path: root/gn
diff options
authorGravatar Mike Klein <mtklein@google.com>2017-06-27 22:52:03 +0000
committerGravatar Skia Commit-Bot <skia-commit-bot@chromium.org>2017-06-27 22:52:10 +0000
commit5ce397205528f82084fc650c2ce27d246c01da33 (patch)
tree3e359ae172fed10fce8204163d6d372b0c3f6207 /gn
parent3fe44544c93759e7791ee0df3e5d172cb0f268b6 (diff)
Revert "Re-land sksl fragment processor support"
This reverts commit c070939fd1a954b7a492bc30f0cf64a664b90181. Reason for revert: This has some knock-on effects in the generation of Android.bp from our GN files. See gn/gn_to_bp.py? We're seeing things like "tmp/tmpsBVycx/gen/" end up in the include search path in Android.bp, which obviously don't exist there... Original change's description: > Re-land sksl fragment processor support > > This reverts commit ed50200682e0de72c3abecaa4d5324ebcd1ed9f9. > > Bug: skia: > Change-Id: I9caa7454b391450620d6989dc472abb3cf7a2cab > Reviewed-on: https://skia-review.googlesource.com/20965 > Reviewed-by: Ben Wagner <benjaminwagner@google.com> > Commit-Queue: Ethan Nicholas <ethannicholas@google.com> TBR=benjaminwagner@google.com,ethannicholas@google.com Change-Id: I502486b5405923b322429219f4cc396a45a14cea No-Presubmit: true No-Tree-Checks: true No-Try: true Bug: skia: Reviewed-on: https://skia-review.googlesource.com/20990 Reviewed-by: Mike Klein <mtklein@google.com> Commit-Queue: Mike Klein <mtklein@google.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'gn')
6 files changed, 280 insertions, 344 deletions
diff --git a/gn/BUILD.gn b/gn/BUILD.gn
index d275bd6685..fdd50b1a11 100644
--- a/gn/BUILD.gn
+++ b/gn/BUILD.gn
@@ -4,14 +4,48 @@
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
+ ar = "ar"
+ cc = "cc"
+ cxx = "c++"
+ if (is_android) {
+ if (host_os == "win") {
+ ar = "$ndk/toolchains/$ndk_gccdir-4.9/prebuilt/$ndk_host/$ndk_target/bin/ar.exe"
+ cc = "$ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/$ndk_host/bin/clang.exe"
+ cxx = "$ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/$ndk_host/bin/clang++.exe"
+ } else {
+ ar = "$ndk/toolchains/$ndk_gccdir-4.9/prebuilt/$ndk_host/$ndk_target/bin/ar"
+ cc = "$ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/$ndk_host/bin/clang"
+ cxx = "$ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/$ndk_host/bin/clang++"
+ }
+ }
+ msvc = 2015
extra_asmflags = []
extra_cflags = []
extra_cflags_c = []
extra_cflags_cc = []
extra_ldflags = []
+ cc_wrapper = ""
malloc = ""
+declare_args() {
+ if (msvc == 2015) {
+ windk = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0"
+ } else {
+ windk = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2017/Professional"
+ }
+if (host_os == "win") {
+ python = "python.bat"
+ stamp = "cmd.exe /c echo >"
+} else {
+ python = "python"
+ stamp = "touch"
is_clang = is_android || is_ios || is_mac || (cc == "clang" && cxx == "clang++")
if (!is_clang && !is_win) {
@@ -439,3 +473,247 @@ config("executable") {
+toolchain("msvc") {
+ lib_dir_switch = "/LIBPATH:"
+ if (msvc == 2015) {
+ bin = "$windk/VC/bin/amd64"
+ env_setup = ""
+ if (target_cpu == "x86") {
+ bin += "_x86"
+ env_setup = "cmd /c $windk/win_sdk/bin/SetEnv.cmd /x86 && "
+ }
+ } else {
+ bin = "$windk/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.10.25017/bin/HostX64/$target_cpu"
+ env_setup = ""
+ if (target_cpu == "x86") {
+ print("Be sure to run")
+ print("$windk/VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsall.bat amd64_x86")
+ print("to set up your environment before running ninja.")
