # Returns bounds for quick reject tests. ##
-# flatten() # Serializes into a buffer. ##
-# getAlpha # Returns Color_Alpha, color opacity. ##
-# getBlendMode # Returns Blend_Mode, how colors combine with Device. ##
-# getColor # Returns Color_Alpha and Color_RGB, one drawing color. ##
-# getColorFilter # Returns Color_Filter, how colors are altered. ##
-# getDrawLooper # Returns Draw_Looper, multiple layers. ##
-# getFillPath # Returns fill path equivalent to stroke. ##
-# getFilterQuality # Returns Filter_Quality, image filtering level. ##
-# getFlags # Returns Flags stored in a bit field. ##
-# getFontBounds # Returns union all glyph bounds. ##
-# getFontMetrics # Returns Typeface metrics scaled by text size. ##
-# getFontSpacing # Returns recommended spacing between lines. ##
-# getHash # Returns a shallow hash for equality checks. ##
-# getHinting # Returns Hinting, glyph outline adjustment level. ##
-# getImageFilter # Returns Image_Filter, alter pixels; blur. ##
-# getMaskFilter # Returns Mask_Filter, alterations to Mask_Alpha. ##
-# getPathEffect # Returns Path_Effect, modifications to path geometry; dashing. ##
-# getPosTextPath # Returns Path equivalent to positioned text. ##
-# getPosTextIntercepts # Returns where lines intersect positioned text; underlines. ##
-# getPosTextHIntercepts # Returns where lines intersect horizontally positioned text; underlines. ##
-# getShader # Returns Shader, multiple drawing colors; gradients. ##
-# getStrokeCap # Returns Cap, the area drawn at path ends. ##
-# getStrokeJoin # Returns Join, geometry on path corners. ##
-# getStrokeMiter # Returns Miter_Limit, angles with sharp corners. ##
-# getStrokeWidth # Returns thickness of the stroke. ##
-# getStyle # Returns Style: stroke, fill, or both. ##
-# getTextAlign # Returns Align: left, center, or right. ##
-# getTextBlobIntercepts # Returns where lines intersect Text_Blob; underlines. ##
-# getTextEncoding # Returns character or glyph encoded size. b ##
-# getTextIntercepts # Returns where lines intersect text; underlines. ##
-# getTextPath # Returns Path equivalent to text. ##
-# getTextScaleX # Returns the text horizontal scale; condensed text. ##
-# getTextSkewX # Returns the text horizontal skew; oblique text. ##
-# getTextSize # Returns text size in points. ##
-# getTextWidths # Returns advance and bounds for each glyph in text. ##
-# getTypeface # Returns Typeface, font description. ##
-# glyphsToUnichars # Converts Glyphs into text. ##
-# isAntiAlias # Returns true if Anti-alias is set. ##
-# isAutohinted # Returns true if Glyphs are always hinted. ##
-# isDevKernText # Returns true if Full_Hinting_Spacing is set. ##
-# isDither # Returns true if Dither is set. ##
-# isEmbeddedBitmapText # Returns true if Font_Embedded_Bitmaps is set. ##
-# isFakeBoldText # Returns true if Fake_Bold is set. ##
-# isLCDRenderText # Returns true if LCD_Text is set. ##
-# isSrcOver # Returns true if Blend_Mode is SkBlendMode::kSrcOver. ##
-# isSubpixelText # Returns true if Subpixel_Text is set. ##
-# isVerticalText # Returns true if Vertical_Text is set. ##
-# measureText # Returns advance width and bounds of text. ##
-# nothingToDraw # Returns true if Paint prevents all drawing. ##
-# refColorFilter # References Color_Filter, how colors are altered. ##
-# refDrawLooper # References Draw_Looper, multiple layers. ##
-# refImageFilter # References Image_Filter, alter pixels; blur. ##
-# refMaskFilter # References Mask_Filter, alterations to Mask_Alpha. ##
-# refPathEffect # References Path_Effect, modifications to path geometry; dashing. ##
-# refShader # References Shader, multiple drawing colors; gradients. ##
-# refTypeface # References Typeface, font description. ##
-# reset() # Sets to default values. ##
-# setAlpha # Sets Color_Alpha, color opacity. ##
-# setAntiAlias # Sets or clears Anti-alias. ##
-# setARGB # Sets color by component. ##
-# setAutohinted # Sets Glyphs to always be hinted. ##
-# setBlendMode # Sets Blend_Mode, how colors combine with destination. ##
-# setColor # Sets Color_Alpha and Color_RGB, one drawing color. ##
