diff options
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 473 deletions
diff --git a/samplecode/SampleSkLayer.cpp b/samplecode/SampleSkLayer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0422561617..0000000000
--- a/samplecode/SampleSkLayer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
- *
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- * found in the LICENSE file.
- */
-#include "SampleCode.h"
-#include "SkCanvas.h"
-#include "SkPaint.h"
-#include "SkView.h"
-#include "SkLayer.h"
-#include "SkMatrix44.h"
-static void test_inv(const char label[], const SkMatrix44& mat) {
- SkDebugf("%s\n", label);
- mat.dump();
- SkMatrix44 inv;
- if (mat.invert(&inv)) {
- inv.dump();
- } else {
- SkDebugf("--- invert failed\n");
- }
- SkMatrix44 a, b;
- a.setConcat(mat, inv);
- b.setConcat(inv, mat);
- SkDebugf("concat mat with inverse pre=%d post=%d\n", a.isIdentity(), b.isIdentity());
- if (!a.isIdentity()) {
- a.dump();
- }
- if (!b.isIdentity()) {
- b.dump();
- }
- SkDebugf("\n");
-static void test_map(SkScalar x0, SkScalar y0, SkScalar z0,
- const SkMatrix44& mat,
- SkScalar x1, SkScalar y1, SkScalar z1) {
- SkVector4 src, dst;
- src.set(x0, y0, z0);
- dst = mat * src;
- SkDebugf("map: src: %g %g %g dst: %g %g %g (%g) expected: %g %g %g match: %d\n",
- x0, y0, z0,
- dst.fData[0], dst.fData[1], dst.fData[2], dst.fData[3],
- x1, y1, z1,
- dst.fData[0] == x1 && dst.fData[1] == y1 && dst.fData[2] == z1);
-static void test_33(const SkMatrix44& mat,
- SkScalar x0, SkScalar x1, SkScalar x2,
- SkScalar y0, SkScalar y1, SkScalar y2) {
- SkMatrix dst = mat;
- if (dst[0] != x0 || dst[1] != x1 || dst[2] != x2 ||
- dst[3] != y0 || dst[4] != y1 || dst[5] != y2) {
- SkString str;
- dst.toString(&str);
- SkDebugf("3x3: expected 3x3 [%g %g %g] [%g %g %g] bug got %s\n",
- x0, x1, x2, y0, y1, y2, str.c_str());
- }
-static void test44() {
- SkMatrix44 m0, m1, m2;
- test_inv("identity", m0);
- m0.setTranslate(2,3,4);
- test_inv("translate", m0);
- m0.setScale(2,3,4);
- test_inv("scale", m0);
- m0.postTranslate(5, 6, 7);
- test_inv("postTranslate", m0);
- m0.setScale(2,3,4);
- m1.setTranslate(5, 6, 7);
- m0.setConcat(m0, m1);
- test_inv("postTranslate2", m0);
- m0.setScale(2,3,4);
- m0.preTranslate(5, 6, 7);
- test_inv("preTranslate", m0);
- m0.setScale(2, 4, 6);
- m0.postScale(SkDoubleToMScalar(0.5));
- test_inv("scale/postscale to 1,2,3", m0);
- m0.reset();
- test_map(1, 0, 0, m0, 1, 0, 0);
- test_map(0, 1, 0, m0, 0, 1, 0);
- test_map(0, 0, 1, m0, 0, 0, 1);
- m0.setScale(2, 3, 4);
- test_map(1, 0, 0, m0, 2, 0, 0);
- test_map(0, 1, 0, m0, 0, 3, 0);
- test_map(0, 0, 1, m0, 0, 0, 4);
- m0.setTranslate(2, 3, 4);
- test_map(0, 0, 0, m0, 2, 3, 4);
- m0.preScale(5, 6, 7);
- test_map(1, 0, 0, m0, 7, 3, 4);
- test_map(0, 1, 0, m0, 2, 9, 4);
- test_map(0, 0, 1, m0, 2, 3, 11);
- SkMScalar deg = 45;
- m0.setRotateDegreesAbout(0, 0, 1, deg);
- test_map(1, 0, 0, m0, 0.707106769, -0.707106769, 0);
- m0.reset();
- test_33(m0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
- m0.setTranslate(3, 4, 5);
- test_33(m0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 4);
-static void dump_layers(const SkLayer* layer, int tab = 0) {
- SkMatrix matrix;
- SkString matrixStr;
- layer->getLocalTransform(&matrix);
