-*- mode:outline -*- $Id$ * Priorities ============ A* (SUPERSONIC URGENT) to be fixed yesterday. A (URGENT) to be fixed immediately for pre-release B (High) to be fixed before release (Version 2.0) C would be nice to fix before release of 2.0; but not crucial D (Medium) desirable to fix at some point X (Low) probably not worth wasting time on * This is a list of things which need doing in the generic interface ==================================================================== A byte-compilation: continue fixups for clean byte compile. Need to compile from clean Emacs to see proper warnings. Check that byte compilation (and compiled code!) works for both varieties of Emacs. Fill out Makefile.dist (4hr da) C support for templates e.g., in LEGO it would be nice if, by default, fresh buffers corrsponding to file foo.l would automatically insert "Module foo;" (1h) C Remove "FIXME notes" which are just notes I've put in about old code in case something breaks (da, 30mins). C Check on all FIXME notes. A* Fixup for non-script buffer locking: proof-locked-end called from wrong buffer when error message is output. proof-restart-script is now broken (2h da) B Improve web pages after suggestions in doc/notes.txt (da, 1.5hrs) C proof-issue-goal should refuse to work when a proof is in progress. Similarly proof-issue-save should refuse to work when a proof hasn't been completed! Algorithm: Search the last goal and check length of span. (45min) C Bug in proof-retract-until-point when called twice in succession: calls backward-char at beginning of buffer. (Should say no locked region, or "nothing to retract"). Problems is that there is a proof-locked-end, but it's at (point-min). (30min) C proof-find-next-terminator doesn't work properly: first;second;third ^ Invoking proof-find-next-terminator in cursor position (^) should move point to "t". Currently, it doesn't do anything. This is a bug. Perhaps just use new implementation of proof-assert-until-point (30min) B Add proof-rsh-command and note in documentation about how to use widely-advertised "remote shell" feature. (1hr tms) B Add proof-quit-command: some provers may like a quit command to be sent to the shell, not just EOF ! (see proof-stop-shell). Also reconcile proof-restart-script and proof-stop-shell, see comments in code. (1h da) D Multiple files: handle failures in reading ancestors. C Clean up proof-assert-until-point behaviour. Discussion results: 1. At the moment we get an odd error if it is run in the locked region. This is a bug. Should behave same as proof-assert-next-command in this case (simpler) or give better error message. 2. At or before first character of proof command, "nothing to do" error message. This is a bug. Should behave same as proof-assert-next-command in this case. [1,2 have been "fixed" by rebinding C-c RET to proof-assert-next-command for now, eventually this may form a new version of proof-assert-until-point] 3. Movement and possible insertion of spaces/newlines for when new commands are added to the buffer needs careful thought! (1h) B Implement more generic mechanism for large undos (4h tms) COQ: C-c u inside a Section should reset the whole section, then redo defns LEGO: consider Discharge; perhaps unrol to the beginning of the module? A replace (current-buffer) by proof-shell-buffer/proof-script-buffer where ever possible (30 min tms) A New buffer model (4h tms): 1. Script buffers 2. Response buffer 3. (optionally part of response buffer) goals buffer 4. (hidden) process buffer 5. Minibuffer for additionally sending information to the process A Revise ProofGeneral.texi and publish LaTeX version as an LFCS Technical Report (2 days; da + tms) C Provide a sensible default frame/buffer layout (4h) C A less drastic version of proof-restart-script would be useful: one that doesn't involve killing off the proof assistant process and restarting that -- it can take ages! We want two different modes of restarting: 1. Restart all: clear all context and kill proof process. 2. Restart some: clear context, do some retraction/kill goals in proof process. Add kill buffer hook to script buffer which does restart some in case it's the active buffer. (da, 20mins) C Improve proof-goal-command and proof-save-command: `proof-goal-command' should be more flexible and support a placeholder for the name and the actual goal. In LEGO, we have Goal foo : absurd; ... Save foo; Perhaps functions at the generic level to make suitable values for the hook, e.g., (setq proof-goal-command (proof-prompt-named-goal "Goal %s :" "%s;")) C Cleanup handling of proof-terminal-string. At the moment some commands need to have the terminal string, some don't. da: I suggest removing proof-terminal-string altogether and adding back the semi-colons or fullstops at the specific level. It's not a big deal and would support other provers which may use a mixture of terminators, or no terminators at all. C Investigate and improve indentation/font-locking code. At the moment editing .ML files in Isabelle Proof General is *very* slow. Moreover the indentation is screwy. Also seems screwy in LEGO/Coq PG. (da, 2hr) C Better support for adding a new prover: give error messages which hint at what variable to set (see proof-issue-goal for example). C Functions for next,previous input a la shell mode, but in proof script buffer (3h, da). C User-level functions: 1. add new version of undo-until-point which behaves analogously to proof-assert-next-command. 