(* ========================================================================== *) (* GRAPHVIZ EXPORT (HOL LIGHT) *) (* - Exporting recorded tactics into a Dot file for GraphViz *) (* *) (* By Mark Adams *) (* Copyright (c) Univeristy of Edinburgh, 2012 *) (* ========================================================================== *) let cluster_count = ref 0;; let rec print_gv_graphelem d ge = match ge with Box (l,ges) -> let () = (cluster_count := !cluster_count + 1) in (print_indent d; print_string "subgraph cluster"; print_int !cluster_count; print_string " "; print_string "{\n"; print_indent (d+2); print_string "label = "; print_label l; print_string ";\n"; do_list (print_gv_graphelem (d+2)) ges; print_indent d; print_string "}\n") | Line (id1,id2) -> (print_indent d; print_goalid id1; print_string " -> "; print_goalid id2; print_string ";\n") | Single id -> (print_indent d; print_goalid id; print_string ";\n");; let print_gv_graph ges = let () = (cluster_count := 0) in (print_string "digraph G {\n"; do_list (print_gv_graphelem 2) ges; print_string "}\n");; let print_hiproof_gv_graph h = let h' = (trivsimp_hiproof o rightgroup_hiproof o trivsimp_hiproof o dethen_hiproof) h in let ges = hiproof_graph h' in print_gv_graph ges;; let print_gtree_gv_proof gtr = let h = gtree_to_hiproof gtr in print_hiproof_gv_graph h;; let print_gv_proof () = print_gtree_gv_proof !the_goal_tree;;