path: root/src/google/protobuf/compiler/main.cc
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* Remove javanano.Gravatar Feng Xiao2018-03-26
* Integrated internal changes from GoogleGravatar Adam Cozzette2016-11-17
* Integrate internal changesGravatar Bo Yang2016-10-10
* Check in php implementation. (#2052)Gravatar Paul Yang2016-09-15
| | | | | This pull request includes two implementation: C extension and PHP package. Both implementations support encode/decode of singular, repeated and map fields.
* Integrated internal changes from GoogleGravatar Adam Cozzette2016-06-29
| | | | This includes all internal changes from around May 20 to now.
* Support ObjC Generic CollectionsGravatar Thomas Van Lenten2016-02-18
| | | | | | | - Extend GPB*ObjectDictionary to support generic syntax. - Update the generator to output generics so the enclosed type is exposed for compiler checks. - Use generics in a the public interfaces. - Update the generated sources that are checked in.
* Down-integrate from internal code base.Gravatar Feng Xiao2015-12-11
* Generate a directory hierarchy based on namespace (C#)Gravatar Jon Skeet2015-09-01
| | | | | | | | | | | | | This introduces a new C# option, base_namespace. If the option is not specified, the behaviour is as before: no directories are generated. If the option *is* specified, all C# namespaces must be relative to the base namespace, and the directories are generated relative to that namespace. Example: - Any.proto declares csharp_namespace = "Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes" - We build with --csharp_out=Google.Protobuf --csharp_opt=base_namespace=Google.Protobuf - The Any.cs file is generated in Google.Protobuf/WellKnownTypes (where it currently lives) We need a change to descriptor.proto before this will all work (it wasn't in the right C# namespace) but that needs the other descriptors to be regenerated too. See next commit...
* Merge branch 'master' of github.com:google/protobuf into integrate_from_masterGravatar Jan Tattermusch2015-05-13
| * Alpha 1 drop of Google's Objective C plugin and runtime support for protobufs.Gravatar Thomas Van Lenten2015-05-06
| |
* | Rewrote C# protogen to C++ (initial version)Gravatar Jan Tattermusch2015-03-26
* Provide a Ruby extension.Gravatar Chris Fallin2014-12-09
| | | | | | This adds a Ruby extension in ruby/ that is based on the 'upb' library (now included as a submodule), and adds support for Ruby code generation to the protoc compiler.
* Link Java Nano generator into protoc.Gravatar Jisi Liu2014-11-25
* Replace links to code.google.com/protobuf with ↵Gravatar Feng Xiao2014-10-01
| | | | developers.google.com/protocol-buffers
* Down-integrate from internal branchGravatar xiaofeng@google.com2012-09-22
* Massive roll-up of changes. See CHANGES.txt.Gravatar kenton@google.com2009-12-18
* Integrate changes from internal Google-internal branch.Gravatar kenton@google.com2008-09-24
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | General * License changed from Apache 2.0 to New BSD. * It is now possible to define custom "options", which are basically annotations which may be placed on definitions in a .proto file. For example, you might define a field option called "foo" like so: import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto" extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions { optional string foo = 12345; } Then you annotate a field using the "foo" option: message MyMessage { optional int32 some_field = 1 [(foo) = "bar"] } The value of this option is then visible via the message's Descriptor: const FieldDescriptor* field = MyMessage::descriptor()->FindFieldByName("some_field"); assert(field->options().GetExtension(foo) == "bar"); This feature has been implemented and tested in C++ and Java. Other languages may or may not need to do extra work to support custom options, depending on how they construct descriptors. C++ * Fixed some GCC warnings that only occur when using -pedantic. * Improved static initialization code, making ordering more predictable among other things. * TextFormat will no longer accept messages which contain multiple instances of a singular field. Previously, the latter instance would overwrite the former. * Now works on systems that don't have hash_map. Python * Strings now use the "unicode" type rather than the "str" type. String fields may still be assigned ASCII "str" values; they will automatically be converted. * Adding a property to an object representing a repeated field now raises an exception. For example: # No longer works (and never should have). message.some_repeated_field.foo = 1
* Initial checkin.Gravatar temporal2008-07-10