A ClearCase-like Configuration Management tool for Linux

Managing large libraries of theories and proofs, good software engineering practices of configuration management become important when using proof assistants. One powerful and popular configuration management tool is the commercial Rational ClearCase.

The crucial way that ClearCase goes beyond CVS is in providing a view of a configuration directly through a special mountpoint on the filesystem.

This is a project to implement a kernel-level filesystem driver for Linux using the Linux VFS to create a ClearCase-like view of a configuration, through a mountable filesystem. The underlying configuration management could be done through RCS or CVS, perhaps invoked via a companion user-level process. Particular revisions of files should be accessible through names interpreted specially by the filesystem driver, and some user-level commands will be needed for other operations.

Skills: Expert C programmer, with ability to understand and work on Linux kernel code. Understanding of configuration management principles.

Proposers: David Aspinall from an idea by Christoph Lüth