// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/ // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using google::protobuf::internal::scoped_ptr; namespace google { namespace protobuf { namespace compiler { namespace csharp { bool CompareFieldNumbers(const FieldDescriptor* d1, const FieldDescriptor* d2) { return d1->number() < d2->number(); } MessageGenerator::MessageGenerator(const Descriptor* descriptor, const Options* options) : SourceGeneratorBase(descriptor->file(), options), descriptor_(descriptor) { // sorted field names for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) { field_names_.push_back(descriptor_->field(i)->name()); } std::sort(field_names_.begin(), field_names_.end()); // fields by number for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) { fields_by_number_.push_back(descriptor_->field(i)); } std::sort(fields_by_number_.begin(), fields_by_number_.end(), CompareFieldNumbers); } MessageGenerator::~MessageGenerator() { } std::string MessageGenerator::class_name() { return descriptor_->name(); } std::string MessageGenerator::full_class_name() { return GetClassName(descriptor_); } const std::vector& MessageGenerator::field_names() { return field_names_; } const std::vector& MessageGenerator::fields_by_number() { return fields_by_number_; } void MessageGenerator::AddDeprecatedFlag(io::Printer* printer) { if (descriptor_->options().deprecated()) { printer->Print("[global::System.ObsoleteAttribute]\n"); } } void MessageGenerator::Generate(io::Printer* printer) { std::map vars; vars["class_name"] = class_name(); vars["access_level"] = class_access_level(); WriteMessageDocComment(printer, descriptor_); AddDeprecatedFlag(printer); printer->Print( vars, "$access_level$ sealed partial class $class_name$ : pb::IMessage<$class_name$> {\n"); printer->Indent(); // All static fields and properties printer->Print( vars, "private static readonly pb::MessageParser<$class_name$> _parser = new pb::MessageParser<$class_name$>(() => new $class_name$());\n"); printer->Print( "private pb::UnknownFieldSet _unknownFields;\n"); WriteGeneratedCodeAttributes(printer); printer->Print( vars, "public static pb::MessageParser<$class_name$> Parser { get { return _parser; } }\n\n"); // Access the message descriptor via the relevant file descriptor or containing message descriptor. if (!descriptor_->containing_type()) { vars["descriptor_accessor"] = GetReflectionClassName(descriptor_->file()) + ".Descriptor.MessageTypes[" + SimpleItoa(descriptor_->index()) + "]"; } else { vars["descriptor_accessor"] = GetClassName(descriptor_->containing_type()) + ".Descriptor.NestedTypes[" + SimpleItoa(descriptor_->index()) + "]"; } WriteGeneratedCodeAttributes(printer); printer->Print( vars, "public static pbr::MessageDescriptor Descriptor {\n" " get { return $descriptor_accessor$; }\n" "}\n" "\n"); WriteGeneratedCodeAttributes(printer); printer->Print( vars, "pbr::MessageDescriptor pb::IMessage.Descriptor {\n" " get { return Descriptor; }\n" "}\n" "\n"); // CustomOptions property, only for options messages if (IsDescriptorOptionMessage(descriptor_)) { printer->Print( "internal CustomOptions CustomOptions{ get; private set; } = CustomOptions.Empty;\n" "\n"); } // Parameterless constructor and partial OnConstruction method. WriteGeneratedCodeAttributes(printer); printer->Print( vars, "public $class_name$() {\n" " OnConstruction();\n" "}\n\n" "partial void OnConstruction();\n\n"); GenerateCloningCode(printer); GenerateFreezingCode(printer); // Fields/properties for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) { const FieldDescriptor* fieldDescriptor = descriptor_->field(i); // Rats: we lose the debug comment here :( printer->Print( "/// Field number for the \"$field_name$\" field.