// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/ // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace google { namespace protobuf { namespace util { namespace { using proto3::FOO; using proto3::BAR; using proto3::TestMessage; using proto3::TestMap; using proto3::TestOneof; using google::protobuf::testing::MapIn; static const char kTypeUrlPrefix[] = "type.googleapis.com"; // As functions defined in json_util.h are just thin wrappers around the // JSON conversion code in //net/proto2/util/converter, in this test we // only cover some very basic cases to make sure the wrappers have forwarded // parameters to the underlying implementation correctly. More detailed // tests are contained in the //net/proto2/util/converter directory. class JsonUtilTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: JsonUtilTest() { } string ToJson(const Message& message, const JsonPrintOptions& options) { string result; GOOGLE_CHECK_OK(MessageToJsonString(message, &result, options)); return result; } bool FromJson(const string& json, Message* message, const JsonParseOptions& options) { return JsonStringToMessage(json, message, options).ok(); } bool FromJson(const string& json, Message* message) { return FromJson(json, message, JsonParseOptions()); } google::protobuf::scoped_ptr resolver_; }; TEST_F(JsonUtilTest, TestWhitespaces) { TestMessage m; m.mutable_message_value(); JsonPrintOptions options; EXPECT_EQ("{\"messageValue\":{}}", ToJson(m, options)); options.add_whitespace = true; EXPECT_EQ( "{\n" " \"messageValue\": {}\n" "}\n", ToJson(m, options)); } TEST_F(JsonUtilTest, TestDefaultValues) { TestMessage m; JsonPrintOptions options; EXPECT_EQ("{}", ToJson(m, options)); options.always_print_primitive_fields = true; EXPECT_EQ( "{\"boolValue\":false," "\"int32Value\":0," "\"int64Value\":\"0\"," "\"uint32Value\":0," "\"uint64Value\":\"0\"," "\"floatValue\":0," "\"doubleValue\":0," "\"stringValue\":\"\"," "\"bytesValue\":\"\"," "\"enumValue\":\"FOO\"," "\"repeatedBoolValue\":[]," "\"repeatedInt32Value\":[]," "\"repeatedInt64Value\":[]," "\"repeatedUint32Value\":[]," "\"repeatedUint64Value\":[]," "\"repeatedFloatValue\":[]," "\"repeatedDoubleValue\":[]," "\"repeatedStringValue\":[]," "\"repeatedBytesValue\":[]," "\"repeatedEnumValue\":[]," "\"repeatedMessageValue\":[]" "}", ToJson(m, options)); options.always_print_primitive_fields = true; m.set_string_value("i am a test string value"); m.set_bytes_value("i am a test bytes value"); EXPECT_EQ( "{\"boolValue\":false," "\"int32Value\":0," "\"int64Value\":\"0\"," "\"uint32Value\":0," "\"uint64Value\":\"0\"," "\"floatValue\":0," "\"doubleValue\":0," "\"stringValue\":\"i am a test string value\"," "\"bytesValue\":\"aSBhbSBhIHRlc3QgYnl0ZXMgdmFsdWU=\"," "\"enumValue\":\"FOO\"," "\"repeatedBoolValue\":[]," "\"repeatedInt32Value\":[]," "\"repeatedInt64Value\":[]," "\"repeatedUint32Value\":[]," "\"repeatedUint64Value\":[]," "\"repeatedFloatValue\":[]," "\"repeatedDoubleValue\":[]," "\"repeatedStringValue\":[]," "\"repeatedBytesValue\":[]," "\"repeatedEnumValue\":[]," "\"repeatedMessageValue\":[]" "}", ToJson(m, options)); options.preserve_proto_field_names = true; m.set_string_value("i am a test string value"); m.set_bytes_value("i am a test bytes value"); EXPECT_EQ( "{\"bool_value\":false," "\"int32_value\":0," "\"int64_value\":\"0\"," "\"uint32_value\":0," "\"uint64_value\":\"0\"," "\"float_value\":0," "\"double_value\":0," "\"string_value\":\"i