#!/bin/bash # Print usage and fail. function usage() { echo "Usage: protobuf_optimized_pip.sh PROTOBUF_VERSION PYPI_USERNAME PYPI_PASSWORD" >&2 exit 1 # Causes caller to exit because we use -e. } # Validate arguments. if [ $0 != ./build_wheel_manylinux.sh ]; then echo "Please run this script from the directory in which it is located." >&2 exit 1 fi if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then usage exit 1 fi PROTOBUF_VERSION=$1 PYPI_USERNAME=$2 PYPI_PASSWORD=$3 docker rmi protobuf-python-wheel docker build . -t protobuf-python-wheel docker run --rm protobuf-python-wheel ./protobuf_optimized_pip.sh $PROTOBUF_VERSION $PYPI_USERNAME $PYPI_PASSWORD docker rmi protobuf-python-wheel