+ }
+ }
+ tool("asm") {
+ _ml = "ml"
+ if (target_cpu == "x64") {
+ _ml += "64"
+ }
+ command = "$env_setup$bin/$_ml.exe /nologo /c /Fo {{output}} {{source}}"
+ outputs = [
+ "{{source_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}.{{source_name_part}}.obj",
+ ]
+ description = "assemble {{source}}"
+ }
+ tool("cc") {
+ rspfile = "{{output}}.rsp"
+ precompiled_header_type = "msvc"
+ pdbname = "{{target_out_dir}}/{{label_name}}_c.pdb"
+ # Label names may have spaces so pdbname must be quoted.
+ command = "$env_setup$bin/cl.exe /nologo /showIncludes /FC @$rspfile /c {{source}} /Fo{{output}} /Fd\"$pdbname\""
+ depsformat = "msvc"
+ outputs = [
+ "{{source_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}.{{source_name_part}}.obj",
+ ]
+ rspfile_content = "{{defines}} {{include_dirs}} {{cflags}} {{cflags_c}}"
+ description = "compile {{source}}"
+ }
+ tool("cxx") {
+ rspfile = "{{output}}.rsp"
+ precompiled_header_type = "msvc"
+ pdbname = "{{target_out_dir}}/{{label_name}}_c.pdb"
+ # Label names may have spaces so pdbname must be quoted.
+ command = "$env_setup$bin/cl.exe /nologo /showIncludes /FC @$rspfile /c {{source}} /Fo{{output}} /Fd\"$pdbname\""
+ depsformat = "msvc"
+ outputs = [
+ "{{source_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}.{{source_name_part}}.obj",
+ ]
+ rspfile_content = "{{defines}} {{include_dirs}} {{cflags}} {{cflags_cc}}"
+ description = "compile {{source}}"
+ }
+ tool("alink") {
+ rspfile = "{{output}}.rsp"
+ command = "$env_setup$bin/lib.exe /nologo /ignore:4221 {{arflags}} /OUT:{{output}} @$rspfile"
+ outputs = [
+ # Ignore {{output_extension}} and always use .lib, there's no reason to
+ # allow targets to override this extension on Windows.
+ "{{root_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}",
+ ]
+ default_output_extension = ".lib"
+ default_output_dir = "{{target_out_dir}}"
+ # inputs_newline works around a fixed per-line buffer size in the linker.
+ rspfile_content = "{{inputs_newline}}"
+ description = "link {{output}}"
+ }
+ tool("solink") {
+ dllname = "{{output_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}"
+ libname = "${dllname}.lib"
+ pdbname = "${dllname}.pdb"
+ rspfile = "${dllname}.rsp"
+ command = "$env_setup$bin/link.exe /nologo /IMPLIB:$libname /DLL /OUT:$dllname /PDB:$pdbname @$rspfile"
+ outputs = [
+ dllname,
+ libname,
+ pdbname,
+ ]
+ default_output_extension = ".dll"
+ default_output_dir = "{{root_out_dir}}"
+ link_output = libname
+ depend_output = libname
+ runtime_outputs = [
+ dllname,
+ pdbname,
+ ]
+ # I don't quite understand this. Aping Chrome's toolchain/win/BUILD.gn.
+ restat = true
+ # inputs_newline works around a fixed per-line buffer size in the linker.
+ rspfile_content = "{{inputs_newline}} {{libs}} {{solibs}} {{ldflags}}"
+ description = "link {{output}}"
+ }
+ tool("link") {
+ exename = "{{root_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}"
+ pdbname = "$exename.pdb"
+ rspfile = "$exename.rsp"
+ command =
+ "$env_setup$bin/link.exe /nologo /OUT:$exename /PDB:$pdbname @$rspfile"
+ default_output_extension = ".exe"
+ default_output_dir = "{{root_out_dir}}"
+ outputs = [
+ exename,
+ ]
+ # inputs_newline works around a fixed per-line buffer size in the linker.
