#!/bin/bash # This script checks that the runtime version number constant in the compiler # source and in the runtime source is the same. # # A distro can be made of the protobuf sources with only a subset of the # languages, so if the compiler depended on the Objective C runtime, those # builds would break. At the same time, we don't want the runtime source # depending on the compiler sources; so two copies of the constant are needed. set -eu readonly ScriptDir=$(dirname "$(echo $0 | sed -e "s,^\([^/]\),$(pwd)/\1,")") readonly ProtoRootDir="${ScriptDir}/../.." die() { echo "Error: $1" exit 1 } readonly ConstantName=GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_OBJC_GEN_VERSION # Collect version from plugin sources. readonly PluginSrc="${ProtoRootDir}/src/google/protobuf/compiler/objectivec/objectivec_file.cc" readonly PluginVersion=$( \ cat "${PluginSrc}" \ | sed -n -e "s:const int32_t ${ConstantName} = \([0-9]*\);:\1:p" ) if [[ -z "${PluginVersion}" ]] ; then die "Failed to fine ${ConstantName} in the plugin source (${PluginSrc})." fi # Collect version from runtime sources. readonly RuntimeSrc="${ProtoRootDir}/objectivec/GPBBootstrap.h" readonly RuntimeVersion=$( \ cat "${RuntimeSrc}" \ | sed -n -e "s:#define ${ConstantName} \([0-9]*\):\1:p" ) if [[ -z "${RuntimeVersion}" ]] ; then die "Failed to fine ${ConstantName} in the runtime source (${RuntimeSrc})." fi # Compare them. if [[ "${PluginVersion}" != "${RuntimeVersion}" ]] ; then die "Versions don't match! Plugin: ${PluginVersion} from ${PluginSrc} Runtime: ${RuntimeVersion} from ${RuntimeSrc} " fi # Success