let rec copy n x = if (n > 0) then x::(copy (n-1) x) else [];; let rec enumerate0 n xs = match xs with [] -> [] | x::xs0 -> (n,x)::enumerate0 (n+1) xs0;; let enumerate xs = enumerate0 1 xs;; (* foldr : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b -> 'b *) let rec foldr f xs a = match xs with x1::xs2 -> f x1 (foldr f xs2 a) | [] -> a;; (* foldl : ('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a list -> 'b *) let rec foldl f a xs = match xs with x1::xs2 -> foldl f (f a x1) xs2 | [] -> a;; (* is_empty *) let is_empty xs = match xs with [] -> true | _ -> false;; (* front *) let rec front xs = match xs with _::[] -> [] | x0::xs0 -> x0::(front xs0) | [] -> failwith "front: Empty list";; (* string_option *) let string_option x0 x_ = match x_ with Some x -> x | None -> x0;; (* print_option *) let print_option x0 x_ = match x_ with Some x -> print_string x | None -> print_string x0;; (* seplists *) let print_seplist p sep xs = if (xs = []) then () else (p (hd xs); do_list (fun x -> print_string sep; p x) (tl xs));; let print_string_seplist sep xs = print_seplist print_string sep xs;; (* sum *) let sum ns = foldl (+) 0 ns;; (* snd_map *) let snd_map f xys = map (fun (x,y) -> (x, f y)) xys;;