- matrix.toString(&matrixStr);
- for (int j = 0; j < tab; j++) {
- SkDebugf(" ");
- }
- SkDebugf("layer=%p parent=%p size=[%g %g] transform=%s\n",
- layer, layer->getParent(), layer->getWidth(), layer->getHeight(),
- matrixStr.c_str());
- for (int i = 0; i < layer->countChildren(); i++) {
- dump_layers(layer->getChild(i), tab + 4);
- }
-class TestLayer : public SkLayer {
- TestLayer(SkColor c) : fColor(c) {}
- virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas, SkScalar opacity) {
- SkRect r;
- r.set(0, 0, this->getWidth(), this->getHeight());
- SkPaint paint;
- paint.setColor(fColor);
- paint.setAlpha(SkScalarRoundToInt(opacity * 255));
- canvas->drawRect(r, paint);
- }
- SkColor fColor;
-class SkLayerView : public SkView {
- SkLayer* fRootLayer;
- SkLayer* fLastChild;
- SkLayerView() {
- test44();
- static const int W = 600;
- static const int H = 440;
- static const struct {
- int fWidth;
- int fHeight;
- SkColor fColor;
- int fPosX;
- int fPosY;
- } gData[] = {
- { 120, 80, SK_ColorRED, 0, 0 },
- { 120, 80, SK_ColorGREEN, W - 120, 0 },
- { 120, 80, SK_ColorBLUE, 0, H - 80 },
- { 120, 80, SK_ColorMAGENTA, W - 120, H - 80 },
- };
- fRootLayer = new TestLayer(0xFFDDDDDD);
- fRootLayer->setSize(W, H);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gData); i++) {
- SkLayer* child = new TestLayer(gData[i].fColor);
- child->setSize(gData[i].fWidth, gData[i].fHeight);
- child->setPosition(gData[i].fPosX, gData[i].fPosY);
- fRootLayer->addChild(child)->unref();
- }
- SkLayer* child = new TestLayer(0xFFDD8844);
- child->setSize(120, 80);
- child->setPosition(fRootLayer->getWidth()/2 - child->getWidth()/2,
- fRootLayer->getHeight()/2 - child->getHeight()/2);
- child->setAnchorPoint(SK_ScalarHalf, SK_ScalarHalf);
- {
- SkMatrix m;
- m.setRotate(SkIntToScalar(30));
- child->setMatrix(m);
- }
- fLastChild = child;
- fRootLayer->addChild(child)->unref();
- if (false) {
- SkMatrix matrix;
- matrix.setScale(0.5, 0.5);
- fRootLayer->setMatrix(matrix);
- }
-// dump_layers(fRootLayer);
- }
- virtual ~SkLayerView() {
- SkSafeUnref(fRootLayer);
- }
- // overrides from SkEventSink
- virtual bool onQuery(SkEvent* evt) {
- if (SampleCode::TitleQ(*evt)) {
- SampleCode::TitleR(evt, "SkLayer");
- return true;
- }
- return this->INHERITED::onQuery(evt);
- }
- virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) {
- canvas->drawColor(SK_ColorWHITE);
- canvas->translate(20, 20);
- fRootLayer->draw(canvas);
- // visual test of getLocalTransform
- if (true) {
- SkMatrix matrix;
- fLastChild->localToGlobal(&matrix);
- SkPaint paint;
- paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
- paint.setStrokeWidth(5);
- paint.setColor(0x88FF0000);
- canvas->concat(matrix);
- canvas->drawRect(SkRect::MakeSize(fLastChild->getSize()), paint);
- }
- }
- typedef SkView INHERITED;
-static SkView* MyFactory() { return new SkLayerView; }
-static SkViewRegister reg(MyFactory);
diff --git a/src/utils/SkLayer.cpp b/src/utils/SkLayer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d0de1ba6b1..0000000000
--- a/src/utils/SkLayer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2011 Google Inc.
- *
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- * found in the LICENSE file.
