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Before downloading Proof General, please register. It only takes a moment.
The information collected will be used to help a case for support for Proof General, and nothing else. It is likely that development of Proof General will finish very soon unless we can find new resources. If you have already registered you do not need to do so again.

You may like to consider joining the Proof General mailing list.

Developers and beta-testers may like to download a development release of Proof General. If you use an old version of a proof assistant, you may need to download one of the previous releases.

What you need to run Proof General

To run Proof General, you should have:

All these components are distributed under the GPL license.

Proof General Version 3.0, released 26th November 1999

Proof General is available in two formats:

Both the tarball and the RPM package include the generic elisp code,
code for LEGO, Coq, and Isabelle, installation instructions and documentation (in Info and HTML formats).

Documentation is available in other formats here . If you want to format the documentation yourself, you may like to download the .

This version of Proof General has been tested with XEmacs 21.1 and FSF Emacs 20.4. It supports Coq version 6.3, LEGO version 1.3.1 and Isabelle99. Check the file for a summary of changes since version 2.1.

Easy installation!

To use Proof General, simply unpack the sources with

tar -xpzf ProofGeneral-3.0.tar.gz

(use gunzip first in place of -z if you don't have GNU tar),
and then add this one line to your .emacs file:

(load-file "directory/generic/proof-site.el")

Where directory is the directory in which you unpacked the sources.
If you use the RPM package, directory is /usr/share/emacs/ProofGeneral

Further customization is possible via the Customize menus in Emacs.
See the file in the distribution for more details.

Please send us any problems, suggestions, or patches.