Please use the form below to send us comments, suggestions, or offers to help with Proof Generl development.
Or send email directly to the Proof General maintainer <>.

You can also report a bug using this form, although it would be more helpful to do this from within Emacs, using the "Proof General -> Submit bug report" menu command.


Dear " . $from . ",

\n"; }; print "

"; print "Thank-you for sending us feedback"; if ($subject != "") { print " about " . $subject; }; print ".


"; print "If you provided a valid return email address, somebody from the Proof General team will acknowledge your message after it has been read."; print "

"; mail("", "[Web Feedback Form]: " . $subject, $message, "Reply-To: " . $from . "\n"); click_to_go_back(); footer(); endif; ?>