am a test string value\"," "\"bytes_value\":\"aSBhbSBhIHRlc3QgYnl0ZXMgdmFsdWU=\"," "\"enum_value\":\"FOO\"," "\"repeated_bool_value\":[]," "\"repeated_int32_value\":[]," "\"repeated_int64_value\":[]," "\"repeated_uint32_value\":[]," "\"repeated_uint64_value\":[]," "\"repeated_float_value\":[]," "\"repeated_double_value\":[]," "\"repeated_string_value\":[]," "\"repeated_bytes_value\":[]," "\"repeated_enum_value\":[]," "\"repeated_message_value\":[]" "}", ToJson(m, options)); } TEST_F(JsonUtilTest, TestPreserveProtoFieldNames) { TestMessage m; m.mutable_message_value(); JsonPrintOptions options; options.preserve_proto_field_names = true; EXPECT_EQ("{\"message_value\":{}}", ToJson(m, options)); } TEST_F(JsonUtilTest, TestAlwaysPrintEnumsAsInts) { TestMessage orig; orig.set_enum_value(proto3::BAR); orig.add_repeated_enum_value(proto3::FOO); orig.add_repeated_enum_value(proto3::BAR); JsonPrintOptions print_options; print_options.always_print_enums_as_ints = true; string expected_json = "{\"enumValue\":1,\"repeatedEnumValue\":[0,1]}"; EXPECT_EQ(expected_json, ToJson(orig, print_options)); TestMessage parsed; JsonParseOptions parse_options; ASSERT_TRUE(FromJson(expected_json, &parsed, parse_options)); EXPECT_EQ(proto3::BAR, parsed.enum_value()); EXPECT_EQ(2, parsed.repeated_enum_value_size()); EXPECT_EQ(proto3::FOO, parsed.repeated_enum_value(0)); EXPECT_EQ(proto3::BAR, parsed.repeated_enum_value(1)); } TEST_F(JsonUtilTest, ParseMessage) { // Some random message but good enough to verify that the parsing warpper // functions are working properly. string input = "{\n" " \"int32Value\": 1024,\n" " \"repeatedInt32Value\": [1, 2],\n" " \"messageValue\": {\n" " \"value\": 2048\n" " },\n" " \"repeatedMessageValue\": [\n" " {\"value\": 40}, {\"value\": 96}\n" " ]\n" "}\n"; JsonParseOptions options; TestMessage m; ASSERT_TRUE(FromJson(input, &m, options)); EXPECT_EQ(1024, m.int32_value()); ASSERT_EQ(2, m.repeated_int32_value_size()); EXPECT_EQ(1, m.repeated_int32_value(0)); EXPECT_EQ(2, m.repeated_int32_value(1)); EXPECT_EQ(2048, m.message_value().value()); ASSERT_EQ(2, m.repeated_message_value_size()); EXPECT_EQ(40, m.repeated_message_value(0).value()); EXPECT_EQ(96, m.repeated_message_value(1).value()); } TEST_F(JsonUtilTest, ParseMap) { TestMap message; (*message.mutable_string_map())["hello"] = 1234; JsonPrintOptions print_options; JsonParseOptions parse_options; EXPECT_EQ("{\"stringMap\":{\"hello\":1234}}", ToJson(message, print_options)); TestMap other; ASSERT_TRUE(FromJson(ToJson(message, print_options), &other, parse_options)); EXPECT_EQ(message.DebugString(), other.DebugString()); } TEST_F(JsonUtilTest, ParsePrimitiveMapIn) { MapIn message; JsonPrintOptions print_options; print_options.always_print_primitive_fields = true; JsonParseOptions parse_options; EXPECT_EQ("{\"other\":\"\",\"things\":[],\"mapInput\":{}}", ToJson(message, print_options)); MapIn other; ASSERT_TRUE(FromJson(ToJson(message, print_options), &other, parse_options)); EXPECT_EQ(message.DebugString(), other.DebugString()); } TEST_F(JsonUtilTest, PrintPrimitiveOneof) { TestOneof message; JsonPrintOptions options; options.always_print_primitive_fields = true; message.mutable_oneof_message_value(); EXPECT_EQ("{\"oneofMessageValue\":{\"value\":0}}", ToJson(message, options)); message.set_oneof_int32_value(1); EXPECT_EQ("{\"oneofInt32Value\":1}", ToJson(message, options)); } TEST_F(JsonUtilTest, TestParseIgnoreUnknownFields) { TestMessage