Developers' Notes about Web Pages --------------------------------- NEW: server hacks needed to serve these pages, giving nice urls PHP3 module included .html treated as application Mime magic configured: LoadModule mime_magic_module modules/ AddModule mod_mime_magic.c MimeMagicFile /etc/httpd/conf/magic to recognize files beginning index.html doc -> index.html etc. *************** Notes about php: Some functions I've written NB: no space after text so you must write blah to get a space. Don't put "blah" onto a new line, space will be lost! ************* Tell Thomas (& other folk?) to update his home page links to Proof General. [Probably okay: Thomas links to image in home directory, but we'll keep that as a copy of images/ProofGeneral.jpg] ************* Suggestions for improving web pages after Rod reading them: - slideshow rather than single screen shot - separate feature list - explain what a proof script is and what script management buys you