-# setColorFilter # Sets Color_Filter, alters color. ##
-# setDevKernText # Sets or clears Full_Hinting_Spacing. ##
-# setDither # Sets or clears Dither. ##
-# setDrawLooper # Sets Draw_Looper, multiple layers. ##
-# setEmbeddedBitmapText # Sets or clears Font_Embedded_Bitmaps. ##
-# setFakeBoldText # Sets or clears Fake_Bold. ##
-# setFilterQuality # Sets Filter_Quality, the image filtering level. ##
-# setFlags # Sets multiple Flags in a bit field. ##
-# setHinting # Sets Hinting, glyph outline adjustment level. ##
-# setLCDRenderText # Sets or clears LCD_Text. ##
-# setMaskFilter # Sets Mask_Filter, alterations to Mask_Alpha. ##
-# setPathEffect # Sets Path_Effect, modifications to path geometry; dashing. ##
-# setImageFilter # Sets Image_Filter, alter pixels; blur. ##
-# setShader # Sets Shader, multiple drawing colors; gradients. ##
-# setStrokeCap # Sets Cap, the area drawn at path ends. ##
-# setStrokeJoin # Sets Join, geometry on path corners. ##
-# setStrokeMiter # Sets Miter_Limit, angles with sharp corners. ##
-# setStrokeWidth # Sets thickness of the stroke. ##
-# setStyle # Sets Style: stroke, fill, or both. ##
-# setSubpixelText # Sets or clears Subpixel_Text. ##
-# setTextAlign # Sets Align: left, center, or right. ##
-# setTextEncoding # Sets character or glyph encoded size. ##
-# setTextScaleX # Sets the text horizontal scale; condensed text. ##
-# setTextSkewX # Sets the text horizontal skew; oblique text. ##
-# setTextSize # Sets text size in points. ##
-# setTypeface # Sets Typeface, font description. ##
-# setVerticalText # Sets or clears Vertical_Text. ##
-# textToGlyphs # Converts text into glyph indices. ##
-# toString # Converts Paint to machine readable form. ##
-# unflatten() # Populates from a serialized stream. ##
+# breakText # returns text that fits in a width ##
+# canComputeFastBounds # returns true if settings allow for fast bounds computation ##
+# computeFastBounds # returns fill bounds for quick reject tests ##
+# computeFastStrokeBounds # returns stroke bounds for quick reject tests ##
+# containsText # returns if all text corresponds to Glyphs ##
+# countText # returns number of Glyphs in text ##
+# doComputeFastBounds # returns bounds for quick reject tests ##
+# flatten() # serializes into a buffer ##
+# getAlpha # returns Color_Alpha, color opacity ##
+# getBlendMode # returns Blend_Mode, how colors combine with Device ##
+# getColor # returns Color_Alpha and Color_RGB, one drawing color ##
+# getColorFilter # returns Color_Filter, how colors are altered ##
+# getDrawLooper # returns Draw_Looper, multiple layers ##
+# getFillPath # returns fill path equivalent to stroke ##
+# getFilterQuality # returns Filter_Quality, image filtering level ##
+# getFlags # returns Flags stored in a bit field ##
+# getFontBounds # returns union all glyph bounds ##
+# getFontMetrics # returns Typeface metrics scaled by text size ##
+# getFontSpacing # returns recommended spacing between lines ##
+# getHash # returns a shallow hash for equality checks ##
+# getHinting # returns Hinting, glyph outline adjustment level ##
+# getImageFilter # returns Image_Filter, alter pixels; blur ##
+# getMaskFilter # returns Mask_Filter, alterations to Mask_Alpha ##
+# getPathEffect # returns Path_Effect, modifications to path geometry; dashing ##
+# getPosTextHIntercepts # returns where lines intersect horizontally positioned text; underlines ##
+# getPosTextIntercepts # returns where lines intersect positioned text; underlines ##
+# getPosTextPath # returns Path equivalent to positioned text ##
+# getShader # returns Shader, multiple drawing colors; gradients ##
+# getStrokeCap # returns Cap, the area drawn at path ends ##
+# getStrokeJoin # returns Join, geometry on path corners ##
+# getStrokeMiter # returns Miter_Limit, angles with sharp corners ##
+# getStrokeWidth # returns thickness of the stroke ##
+# getStyle # returns Style: stroke, fill, or both ##
+# getTextAlign # returns Align: left, center, or right ##
+# getTextBlobIntercepts # returns where lines intersect Text_Blob; underlines ##
+# getTextEncoding # returns character or glyph encoded size ##