2. make version of proof-restart-script which will start or restart the proof assistant as appropriate. (It's handy to have a direct function to start the proof assistant). (1hr, da) C Write test schedule for things to try out with a new instantiation of Proof General. C Add skeleton instantiation files for a dummy prover "myassistant" to make it easier to add support for new assistants -- looking at any of the existing modes is confusing because of the prover-specific stuff. Ideally it should work for one of the default provers as an impoverished example mode. (2h, da will do for Isabelle) D Code in proof.el assumes all characters with top bit set are special instructions to Emacs. This is rather arrogant, and precludes proof systems which utilize 8-bit character sets! Needs repair. (3h) D Add support to proof.el for *not* setting variables for commands which aren't supported by a prover. For example, in Isabelle there is no such thing as killing a goal. For the minimum set of variables to cover, see FIXME's in isa.el (da, 1.5hrs) D Outsource script management features from proof.el to proof-script.el (1h) C Fixup sources to follow Elisp conventions better. 1. The first line of documentation of functions and variables should be a whole sentence. Subsequent lines should *not* be indented. See output of hyper-apropos and poor formatting of current comments. (1hr) 2. Replace defvar's by defconst's where appropriate. Introduce new defconsts. 3. Check on use of "*" in docstrings. Should be used for variables which are user-level options, only. 4. Upper case in docstrings is reserved for the name of a function's arguments, usually. D Implement proof-find-previous-terminator and bind it to C-c C-a (45min) C file handling could be more robust; perhaps one should always cd to the directory corresponding to the script buffer (currently only done for the buffer which starts up the proof system). This could be achieved with a hook which is not set by default. [Remember to add user documentation] (30min tms) C Reengineer *-count-undos and *-find-and-forget at generic level (3h) D Allow bib-cite style clicking on Load/Import commands to go to file. D support font-lock in goal buffer C Unify toolbar and menu functions. D Remove duplication of variables e.g., proof-prog-name and lego-prog-name for Coq and Lego. (1h) C Make completion more generic. For Isabelle and Lego, we can build a completion table by querying the process, which is better than messing with tags. X Read-only mode of extents sometimes gets in the way: for example, if file changes on disk, can't reload it via usual functions. Can this be improved? Always have to retract first, and that always leaves stuff around. X toolbar icons: Automatically generate reduced and pressed/greyed-out versions from gimp xcf files. Keep the xcf files under CVS rather than xpm files. (2h, da) X Remove .gif, .jpg, .xpm, .xbm files from the CVS repository. Add .cvsignore's for them instead. Disadvantage: developers will need to have the Gimp installed to build them via 'make images' (or copy them from the latest download). (da, 1hr) X proof-site (da): I think it would be nice to change the architecture to make customization for new provers much easier. The standard use of 'define-derived-mode' could be invoked automatically in proof-site, and we could easily get away from the kludge of proof-config-done and friends. (Compare this to the way font-lock works automatically for XEmacs when the right variable name is set, but for FSF Emacs you have to write something special). The objection to doing this is based on the idea that we should use an object-like inheritance mechanism to define the new modes. But if this is forgone, it might even be possible to add support for new assistants entirely via the customize mechanism, without any knowledge of elisp apart from regular expressions! X Support a history of proof commands, with a "redo" command to redo undo-to-point or sequences of toolbar undo's. X Support for x-symbols package. Provers with sophisticated/configurable syntax should tell Emacs about their syntax somehow, rather than trying to duplicate specifications inside Emacs. X Comment support is not very generic: we don't support end-of-line terminated comments. Is there any case where this might be worthwhile? (2h to add it). X Splash screen: Add fancy text logo to it. Centre the display prettily. X Write a Makefile for the distribution. It can do things like install the info file properly. The work is at the moment done in the RPM spec file instead. X Make process handling smarter: because Emacs is single-threaded, no process output can be dealt with when we are running some command. This means that it would be safe to extend the red region, by putting more commands on the queue. Also it would be safe to implement a clever undo command which worked on the red region: if there are commands waiting to be