-*- mode:outline -*- * Things to do for Isabelle/Isar See also ../todo for generic things to do, priority codes. ** B make help key bindings appear in "Show me ..." menu; ** C undo 'use' command: unlock corresponding ML file; ** C provide template for empty theory (or even just for Scratch.thy); ** C proper proof-by-pointing support (hard; needs major reworking of Isabelle's pretty-printing subsystem); ** C tune behaviour of goals/response buffers (e.g. hide empty response buffers when using 2 buffer model); ** D Combine with isa/ to get single Isabelle PG instance, somehow? Then users could use both proof languages in the same session. ** D Fixup so that typing in shell buffer updates locked buffer status. It works in Isabelle/classic, why not here? (But users shouldn't type in shell buffer, anyway).