Your registration form was incomplete. Please fill in all the fields, thank-you!

Please register your download using the short form below.
The information provided will only be used to help provide a case for support for Proof General in the future.

If you have already registered you do not need to fill in the form again, so return to the download page.

Registration Form

Your name:
Email address:
Site name:
> Please add me to the mailing list.

Dear " . $name . ",

\n"; print "

"; print "Thank you for filling in the form. Your registration has been sent.
"; /* Next bit duplicated in mailinglist.html. Could be a function in functions.php3 */ if ($mailinglist) { $message = "subscribe proofgeneral"; mail("", "[Web form from ~proofgen]", $message, "Reply-To: " . $email . "\nFrom: " . $email); print "Your name has been added to the Proof General mailing list.
"; } print "


"; print "

\nClick "; print "here"; print " to return to the download page.

\n"; click_to_go_back(); footer(); endif; ?>