using Google.ProtocolBuffers.Descriptors;
namespace Google.ProtocolBuffers {
/// Base class for all generated extensions.
/// The protocol compiler generates a static singleton instance of this
/// class for each extension. For exmaple, imagine a .proto file with:
/// message Foo {
/// extensions 1000 to max
/// }
/// extend Foo {
/// optional int32 bar;
/// }
/// Then MyProto.Foo.Bar has type GeneratedExtension<MyProto.Foo,int>.
/// In general, users should ignore the details of this type, and
/// simply use the static singletons as parmaeters to the extension accessors
/// in ExtendableMessage and ExtendableBuilder.
public class GeneratedExtension where TContainer : IMessage {
public FieldDescriptor Descriptor;
public IMessage MessageDefaultInstance;