+ rspfile_content = "{{inputs_newline}} {{libs}} {{solibs}} {{ldflags}}"
+ description = "link {{output}}"
+ }
+ tool("stamp") {
+ command = "$stamp {{output}}"
+ description = "stamp {{output}}"
+ }
+ tool("copy") {
+ cp_py = rebase_path("cp.py")
+ command = "$python $cp_py {{source}} {{output}}"
+ description = "copy {{source}} {{output}}"
+ }
+toolchain("gcc_like") {
+ lib_switch = "-l"
+ lib_dir_switch = "-L"
+ tool("cc") {
+ depfile = "{{output}}.d"
+ command = "$cc_wrapper $cc -MMD -MF $depfile {{defines}} {{include_dirs}} {{cflags}} {{cflags_c}} -c {{source}} -o {{output}}"
+ depsformat = "gcc"
+ outputs = [
+ "{{source_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}.{{source_name_part}}.o",
+ ]
+ description = "compile {{source}}"
+ }
+ tool("cxx") {
+ depfile = "{{output}}.d"
+ command = "$cc_wrapper $cxx -MMD -MF $depfile {{defines}} {{include_dirs}} {{cflags}} {{cflags_cc}} -c {{source}} -o {{output}}"
+ depsformat = "gcc"
+ outputs = [
+ "{{source_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}.{{source_name_part}}.o",
+ ]
+ description = "compile {{source}}"
+ }
+ tool("objc") {
+ depfile = "{{output}}.d"
+ command = "$cc_wrapper $cc -MMD -MF $depfile {{defines}} {{include_dirs}} {{cflags}} {{cflags_objc}} -c {{source}} -o {{output}}"
+ depsformat = "gcc"
+ outputs = [
+ "{{source_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}.{{source_name_part}}.o",
+ ]
+ description = "compile {{source}}"
+ }
+ tool("objcxx") {
+ depfile = "{{output}}.d"
+ command = "$cc_wrapper $cxx -MMD -MF $depfile {{defines}} {{include_dirs}} {{cflags}} {{cflags_cc}} {{cflags_objc}} -c {{source}} -o {{output}}"
+ depsformat = "gcc"
+ outputs = [
+ "{{source_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}.{{source_name_part}}.o",
+ ]
+ description = "compile {{source}}"
+ }
+ tool("asm") {
+ depfile = "{{output}}.d"
+ command = "$cc_wrapper $cc -MMD -MF $depfile {{defines}} {{include_dirs}} {{asmflags}} -c {{source}} -o {{output}}"
+ depsformat = "gcc"
+ outputs = [
+ "{{source_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}.{{source_name_part}}.o",
+ ]
+ description = "assemble {{source}}"
+ }
+ tool("alink") {
+ rspfile = "{{output}}.rsp"
+ rspfile_content = "{{inputs}}"
+ ar_py = rebase_path("ar.py")
+ command = "$python $ar_py $ar {{output}} $rspfile"
+ outputs = [
+ "{{root_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}",
+ ]
+ default_output_extension = ".a"
+ output_prefix = "lib"
+ description = "link {{output}}"
+ }
+ tool("solink") {
+ soname = "{{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}"
+ rpath = "-Wl,-soname,$soname"
+ if (is_mac) {
+ rpath = "-Wl,-install_name,@rpath/$soname"
+ }
+ command = "$cc_wrapper $cxx -shared {{ldflags}} {{inputs}} {{solibs}} {{libs}} $rpath -o {{output}}"
+ outputs = [
+ "{{root_out_dir}}/$soname",
+ ]
+ output_prefix = "lib"
+ default_output_extension = ".so"
+ description = "link {{output}}"
+ }
+ tool("link") {
+ command = "$cc_wrapper $cxx {{ldflags}} {{inputs}} {{solibs}} {{libs}} -o {{output}}"
+ outputs = [
+ "{{root_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}",
+ ]
+ description = "link {{output}}"
+ }
+ tool("stamp") {
+ command = "$stamp {{output}}"
+ description = "stamp {{output}}"
+ }
+ tool("copy") {
+ cp_py = rebase_path("cp.py")
+ command = "$python $cp_py {{source}} {{output}}"
+ description = "copy {{source}} {{output}}"
+ }
diff --git a/gn/BUILDCONFIG.gn b/gn/BUILDCONFIG.gn
index 43f66f8832..2b3ae33292 100644
--- a/gn/BUILDCONFIG.gn
+++ b/gn/BUILDCONFIG.gn
@@ -17,21 +17,9 @@ declare_args() {
ndk_api = 21
sanitize = ""
- ar = "ar"
- cc = "cc"
- cxx = "c++"
- msvc = 2015
declare_args() {
is_debug = !is_official_build
- if (msvc == 2015) {
- windk = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0"
- } else {
- windk = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2017/Professional"
- }
assert(!(is_debug && is_official_build))
@@ -176,12 +164,8 @@ set_defaults("component") {
if (is_win) {
# Windows tool chain
- set_default_toolchain("//gn/toolchain:msvc")
- default_toolchain_name = "msvc"
- host_toolchain = "msvc"
+ set_default_toolchain("//gn:msvc")