processed, we could remove them from the queue. If there are no commands waiting, we have to wait until something becomes blue to undo it by sending a command to the process. X Ideas for efficiency improvements. Rather than repeatedly re-parsing the buffer, we could parse the whole buffer *once* and make adjustments after edits, like font-lock. We could make an extent for every command, and set it to "blue", "red" or "clear" as appropriate. (This would allow proofs to be sent out-of-order to the proof process too, although perhaps that's not so nice). The function proof-segment-up-to could be made to cache its result. X We need to go over to piped communication rather than ptys to fix the (Solaris) ^G bug. In this circumstance there's a bug in the eager annotation code. Document this problem so that it can be tested for future versions. [Currently the problem is documented in Email messages sent to lego] X proof-mark-buffer-atomic marks the buffer as only containing comments if the first ACS is a goal-save span. This is however not a problem for LEGO and Isabelle. (30 min) * Proof-by-Pointing =================== B Change proof by pointing (pbp) stuff into proofstate buffer stuff. (1h tms) C Fixing up errors caused by pbp-generated commands; currently, script management unwisely assumes that pbp commands cannot fail (2h) B Rename pbp-mode to response-mode or goals-mode (which doesn't support any actual proof-by-pointing) (30min) B Outsource actual pbp/goals functionality (30min tmd) (separate pbp annotations from other annotations). Make a file proof-goals.el. X pbp code doesn't quite accord with the tech report; in particular it decodes annotations eagerly. Lazily would be faster, and it's what the tech report claims --- djs: probably not much faster, actually. * Here are things to be done to Lego mode ========================================= C fix Pbp implementation (10h) B `lego-get-path' assumes that LEGOPATH has been set in the environment. This is not likely to be the case with the current lego shell script. Proof General needs to query the LEGO process as part of `lego-process-config' e.g. by sending (a yet to be implemented command) LEGOPATH. The output could be analysed with the help of a LEGO specific extension of `proof-shell-process-urgent-message'. (1h tms) B Equiv, Next,... aren't handled properly, because LEGO does not refresh the proof state. Perhaps it would be easiest to get LEGO to output more information in proof script mode (2h) B release new version of the LEGO proof engine (4h tms) X Mechanism to save object file C Improve legotags. I cannot handle lists e.g., with [x,y:nat]; it only tags x but not y. [The same problem exists for coqtags] * Here are things to be done to Coq mode ======================================== D set proof-commands-regexp to support indentation for commands (10min hhg) D Add Patrick Loiseleur's commands to search for vernac or ml files. X Sections and files are handled incorrectly. B Lifted nested lemmas respond incorrectly to C-c u: Coq gets sent the correct command if I undo up to the lower lemma, but the buffer undoes to the upper lemma. I.e., if I start Lemma x, then prove Lemma y, then finish x, and undo lemma x, then lemma y gets undone in the buffer as well. (45min hhg) [ This seems to have corrected itself... hhg ] D Proof-by-Pointing (10h hhg) B Add coq-add-tactic with a tactic name, which adds that tactic to the undoable tactics and to the font-lock. (2h hhg) C Improve coqtags. I cannot handle lists e.g., with Parameter x,y:nat it only tags x but not y. [The same problem exists for legotags] * Here are things to be done to Isabelle Mode ============================================= A* Fix bug in undo, maybe related to below? A* Fix output handling routines to not display parts of messages. Intermittent problems parsing output. Seems to depend on what has been run before. E.g. first time starting process might not display goal. Try to find repeatable case. A* Add annotations to prompt and output using Isabelle's ml_prompts. A* Make theory files go blue. D Implement completion for Isabelle using tables generated by the running process. D Add useful specific commands for Isabelle. Many could be added. Would be better to merge in Isamode's menus. (probably a week's work to bring together Isamode and proof.el, making some of Isamode generic) D Add ability to choose logic. Maybe not necessary: can use default set in Isabelle settings nowadays, in the premise that most people stick to a particular logic? But then no support for loading user-saved databases. (ponder this) X Write perl scripts to generate TAGS file for ML and thy files. (6h, I've completely forgotten perl), or better: X Manage multiple proofs (markers in possibly different buffers) X Add Isabelle logo to splash screen. (30 mins) * FSF Emacs =========== B According to the documentation of font-lock for Emacs 20.2, it should suffice to set (add-hook 'lego-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock) but this doesn't seem to work. Perhaps define-derived-mode doesn't set up lego-mode correctly? (1h tms) * Release ========= B add links *from* Coq, Lego & Isabelle Web pages (da, tms 10 min)