+# getTextIntercepts # returns where lines intersect text; underlines ##
+# getTextPath # returns Path equivalent to text ##
+# getTextScaleX # returns the text horizontal scale; condensed text ##
+# getTextSize # returns text size in points ##
+# getTextSkewX # returns the text horizontal skew; oblique text ##
+# getTextWidths # returns advance and bounds for each glyph in text ##
+# getTypeface # returns Typeface, font description ##
+# glyphsToUnichars # converts Glyphs into text ##
+# isAntiAlias # returns true if Anti-alias is set ##
+# isAutohinted # returns true if Glyphs are always hinted ##
+# isDevKernText # returns true if Full_Hinting_Spacing is set ##
+# isDither # returns true if Dither is set ##
+# isEmbeddedBitmapText # returns true if Font_Embedded_Bitmaps is set ##
+# isFakeBoldText # returns true if Fake_Bold is set ##
+# isLCDRenderText # returns true if LCD_Text is set ##
+# isSrcOver # returns true if Blend_Mode is SkBlendMode::kSrcOver ##
+# isSubpixelText # returns true if Subpixel_Text is set ##
+# isVerticalText # returns true if Vertical_Text is set ##
+# measureText # returns advance width and bounds of text ##
+# nothingToDraw # returns true if Paint prevents all drawing ##
+# refColorFilter # references Color_Filter, how colors are altered ##
+# refDrawLooper # references Draw_Looper, multiple layers ##
+# refImageFilter # references Image_Filter, alter pixels; blur ##
+# refMaskFilter # references Mask_Filter, alterations to Mask_Alpha ##
+# refPathEffect # references Path_Effect, modifications to path geometry; dashing ##
+# refShader # references Shader, multiple drawing colors; gradients ##
+# refTypeface # references Typeface, font description ##
+# reset() # sets to default values ##
+# setARGB # sets color by component ##
+# setAlpha # sets Color_Alpha, color opacity ##
+# setAntiAlias # sets or clears Anti-alias ##
+# setAutohinted # sets Glyphs to always be hinted ##
+# setBlendMode # sets Blend_Mode, how colors combine with destination ##
+# setColor # sets Color_Alpha and Color_RGB, one drawing color ##
+# setColorFilter # sets Color_Filter, alters color ##
+# setDevKernText # sets or clears Full_Hinting_Spacing ##
+# setDither # sets or clears Dither ##
+# setDrawLooper # sets Draw_Looper, multiple layers ##
+# setEmbeddedBitmapText # sets or clears Font_Embedded_Bitmaps ##
+# setFakeBoldText # sets or clears Fake_Bold ##
+# setFilterQuality # sets Filter_Quality, the image filtering level ##
+# setFlags # sets multiple Flags in a bit field ##
+# setHinting # sets Hinting, glyph outline adjustment level ##
+# setImageFilter # sets Image_Filter, alter pixels; blur ##
+# setLCDRenderText # sets or clears LCD_Text ##
+# setMaskFilter # sets Mask_Filter, alterations to Mask_Alpha ##
+# setPathEffect # sets Path_Effect, modifications to path geometry; dashing ##
+# setShader # sets Shader, multiple drawing colors; gradients ##
+# setStrokeCap # sets Cap, the area drawn at path ends ##
+# setStrokeJoin # sets Join, geometry on path corners ##
+# setStrokeMiter # sets Miter_Limit, angles with sharp corners ##
+# setStrokeWidth # sets thickness of the stroke ##
+# setStyle # sets Style: stroke, fill, or both ##
+# setSubpixelText # sets or clears Subpixel_Text ##
+# setTextAlign # sets Align: left, center, or right ##
+# setTextEncoding # sets character or glyph encoded size ##
+# setTextScaleX # sets the text horizontal scale; condensed text ##
+# setTextSize # sets text size in points ##
+# setTextSkewX # sets the text horizontal skew; oblique text ##
+# setTypeface # sets Typeface, font description ##
+# setVerticalText # sets or clears Vertical_Text ##
+# textToGlyphs # converts text into glyph indices ##
+# toString # converts Paint to machine readable form ##
+# unflatten() # populates from a serialized stream ##
#Table ##
#Subtopic ##
@@ -582,7 +594,7 @@ by the client.
#Param buffer serialized data describing Paint content ##
-#Return false if the buffer contained invalid data for initializing the paint. ##
+#Return false if the buffer contains invalid data ##
# why is unflatten() public?
#Bug 6172 ##