m; JsonParseOptions options; options.ignore_unknown_fields = true; EXPECT_TRUE(FromJson("{\"unknownName\":0}", &m, options)); } TEST_F(JsonUtilTest, TestParseErrors) { TestMessage m; JsonParseOptions options; // Parsing should fail if the field name can not be recognized. EXPECT_FALSE(FromJson("{\"unknownName\":0}", &m, options)); // Parsing should fail if the value is invalid. EXPECT_FALSE(FromJson("{\"int32Value\":2147483648}", &m, options)); } TEST_F(JsonUtilTest, TestDynamicMessage) { // Some random message but good enough to test the wrapper functions. string input = "{\n" " \"int32Value\": 1024,\n" " \"repeatedInt32Value\": [1, 2],\n" " \"messageValue\": {\n" " \"value\": 2048\n" " },\n" " \"repeatedMessageValue\": [\n" " {\"value\": 40}, {\"value\": 96}\n" " ]\n" "}\n"; // Create a new DescriptorPool with the same protos as the generated one. DescriptorPoolDatabase database(*DescriptorPool::generated_pool()); DescriptorPool pool(&database); // A dynamic version of the test proto. DynamicMessageFactory factory; google::protobuf::scoped_ptr message(factory.GetPrototype( pool.FindMessageTypeByName("proto3.TestMessage"))->New()); EXPECT_TRUE(FromJson(input, message.get())); // Convert to generated message for easy inspection. TestMessage generated; EXPECT_TRUE(generated.ParseFromString(message->SerializeAsString())); EXPECT_EQ(1024, generated.int32_value()); ASSERT_EQ(2, generated.repeated_int32_value_size()); EXPECT_EQ(1, generated.repeated_int32_value(0)); EXPECT_EQ(2, generated.repeated_int32_value(1)); EXPECT_EQ(2048, generated.message_value().value()); ASSERT_EQ(2, generated.repeated_message_value_size()); EXPECT_EQ(40, generated.repeated_message_value(0).value()); EXPECT_EQ(96, generated.repeated_message_value(1).value()); JsonOptions options; EXPECT_EQ(ToJson(generated, options), ToJson(*message, options)); } typedef std::pair Segment; // A ZeroCopyOutputStream that writes to multiple buffers. class SegmentedZeroCopyOutputStream : public io::ZeroCopyOutputStream { public: explicit SegmentedZeroCopyOutputStream(std::list segments) : segments_(segments), last_segment_(static_cast(NULL), 0), byte_count_(0) {} virtual bool Next(void** buffer, int* length) { if (segments_.empty()) { return false; } last_segment_ = segments_.front(); segments_.pop_front(); *buffer = last_segment_.first; *length = last_segment_.second; byte_count_ += *length; return true; } virtual void BackUp(int length) { GOOGLE_CHECK(length <= last_segment_.second); segments_.push_front( Segment(last_segment_.first + last_segment_.second - length, length)); last_segment_ = Segment(last_segment_.first, last_segment_.second - length); byte_count_ -= length; } virtual int64 ByteCount() const { return byte_count_; } private: std::list segments_; Segment last_segment_; int64 byte_count_; }; // This test splits the output buffer and also the input data into multiple // segments and checks that the implementation of ZeroCopyStreamByteSink // handles all possible cases correctly. TEST(ZeroCopyStreamByteSinkTest, TestAllInputOutputPatterns) { static const int kOutputBufferLength = 10; // An exhaustive test takes too long, skip some combinations to make the test // run faster. static const int kSkippedPatternCount = 7; char buffer[kOutputBufferLength]; for (int split_pattern = 0; split_pattern < (1 << (kOutputBufferLength - 1)); split_pattern += kSkippedPatternCount) { // Split the buffer into small segments according to the split_pattern. std::list segments; int segment_start = 0; for (int i = 0; i < kOutputBufferLength - 1; ++i) { if (split_pattern & (1 << i)) { segments.push_back( Segment(buffer + segment_start, i - segment_start + 1)); segment_start = i + 1; } } segments.push_back( Segment(buffer + segment_start, kOutputBufferLength - segment_start)); // Write exactly 10 bytes through the ByteSink. string input_data = "0123456789"; for (int input_pattern = 0; input_pattern < (1 << (input_data.size() - 1)); input_pattern += kSkippedPatternCount) { memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); { SegmentedZeroCopyOutputStream output_stream(segments); internal::ZeroCopyStreamByteSink byte_sink(&output_stream); int start = 0; for (int j = 0; j < input_data.length() - 1; ++j) { if (input_pattern & (1 << j)) { byte_sink.Append(&input_data[start], j - start + 1); start = j + 1; } } byte_sink.Append(&input_data[start], input_data.length() - start); } EXPECT_EQ(input_data, string(buffer, input_data.length())); } // Write only 9 bytes through the ByteSink. input_data = "012345678"; for (int input_pattern = 0; input_pattern < (1 << (input_data.size() - 1)); input_pattern += kSkippedPatternCount) { memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); { SegmentedZeroCopyOutputStream output_stream(segments); internal::ZeroCopyStreamByteSink byte_sink(&output_stream); int start = 0; for (int j = 0; j < input_data.length() - 1; ++j) { if (input_pattern & (1 << j)) { byte_sink.Append(&input_data[start], j - start + 1); start = j + 1; } } byte_sink.Append(&input_data[start], input_data.length() - start); } EXPECT_EQ(input_data, string(buffer, input_data.length())); EXPECT_EQ(0, buffer[input_data.length()]); } // Write 11 bytes through the ByteSink. The extra byte will just // be ignored. input_data = "0123456789A"; for (int input_pattern = 0; input_pattern < (1 << (input_data.size() - 1)); input_pattern += kSkippedPatternCount) { memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); { SegmentedZeroCopyOutputStream output_stream(segments); internal::ZeroCopyStreamByteSink byte_sink(&output_stream); int start = 0; for (int j = 0; j < input_data.length() - 1; ++j) { if (input_pattern & (1 << j)) { byte_sink.Append(&input_data[start], j - start + 1); start = j + 1; } } byte_sink.Append(&input_data[start], input_data.length() - start); } EXPECT_EQ(input_data.substr(0, kOutputBufferLength), string(buffer, kOutputBufferLength)); } } } TEST_F(JsonUtilTest, TestWrongJsonInput) { using namespace google::protobuf; const char json[] = "{\"unknown_field\":\"some_value\"}"; io::ArrayInputStream input_stream(json, strlen(json)); char proto_buffer[10000]; io::ArrayOutputStream output_stream(proto_buffer, sizeof(proto_buffer)); std::string message_type = "type.googleapis.com/proto3.TestMessage"; TypeResolver* resolver = NewTypeResolverForDescriptorPool( "type.googleapis.com", DescriptorPool::generated_pool()); util::Status result_status = util::JsonToBinaryStream(resolver, message_type, &input_stream, &output_stream); delete resolver; EXPECT_FALSE(result_status.ok()); EXPECT_EQ(result_status.error_code(), google::protobuf::util::error::INVALID_ARGUMENT); } } // namespace } // namespace util } // namespace protobuf } // namespace google