Please register

Before downloading Proof General, please register. It's free, it only takes a moment. If you have already registered you do not need to do so again.

You can join the Proof General mailing list for announcements of new versions. Developers and beta-testers may like to download a development release of Proof General. If you use an old version of a proof assistant and/or an old Emacs version, you may need to download one of the previous releases.

Proof General Version 3.4, to be released August 2002.

Proof General is distributed under the terms of the .
See below for software pre-requisites for running Proof General.

The next stable version of Proof General will be 3.4, to be released in August. Until then, please try a development release and report any difficulties, to help make the next release of Proof General as robust as possible. Thanks!

What you need to run Proof General

To run Proof General, you must have:

There is also an optional component for using Proof General:

Compatibility across the multitude of Emacs versions is quite troublesome.
XEmacs has been better tested with Proof General than GNU Emacs.
Earlier versions of either variant may work with Proof General but are not officially supported because we cannot test backward compatibility widely. Please send us fixes rather than bug reports if you discover problems. Later versions of both Emacs variants should work with Proof General: if you discover problems, please check to see if they have been solved in a more recent development release before reporting.

Easy installation of Proof General

To use Proof General, simply unpack the sources with

tar xpzf ProofGeneral-3.4.tar.gz

(use gunzip first in place of z if you don't have GNU tar),
and then add this one line to your .emacs file:

(load-file "directory/generic/proof-site.el")

Where directory is the directory in which you unpacked the sources.
If you use the RPM package, directory is /usr/share/emacs/ProofGeneral

If you're using Windows, then download the zip file.
Use a zip file utility to unpack it somewhere, for example c:\ProofGeneral

Further customization is possible via the Customize menus in Emacs.
See the file in the distribution for more details.

Easy installation of X-Symbol

X-Symbol is easy to install in XEmacs and configures itself automatically.

Simply download the binary package file, and do something like this to install in your home directory:

mkdir -p ~/.xemacs/xemacs-packages
cd ~/.xemacs/xemacs-packages
tar xpzf ../x-symbol-pkg.tar.gz

For GNU Emacs, you must remove the .elc files supplied, and add some code to your .emacs. See this page for details. More installation options are given in the the X-Symbol manual.