\n" "public const int $field_constant_name$ = $index$;\n", "field_name", fieldDescriptor->name(), "field_constant_name", GetFieldConstantName(fieldDescriptor), "index", SimpleItoa(fieldDescriptor->number())); scoped_ptr generator( CreateFieldGeneratorInternal(fieldDescriptor)); generator->GenerateMembers(printer); printer->Print("\n"); } // oneof properties for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->oneof_decl_count(); i++) { vars["name"] = UnderscoresToCamelCase(descriptor_->oneof_decl(i)->name(), false); vars["property_name"] = UnderscoresToCamelCase(descriptor_->oneof_decl(i)->name(), true); vars["original_name"] = descriptor_->oneof_decl(i)->name(); printer->Print( vars, "private object $name$_;\n" "/// Enum of possible cases for the \"$original_name$\" oneof.\n" "public enum $property_name$OneofCase {\n"); printer->Indent(); printer->Print("None = 0,\n"); for (int j = 0; j < descriptor_->oneof_decl(i)->field_count(); j++) { const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor_->oneof_decl(i)->field(j); printer->Print("$field_property_name$ = $index$,\n", "field_property_name", GetPropertyName(field), "index", SimpleItoa(field->number())); } printer->Outdent(); printer->Print("}\n"); // TODO: Should we put the oneof .proto comments here? // It's unclear exactly where they should go. printer->Print( vars, "private $property_name$OneofCase $name$Case_ = $property_name$OneofCase.None;\n"); WriteGeneratedCodeAttributes(printer); printer->Print( vars, "public $property_name$OneofCase $property_name$Case {\n" " get { return $name$Case_; }\n" "}\n\n"); WriteGeneratedCodeAttributes(printer); printer->Print( vars, "public void Clear$property_name$() {\n" " $name$Case_ = $property_name$OneofCase.None;\n" " $name$_ = null;\n" "}\n\n"); } // Standard methods GenerateFrameworkMethods(printer); GenerateMessageSerializationMethods(printer); GenerateMergingMethods(printer); // Nested messages and enums if (HasNestedGeneratedTypes()) { printer->Print( vars, "#region Nested types\n" "/// Container for nested types declared in the $class_name$ message type.\n"); WriteGeneratedCodeAttributes(printer); printer->Print("public static partial class Types {\n"); printer->Indent(); for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->enum_type_count(); i++) { EnumGenerator enumGenerator(descriptor_->enum_type(i), this->options()); enumGenerator.Generate(printer); } for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->nested_type_count(); i++) { // Don't generate nested types for maps... if (!IsMapEntryMessage(descriptor_->nested_type(i))) { MessageGenerator messageGenerator( descriptor_->nested_type(i), this->options()); messageGenerator.Generate(printer); } } printer->Outdent(); printer->Print("}\n" "#endregion\n" "\n"); } printer->Outdent(); printer->Print("}\n"); printer->Print("\n"); } // Helper to work out whether we need to generate a class to hold nested types/enums. // Only tricky because we don't want to generate map entry types. bool MessageGenerator::HasNestedGeneratedTypes() { if (descriptor_->enum_type_count() > 0) { return true; } for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->nested_type_count(); i++) { if (!IsMapEntryMessage(descriptor_->nested_type(i))) { return true; } } return false; } void MessageGenerator::GenerateCloningCode(io::Printer* printer) { std::map vars; WriteGeneratedCodeAttributes(printer); vars["class_name"] = class_name(); printer->Print( vars, "public $class_name$($class_name$ other) : this() {\n"); printer->Indent(); // Clone non-oneof fields first for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) { if (!descriptor_->field(i)->containing_oneof()) { scoped_ptr generator( CreateFieldGeneratorInternal(descriptor_->field(i))); generator->GenerateCloningCode(printer); } } // Clone just the right field for each oneof for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->oneof_decl_count(); ++i) { vars["name"] = UnderscoresToCamelCase(descriptor_->oneof_decl(i)->name(), false); vars["property_name"] = UnderscoresToCamelCase( descriptor_->oneof_decl(i)->name(), true); printer->Print(vars, "switch (other.$property_name$Case) {\n"); printer->Indent(); for (int j = 0; j < descriptor_->oneof_decl(i)->field_count(); j++) { const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor_->oneof_decl(i)->field(j); scoped_ptr generator(CreateFieldGeneratorInternal(field)); vars["field_property_name"] = GetPropertyName(field); printer->Print( vars, "case $property_name$OneofCase.