} else {
# GCC-like toolchains, including Clang.
- set_default_toolchain("//gn/toolchain:gcc_like")
- default_toolchain_name = "gcc_like"
- host_toolchain = "gcc_like_host"
+ set_default_toolchain("//gn:gcc_like")
diff --git a/gn/compile_processors.py b/gn/compile_processors.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 72f23febdd..0000000000
--- a/gn/compile_processors.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import os
-import subprocess
-import sys
-skslc = sys.argv[1]
-dst = sys.argv[2]
-processors = sys.argv[3:]
-for p in processors:
- path, _ = os.path.splitext(p)
- filename = os.path.split(path)[1]
- subprocess.check_call([skslc, p, os.path.join(dst, filename + ".h")])
- subprocess.check_call([skslc, p, os.path.join(dst, filename + ".cpp")])
diff --git a/gn/sksl.gni b/gn/sksl.gni
index d13393025c..a1cab827ff 100644
--- a/gn/sksl.gni
+++ b/gn/sksl.gni
@@ -11,16 +11,11 @@ skia_sksl_sources = [
- "$_src/sksl/SkSLCPPCodeGenerator.cpp",
- "$_src/sksl/SkSLHCodeGenerator.cpp",
- "$_src/sksl/ir/SkSLSetting.cpp",
-skia_gpu_processor_sources = []
diff --git a/gn/tests.gni b/gn/tests.gni
index fde7df64eb..6843a6f555 100644
--- a/gn/tests.gni
+++ b/gn/tests.gni
@@ -216,7 +216,6 @@ tests_sources = [
- "$_tests/SkSLFPTest.cpp",
diff --git a/gn/toolchain/BUILD.gn b/gn/toolchain/BUILD.gn
deleted file mode 100644
index a4c13a7d69..0000000000
--- a/gn/toolchain/BUILD.gn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-declare_args() {
- host_ar = ar
- host_cc = cc
- host_cxx = cxx
- if (is_android) {
- if (host_os == "win") {
- target_ar = "$ndk/toolchains/$ndk_gccdir-4.9/prebuilt/$ndk_host/$ndk_target/bin/ar.exe"
- target_cc = "$ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/$ndk_host/bin/clang.exe"
- target_cxx = "$ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/$ndk_host/bin/clang++.exe"
- } else {
- target_ar = "$ndk/toolchains/$ndk_gccdir-4.9/prebuilt/$ndk_host/$ndk_target/bin/ar"
- target_cc = "$ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/$ndk_host/bin/clang"
- target_cxx = "$ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/$ndk_host/bin/clang++"
- }
- } else {
- target_ar = ar
- target_cc = cc
- target_cxx = cxx
- }
- cc_wrapper = ""
-if (host_os == "win") {
- python = "python.bat"
- stamp = "cmd.exe /c echo >"
-} else {
- python = "python"
- stamp = "touch"
-toolchain("msvc") {
- lib_dir_switch = "/LIBPATH:"
- if (msvc == 2015) {
- bin = "$windk/VC/bin/amd64"
- env_setup = ""
- if (target_cpu == "x86") {
- bin += "_x86"
- env_setup = "cmd /c $windk/win_sdk/bin/SetEnv.cmd /x86 && "
- }
- } else {
- bin = "$windk/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.10.25017/bin/HostX64/$target_cpu"
- env_setup = ""
- if (target_cpu == "x86") {
- print("Be sure to run")
- print("$windk/VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsall.bat amd64_x86")
- print("to set up your environment before running ninja.")
