(* ========================================================================= *) (* HOL Light subgoal package amended for Proof General and Prooftree. *) (* *) (* Mark Adams, David Aspinall. *) (* LFCS, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh *) (* *) (* (c) Copyright University of Edinburgh and authors, 2012. *) (* *) (* This file contains some functions that are modified from the *) (* original HOL Light code, and is therefore subject to the HOL Light *) (* copyright, see the file LICENSE-HOL-LIGHT in this directory. *) (* *) (* ========================================================================= *) (* *) (* This file overwrites HOL Light's subgoal package commands with variants *) (* that output additional annotations specifically for Prooftree. These get *) (* intercepted by Proof General, which removes them from the output *) (* displayed to the Proof General user. *) (* TODO: 1. add urgent message annotations for errors and strings output during long-running tactics 2. fix on/off: don't turn off prompt annotation, support Prooftree on/off. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Goal counter for providing goal ids. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type goal_id = int;; let string_of_goal_id id = string_of_int id;; let the_goal_counter = ref (0 : goal_id);; let inc_goal_counter () = (the_goal_counter := !the_goal_counter + 1);; let reset_goal_counter () = (the_goal_counter := 0; !the_goal_counter);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* An xgoal extends a goal with an identity. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type xgoal = goal * goal_id;; let dest_xgoal (gx : xgoal) = gx;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The xgoalstate is like goalstate but for xgoals instead of goals. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type xgoalstate = (term list * instantiation) * xgoal list * justification;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* A goalstack but for xgoals. Overwrites original HL datatype. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type goalstack = xgoalstate list;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* A refinement but for xgoals. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type xrefinement = xgoalstate -> xgoalstate;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Instantiation of xgoals. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let (inst_xgoal:instantiation->xgoal->xgoal) = fun p ((thms,w),id) -> (map (I F_F INSTANTIATE_ALL p) thms,instantiate p w),id;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* A printer for xgoals and xgoalstacks. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let the_new_goal_ids = ref ([] : goal_id list);; let the_tactic_flag = ref false;; let print_string_seplist sep xs = if (xs = []) then () else (print_string (hd xs); do_list (fun x -> print_string sep; print_string x) (tl xs));; let print_xgoal ((g,id) : xgoal) : unit = ((if (!pg_mode) then (print_string ("[Goal ID " ^ string_of_goal_id id ^ "]"); print_newline ())); print_goal g);; let (print_xgoalstack:goalstack->unit) = let print_xgoalstate k gs = let (_,gl,_) = gs in let n = length gl in let s = if n = 0 then "No subgoals" else (string_of_int k)^" subgoal"^(if k > 1 then "s" else "") ^" ("^(string_of_int n)^" total)" in print_string s; print_newline(); if gl = [] then () else (do_list (print_xgoal o C el gl) (rev(1--(k-1))); (if (!pg_mode) then print_string "[*]"); print_xgoal (el 0 gl)) in fun l -> ((if (!pg_mode) & (!the_tactic_flag) then let xs = map string_of_int (!the_new_goal_ids) in (the_tactic_flag := false; print_string "[New Goal IDs: "; print_string_seplist " " xs; print_string "]"; print_newline ())); (if l = [] then print_string "Empty goalstack" else if tl l = [] then let (_,gl,_ as gs) = hd l in print_xgoalstate 1 gs else let (_,gl,_ as gs) = hd l and (_,gl0,_) = hd(tl l) in let p = length gl - length gl0 in let p' = if p < 1 then 1 else p + 1 in print_xgoalstate p' gs); (if (!pg_mode) then let (vs,theta) = if (l = []) then ([],[]) else let ((vs,(_,theta,_)),_,_) = hd l in (vs,theta) in let foo v = let (x,_) = dest_var v in "?" (* FIXME: Coq syntax for meta vars is expected by Prooftree *) ^ x ^ if (can (rev_assoc v) theta) then " using" else " open" in let xs = map foo vs in (print_newline(); print_string "(dependent evars:"; if xs != [] then (print_string " "; print_string_seplist ", " xs; print_string ","); print_string ")"; print_newline ())));; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Goal labelling, for fresh xgoals. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let label_goals (gs : goal list) : xgoal list = let gxs = map (fun g -> inc_goal_counter (); (g, !the_goal_counter)) gs in (the_new_goal_ids := map snd gxs; gxs);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Version of 'by' for xrefinements. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let (xby:tactic->xrefinement) = fun tac ((mvs,inst),glsx,just) -> let gx = hd glsx and oglsx = tl glsx in let (g,id) = dest_xgoal gx in let ((newmvs,newinst),subgls,subjust) = tac g in let subglsx = label_goals subgls in let n = length subglsx in let mvs' = union newmvs mvs and inst' = compose_insts inst newinst and glsx' = subglsx @ map (inst_xgoal newinst) oglsx in let just' i ths = let i' = compose_insts inst' i in let cths,oths = chop_list n ths in let sths = (subjust i cths) :: oths in just i' sths in (mvs',inst'),glsx',just';; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Rotate but for xgoalstate. Only change is different ML datatype. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let (xrotate:int->xrefinement) = let rotate_p (meta,sgs,just) = let sgs' = (tl sgs)@[hd sgs] in let just' i ths = let ths' = (last ths)::(butlast ths) in just i ths' in (meta,sgs',just') and rotate_n (meta,sgs,just) = let sgs' = (last sgs)::(butlast sgs) in let just' i ths = let ths' = (tl ths)@[hd ths] in just i ths' in (meta,sgs',just') in fun n -> if n > 0 then funpow n rotate_p else funpow (-n) rotate_n;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Perform refinement proof, tactic proof etc. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let (mk_xgoalstate:goal->xgoalstate) = fun (asl,w) -> if type_of w = bool_ty then null_meta,[((asl,w), reset_goal_counter ())], (fun inst [th] -> INSTANTIATE_ALL inst th) else failwith "mk_goalstate: Non-boolean goal";; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The global state counts the total number of proof steps taken. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let the_pg_global_state = ref 1;; let inc_pg_global_state () = (the_pg_global_state := !the_pg_global_state + 1);; let dec_pg_global_state n = (the_pg_global_state := !the_pg_global_state - n);; let pg_global_state () = !the_pg_global_state;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The proof state number is the length of the current goal stack. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let the_current_xgoalstack = ref ([] : goalstack);; let pg_proof_state () = length !the_current_xgoalstack;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Subgoal package for xgoals and with a constrained undo protocol for *) (* interacting with Proof General to track the state. These overwrite the *) (* existing commands and may cause breakage of interactive proofs. *) (* *) (* The restrictions are: *) (* - top_thm may only be called once and closes the currently open proof. *) (* - the back command b() is not allowed to appear in a file. *) (* *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let (xrefine:xrefinement->goalstack) = fun r -> let l = !the_current_xgoalstack in let h = hd l in let res = r h :: l in the_current_xgoalstack := res; !the_current_xgoalstack;; let flush_goalstack() = let l = !the_current_xgoalstack in the_current_xgoalstack := [hd l];; let e tac = let result = xrefine(xby(VALID tac)) in (inc_pg_global_state (); the_tactic_flag := true; result);; let r n = (inc_pg_global_state (); xrefine(xrotate n));; let set_goal(asl,w) = let aths = map ASSUME asl in (inc_pg_global_state (); the_current_xgoalstack := [mk_xgoalstate(map (fun th -> "",th) aths,w)]; !the_current_xgoalstack);; let g t = let fvs = sort (<) (map (fst o dest_var) (frees t)) in (if fvs <> [] then let errmsg = end_itlist (fun s t -> s^", "^t) fvs in warn true ("Free variables in goal: "^errmsg) else ()); set_goal([],t);; let p() = !the_current_xgoalstack;; let b() = failwith "Undo with b() is not available in Proof General top level";; let top_realgoal() = let (_,(((asl,w),id)::_),_)::_ = !the_current_xgoalstack in asl,w;; let top_goal() = let asl,w = top_realgoal() in map (concl o snd) asl,w;; let plain_top_thm() = let (_,[],f)::_ = !the_current_xgoalstack in f null_inst [];; let top_thm() = let t = plain_top_thm() in (inc_pg_global_state(); the_current_xgoalstack := []; t);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Undo handling functions for Proof General *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let pg_undo n = let l = !the_current_xgoalstack in if length l < n then failwith "pg_undo: called with too many steps" else (dec_pg_global_state n; the_current_xgoalstack := snd (chop_list n l); p());; let pg_kill () = let n = length (!the_current_xgoalstack) in (dec_pg_global_state n; the_current_xgoalstack := []; p());; let pg_forget s = ();; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Configure the annotated prompt. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) pg_prompt_info := fun () -> let pst = pg_proof_state () and gst = pg_global_state () in string_of_int gst ^ "|" ^ string_of_int pst;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Printing the goal of a given Prooftree goal id. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let print_xgoal_of_id (id:goal_id) : unit = let gsts = !the_current_xgoalstack in let find_goal (_,xgs,_) = find (fun (g,id0) -> id0 = id) xgs in let xg = tryfind find_goal gsts in print_xgoal xg;; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Install the new goal-related printers. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) #install_printer print_xgoal;; #install_printer print_xgoalstack;;