- */
-#include "SkLayer.h"
-#include "SkCanvas.h"
- static int gLayerAllocCount;
-SkLayer::SkLayer() {
- fParent = nullptr;
- m_opacity = SK_Scalar1;
- m_size.set(0, 0);
- m_position.set(0, 0);
- m_anchorPoint.set(SK_ScalarHalf, SK_ScalarHalf);
- fMatrix.reset();
- fChildrenMatrix.reset();
- fFlags = 0;
- gLayerAllocCount += 1;
- SkDebugf("SkLayer new: %d\n", gLayerAllocCount);
-SkLayer::SkLayer(const SkLayer& src) : INHERITED() {
- fParent = nullptr;
- m_opacity = src.m_opacity;
- m_size = src.m_size;
- m_position = src.m_position;
- m_anchorPoint = src.m_anchorPoint;
- fMatrix = src.fMatrix;
- fChildrenMatrix = src.fChildrenMatrix;
- fFlags = src.fFlags;
- gLayerAllocCount += 1;
- SkDebugf("SkLayer copy: %d\n", gLayerAllocCount);
-SkLayer::~SkLayer() {
- this->removeChildren();
- gLayerAllocCount -= 1;
- SkDebugf("SkLayer delete: %d\n", gLayerAllocCount);
-bool SkLayer::isInheritFromRootTransform() const {
- return (fFlags & kInheritFromRootTransform_Flag) != 0;
-void SkLayer::setInheritFromRootTransform(bool doInherit) {
- if (doInherit) {
- fFlags |= kInheritFromRootTransform_Flag;
- } else {
- fFlags &= ~kInheritFromRootTransform_Flag;
- }
-void SkLayer::setMatrix(const SkMatrix& matrix) {
- fMatrix = matrix;
-void SkLayer::setChildrenMatrix(const SkMatrix& matrix) {
- fChildrenMatrix = matrix;
-int SkLayer::countChildren() const {
- return m_children.count();
-SkLayer* SkLayer::getChild(int index) const {
- if ((unsigned)index < (unsigned)m_children.count()) {
- SkASSERT(m_children[index]->fParent == this);
- return m_children[index];
- }
- return nullptr;
-SkLayer* SkLayer::addChild(SkLayer* child) {
- SkASSERT(this != child);
- child->ref();
- child->detachFromParent();
- SkASSERT(child->fParent == nullptr);
- child->fParent = this;
- *m_children.append() = child;
- return child;
-void SkLayer::detachFromParent() {
- if (fParent) {
- int index = fParent->m_children.find(this);
- SkASSERT(index >= 0);
- fParent->m_children.remove(index);
- fParent = nullptr;
- this->unref(); // this call might delete us
- }
-void SkLayer::removeChildren() {
- int count = m_children.count();
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- SkLayer* child = m_children[i];
- SkASSERT(child->fParent == this);
- child->fParent = nullptr; // in case it has more than one owner
- child->unref();
- }
- m_children.reset();
-SkLayer* SkLayer::getRootLayer() const {
- const SkLayer* root = this;
- while (root->fParent != nullptr) {
- root = root->fParent;
- }
- return const_cast<SkLayer*>(root);
-void SkLayer::getLocalTransform(SkMatrix* matrix) const {
- matrix->setTranslate(m_position.fX, m_position.fY);
- SkScalar tx = SkScalarMul(m_anchorPoint.fX, m_size.width());
- SkScalar ty = SkScalarMul(m_anchorPoint.fY, m_size.height());
- matrix->preTranslate(tx, ty);
- matrix->preConcat(this->getMatrix());
- matrix->preTranslate(-tx, -ty);
-void SkLayer::localToGlobal(SkMatrix* matrix) const {
- this->getLocalTransform(matrix);
- if (this->isInheritFromRootTransform()) {
- matrix->postConcat(this->getRootLayer()->getMatrix());
- return;
- }
- const SkLayer* layer = this;
- while (layer->fParent != nullptr) {
- layer = layer->fParent;
- SkMatrix tmp;
- layer->getLocalTransform(&tmp);
- tmp.preConcat(layer->getChildrenMatrix());
- matrix->postConcat(tmp);
- }
-void SkLayer::onDraw(SkCanvas*, SkScalar opacity) {
-// SkDebugf("----- no onDraw for %p\n", this);
-#include "SkString.h"
-void SkLayer::draw(SkCanvas* canvas, SkScalar opacity) {
-#if 0
- SkString str1, str2;
- // this->getMatrix().toDumpString(&str1);
- // this->getChildrenMatrix().toDumpString(&str2);
- SkDebugf("--- drawlayer %p opacity %g size [%g %g] pos [%g %g] matrix %s children %s\n",
- this, opacity * this->getOpacity(), m_size.width(), m_size.height(),
- m_position.fX, m_position.fY, str1.c_str(), str2.c_str());
- opacity = SkScalarMul(opacity, this->getOpacity());
- if (opacity <= 0) {
-// SkDebugf("---- abort drawing %p opacity %g\n", this, opacity);
- return;
- }
- SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true);
- // apply our local transform
- {
- SkMatrix tmp;
- this->getLocalTransform(&tmp);
- if (this->isInheritFromRootTransform()) {
- // should we also apply the root's childrenMatrix?
- canvas->setMatrix(getRootLayer()->getMatrix());
- }
- canvas->concat(tmp);
- }
- this->onDraw(canvas, opacity);
- {
- SkRect r = SkRect::MakeSize(this->getSize());
- SkPaint p;
- p.setAntiAlias(true);
- p.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style);
- p.setStrokeWidth(SkIntToScalar(2));
- p.setColor(0xFFFF44DD);
- canvas->drawRect(r, p);
- canvas->drawLine(r.fLeft, r.fTop, r.fRight, r.fBottom, p);
- canvas->drawLine(r.fLeft, r.fBottom, r.fRight, r.fTop, p);
- }
- int count = this->countChildren();
- if (count > 0) {
- canvas->concat(this->getChildrenMatrix());
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- this->getChild(i)->draw(canvas, opacity);
- }
- }