- }
- }
- tool("asm") {
- _ml = "ml"
- if (target_cpu == "x64") {
- _ml += "64"
- }
- command = "$env_setup$bin/$_ml.exe /nologo /c /Fo {{output}} {{source}}"
- outputs = [
- "{{source_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}.{{source_name_part}}.obj",
- ]
- description = "assemble {{source}}"
- }
- tool("cc") {
- rspfile = "{{output}}.rsp"
- precompiled_header_type = "msvc"
- pdbname = "{{target_out_dir}}/{{label_name}}_c.pdb"
- # Label names may have spaces so pdbname must be quoted.
- command = "$env_setup$bin/cl.exe /nologo /showIncludes /FC @$rspfile /c {{source}} /Fo{{output}} /Fd\"$pdbname\""
- depsformat = "msvc"
- outputs = [
- "{{source_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}.{{source_name_part}}.obj",
- ]
- rspfile_content = "{{defines}} {{include_dirs}} {{cflags}} {{cflags_c}}"
- description = "compile {{source}}"
- }
- tool("cxx") {
- rspfile = "{{output}}.rsp"
- precompiled_header_type = "msvc"
- pdbname = "{{target_out_dir}}/{{label_name}}_c.pdb"
- # Label names may have spaces so pdbname must be quoted.
- command = "$env_setup$bin/cl.exe /nologo /showIncludes /FC @$rspfile /c {{source}} /Fo{{output}} /Fd\"$pdbname\""
- depsformat = "msvc"
- outputs = [
- "{{source_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}.{{source_name_part}}.obj",
- ]
- rspfile_content = "{{defines}} {{include_dirs}} {{cflags}} {{cflags_cc}}"
- description = "compile {{source}}"
- }
- tool("alink") {
- rspfile = "{{output}}.rsp"
- command = "$env_setup$bin/lib.exe /nologo /ignore:4221 {{arflags}} /OUT:{{output}} @$rspfile"
- outputs = [
- # Ignore {{output_extension}} and always use .lib, there's no reason to
- # allow targets to override this extension on Windows.
- "{{root_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}",
- ]
- default_output_extension = ".lib"
- default_output_dir = "{{target_out_dir}}"
- # inputs_newline works around a fixed per-line buffer size in the linker.
- rspfile_content = "{{inputs_newline}}"
- description = "link {{output}}"
- }
- tool("solink") {
- dllname = "{{output_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}"
- libname = "${dllname}.lib"
- pdbname = "${dllname}.pdb"
- rspfile = "${dllname}.rsp"
- command = "$env_setup$bin/link.exe /nologo /IMPLIB:$libname /DLL /OUT:$dllname /PDB:$pdbname @$rspfile"
- outputs = [
- dllname,
- libname,
- pdbname,
- ]
- default_output_extension = ".dll"
- default_output_dir = "{{root_out_dir}}"
- link_output = libname
- depend_output = libname
- runtime_outputs = [
- dllname,
- pdbname,
- ]
- # I don't quite understand this. Aping Chrome's toolchain/win/BUILD.gn.
- restat = true
- # inputs_newline works around a fixed per-line buffer size in the linker.
- rspfile_content = "{{inputs_newline}} {{libs}} {{solibs}} {{ldflags}}"
- description = "link {{output}}"
- }
- tool("link") {
- exename = "{{root_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}"
- pdbname = "$exename.pdb"
- rspfile = "$exename.rsp"
- command =
- "$env_setup$bin/link.exe /nologo /OUT:$exename /PDB:$pdbname @$rspfile"
- default_output_extension = ".exe"
- default_output_dir = "{{root_out_dir}}"
- outputs = [
- exename,
- ]
- # inputs_newline works around a fixed per-line buffer size in the linker.