$field_property_name$:\n"); printer->Indent(); generator->GenerateCloningCode(printer); printer->Print("break;\n"); printer->Outdent(); } printer->Outdent(); printer->Print("}\n\n"); } // Clone unknown fields printer->Print( "_unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.Clone(other._unknownFields);\n"); printer->Outdent(); printer->Print("}\n\n"); WriteGeneratedCodeAttributes(printer); printer->Print( vars, "public $class_name$ Clone() {\n" " return new $class_name$(this);\n" "}\n\n"); } void MessageGenerator::GenerateFreezingCode(io::Printer* printer) { } void MessageGenerator::GenerateFrameworkMethods(io::Printer* printer) { std::map vars; vars["class_name"] = class_name(); // Equality WriteGeneratedCodeAttributes(printer); printer->Print( vars, "public override bool Equals(object other) {\n" " return Equals(other as $class_name$);\n" "}\n\n"); WriteGeneratedCodeAttributes(printer); printer->Print( vars, "public bool Equals($class_name$ other) {\n" " if (ReferenceEquals(other, null)) {\n" " return false;\n" " }\n" " if (ReferenceEquals(other, this)) {\n" " return true;\n" " }\n"); printer->Indent(); for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) { scoped_ptr generator( CreateFieldGeneratorInternal(descriptor_->field(i))); generator->WriteEquals(printer); } for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->oneof_decl_count(); i++) { printer->Print("if ($property_name$Case != other.$property_name$Case) return false;\n", "property_name", UnderscoresToCamelCase(descriptor_->oneof_decl(i)->name(), true)); } printer->Outdent(); printer->Print( " return Equals(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields);\n" "}\n\n"); // GetHashCode // Start with a non-zero value to easily distinguish between null and "empty" messages. WriteGeneratedCodeAttributes(printer); printer->Print( "public override int GetHashCode() {\n" " int hash = 1;\n"); printer->Indent(); for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) { scoped_ptr generator( CreateFieldGeneratorInternal(descriptor_->field(i))); generator->WriteHash(printer); } for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->oneof_decl_count(); i++) { printer->Print("hash ^= (int) $name$Case_;\n", "name", UnderscoresToCamelCase(descriptor_->oneof_decl(i)->name(), false)); } printer->Print( "if (_unknownFields != null) {\n" " hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode();\n" "}\n" "return hash;\n"); printer->Outdent(); printer->Print("}\n\n"); WriteGeneratedCodeAttributes(printer); printer->Print( "public override string ToString() {\n" " return pb::JsonFormatter.ToDiagnosticString(this);\n" "}\n\n"); } void MessageGenerator::GenerateMessageSerializationMethods(io::Printer* printer) { WriteGeneratedCodeAttributes(printer); printer->Print( "public void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output) {\n"); printer->Indent(); // Serialize all the fields for (int i = 0; i < fields_by_number().size(); i++) { scoped_ptr generator( CreateFieldGeneratorInternal(fields_by_number()[i])); generator->GenerateSerializationCode(printer); } // Serialize unknown fields printer->Print( "if (_unknownFields != null) {\n" " _unknownFields.WriteTo(output);\n" "}\n"); // TODO(jonskeet): Memoize size of frozen messages? printer->Outdent(); printer->Print( "}\n" "\n"); WriteGeneratedCodeAttributes(printer); printer->Print( "public int CalculateSize() {\n"); printer->Indent(); printer->Print("int size = 0;\n"); for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) { scoped_ptr generator( CreateFieldGeneratorInternal(descriptor_->field(i))); generator->GenerateSerializedSizeCode(printer); } printer->Print( "if (_unknownFields != null) {\n" " size += _unknownFields.CalculateSize();\n" "}\n"); printer->Print("return size;\n"); printer->Outdent(); printer->Print("}\n\n"); } void MessageGenerator::GenerateMergingMethods(io::Printer* printer) { // Note: These are separate from GenerateMessageSerializationMethods() // because