LEGO Proof General Written by Thomas Kleymann and Dilip Sequeira. Later maintainance by David Aspinall and Paul Callaghan. Status: supported Maintainer: Paul Callaghan / David Aspinall LEGO version: 1.3.1 LEGO homepage: ======================================== LEGO Proof General has full support for multiple file scripting, and experimental support for proof by pointing. There is support for X Symbol, but not using a proper token language. There is a tags program, legotags. ======================================== Installation notes: Install legotags in a standard place or add /lego to your PATH. NB: You may need to change the path to perl at the top of the file. Generate a TAGS file for the Lego library by running legotags `find . -name \*.l -print` in the root directory of the library. ======================================== $Id$