- rspfile_content = "{{inputs_newline}} {{libs}} {{solibs}} {{ldflags}}"
- description = "link {{output}}"
- }
- tool("stamp") {
- command = "$stamp {{output}}"
- description = "stamp {{output}}"
- }
- tool("copy") {
- cp_py = rebase_path("../cp.py")
- command = "$python $cp_py {{source}} {{output}}"
- description = "copy {{source}} {{output}}"
- }
-template("gcc_like_toolchain") {
- toolchain(target_name) {
- ar = invoker.ar
- cc = invoker.cc
- cxx = invoker.cxx
- lib_switch = "-l"
- lib_dir_switch = "-L"
- tool("cc") {
- depfile = "{{output}}.d"
- command = "$cc_wrapper $cc -MMD -MF $depfile {{defines}} {{include_dirs}} {{cflags}} {{cflags_c}} -c {{source}} -o {{output}}"
- depsformat = "gcc"
- outputs = [
- "{{source_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}.{{source_name_part}}.o",
- ]
- description = "compile {{source}}"
- }
- tool("cxx") {
- depfile = "{{output}}.d"
- command = "$cc_wrapper $cxx -MMD -MF $depfile {{defines}} {{include_dirs}} {{cflags}} {{cflags_cc}} -c {{source}} -o {{output}}"
- depsformat = "gcc"
- outputs = [
- "{{source_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}.{{source_name_part}}.o",
- ]
- description = "compile {{source}}"
- }
- tool("objc") {
- depfile = "{{output}}.d"
- command = "$cc_wrapper $cc -MMD -MF $depfile {{defines}} {{include_dirs}} {{cflags}} {{cflags_objc}} -c {{source}} -o {{output}}"
- depsformat = "gcc"
- outputs = [
- "{{source_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}.{{source_name_part}}.o",
- ]
- description = "compile {{source}}"
- }
- tool("objcxx") {
- depfile = "{{output}}.d"
- command = "$cc_wrapper $cxx -MMD -MF $depfile {{defines}} {{include_dirs}} {{cflags}} {{cflags_cc}} {{cflags_objc}} -c {{source}} -o {{output}}"
- depsformat = "gcc"
- outputs = [
- "{{source_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}.{{source_name_part}}.o",
- ]
- description = "compile {{source}}"
- }
- tool("asm") {
- depfile = "{{output}}.d"
- command = "$cc_wrapper $cc -MMD -MF $depfile {{defines}} {{include_dirs}} {{asmflags}} -c {{source}} -o {{output}}"
- depsformat = "gcc"
- outputs = [
- "{{source_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}.{{source_name_part}}.o",
- ]
- description = "assemble {{source}}"
- }
- tool("alink") {
- rspfile = "{{output}}.rsp"
- rspfile_content = "{{inputs}}"
- ar_py = rebase_path("../ar.py")
- command = "$python $ar_py $ar {{output}} $rspfile"
- outputs = [
- "{{root_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}",
- ]
- default_output_extension = ".a"
- output_prefix = "lib"
- description = "link {{output}}"
- }
- tool("solink") {
- soname = "{{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}"
- rpath = "-Wl,-soname,$soname"
- if (is_mac) {
- rpath = "-Wl,-install_name,@rpath/$soname"
- }
- command = "$cc_wrapper $cxx -shared {{ldflags}} {{inputs}} {{solibs}} {{libs}} $rpath -o {{output}}"
- outputs = [
- "{{root_out_dir}}/$soname",
- ]
- output_prefix = "lib"
- default_output_extension = ".so"
- description = "link {{output}}"
- }
- tool("link") {
- command = "$cc_wrapper $cxx {{ldflags}} {{inputs}} {{solibs}} {{libs}} -o {{output}}"
- outputs = [
- "{{root_out_dir}}/{{target_output_name}}{{output_extension}}",
- ]
- description = "link {{output}}"
- }
- tool("stamp") {
- command = "$stamp {{output}}"
- description = "stamp {{output}}"
- }
- tool("copy") {
- cp_py = rebase_path("../cp.py")
- command = "$python $cp_py {{source}} {{output}}"
- description = "copy {{source}} {{output}}"
- }
- toolchain_args = {
- current_cpu = invoker.cpu
- current_os = invoker.os
- }
- }
-gcc_like_toolchain("gcc_like") {
- cpu = current_cpu
- os = current_os
- ar = target_ar
- cc = target_cc
- cxx = target_cxx
-gcc_like_toolchain("gcc_like_host") {
- cpu = host_cpu
- os = host_os
- ar = host_ar
- cc = host_cc
- cxx = host_cxx