they need to be generated even for messages that are optimized // for code size. std::map vars; vars["class_name"] = class_name(); WriteGeneratedCodeAttributes(printer); printer->Print( vars, "public void MergeFrom($class_name$ other) {\n"); printer->Indent(); printer->Print( "if (other == null) {\n" " return;\n" "}\n"); // Merge non-oneof fields for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) { if (!descriptor_->field(i)->containing_oneof()) { scoped_ptr generator( CreateFieldGeneratorInternal(descriptor_->field(i))); generator->GenerateMergingCode(printer); } } // Merge oneof fields for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->oneof_decl_count(); ++i) { vars["name"] = UnderscoresToCamelCase(descriptor_->oneof_decl(i)->name(), false); vars["property_name"] = UnderscoresToCamelCase(descriptor_->oneof_decl(i)->name(), true); printer->Print(vars, "switch (other.$property_name$Case) {\n"); printer->Indent(); for (int j = 0; j < descriptor_->oneof_decl(i)->field_count(); j++) { const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor_->oneof_decl(i)->field(j); vars["field_property_name"] = GetPropertyName(field); printer->Print( vars, "case $property_name$OneofCase.$field_property_name$:\n"); printer->Indent(); scoped_ptr generator(CreateFieldGeneratorInternal(field)); generator->GenerateMergingCode(printer); printer->Print("break;\n"); printer->Outdent(); } printer->Outdent(); printer->Print("}\n\n"); } // Merge unknown fields. printer->Print( "_unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFrom(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields);\n"); printer->Outdent(); printer->Print("}\n\n"); WriteGeneratedCodeAttributes(printer); printer->Print("public void MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {\n"); printer->Indent(); printer->Print( "uint tag;\n" "while ((tag = input.ReadTag()) != 0) {\n" " switch(tag) {\n"); printer->Indent(); printer->Indent(); // Option messages need to store unknown fields so that options can be parsed later. if (IsDescriptorOptionMessage(descriptor_)) { printer->Print( "default:\n" " CustomOptions = CustomOptions.ReadOrSkipUnknownField(input);\n" " break;\n"); } else { printer->Print( "default:\n" " _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFieldFrom(_unknownFields, input);\n" " break;\n"); } for (int i = 0; i < fields_by_number().size(); i++) { const FieldDescriptor* field = fields_by_number()[i]; internal::WireFormatLite::WireType wt = internal::WireFormat::WireTypeForFieldType(field->type()); uint32 tag = internal::WireFormatLite::MakeTag(field->number(), wt); // Handle both packed and unpacked repeated fields with the same Read*Array call; // the two generated cases are the packed and unpacked tags. // TODO(jonskeet): Check that is_packable is equivalent to // is_repeated && wt in { VARINT, FIXED32, FIXED64 }. // It looks like it is... if (field->is_packable()) { printer->Print( "case $packed_tag$:\n", "packed_tag", SimpleItoa( internal::WireFormatLite::MakeTag( field->number(), internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED))); } printer->Print("case $tag$: {\n", "tag", SimpleItoa(tag)); printer->Indent(); scoped_ptr generator( CreateFieldGeneratorInternal(field)); generator->GenerateParsingCode(printer); printer->Print("break;\n"); printer->Outdent(); printer->Print("}\n"); } printer->Outdent(); printer->Print("}\n"); // switch printer->Outdent(); printer->Print("}\n"); // while printer->Outdent(); printer->Print("}\n\n"); // method } int MessageGenerator::GetFieldOrdinal(const FieldDescriptor* descriptor) { for (int i = 0; i < field_names().size(); i++) { if (field_names()[i] == descriptor->name()) { return i; } } GOOGLE_LOG(DFATAL)<< "Could not find ordinal for field " << descriptor->name(); return -1; } FieldGeneratorBase* MessageGenerator::CreateFieldGeneratorInternal( const FieldDescriptor* descriptor) { return CreateFieldGenerator(descriptor, GetFieldOrdinal(descriptor), this->options()); } } // namespace csharp } // namespace compiler } // namespace protobuf } // namespace google