;; proof-menu.el Menus, keymaps, and misc commands for Proof General ;; ;; Copyright (C) 2000 LFCS Edinburgh. ;; Authors: David Aspinall ;; ;; Maintainer: Proof General maintainer ;; ;; $Id$ ;; (require 'proof-toolbar) ; needed for proof-toolbar-scripting-menu ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; Miscellaneous commands ;;; (defun proof-display-some-buffers () "Display the reponse or goals buffer, toggling between them. Also move point to the end of the response buffer. If in three window or multiple frame mode, display both buffers." (interactive) (cond ((or proof-dont-switch-windows proof-multiple-frames-enable) ;; Display both (proof-switch-to-buffer proof-response-buffer 'noselect) (set-window-point (get-buffer-window proof-response-buffer) (point-max)) (proof-switch-to-buffer proof-goals-buffer 'noselect)) ((and (buffer-live-p proof-response-buffer) (get-buffer-window proof-response-buffer 'visible)) ;; Response buffer visible, let's display goals (proof-switch-to-buffer proof-goals-buffer 'noselect)) (t ;; Response buffer invisible, let's display it (proof-switch-to-buffer proof-response-buffer 'noselect) (set-window-point (get-buffer-window proof-response-buffer) (point-max))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; Key bindings ;;; ;;;###autoload (defun proof-menu-define-keys (map) ;; M-a and M-e are usually {forward,backward}-sentence. ;; Some modes also override these with similar commands (define-key map [(meta a)] 'proof-forward-command) (define-key map [(meta e)] 'proof-backward-command) (define-key map [(control c) (control a)] (proof-ass keymap)) (define-key map [(control c) (control b)] 'proof-process-buffer) ;; C-c C-c is proof-interrupt-process in universal-keys (define-key map [(control c) (control f)] 'proof-find-theorems) (define-key map [(control c) (control h)] 'proof-help) (define-key map [(control c) (control l)] 'proof-display-some-buffers) (define-key map [(control c) (control n)] 'proof-assert-next-command-interactive) (define-key map [(control c) (control p)] 'proof-prf) (define-key map [(control c) (control r)] 'proof-retract-buffer) (define-key map [(control c) (control s)] 'proof-toggle-active-scripting) (define-key map [(control c) (control t)] 'proof-ctxt) (define-key map [(control c) (control u)] 'proof-undo-last-successful-command) (define-key map [(control c) (control z)] 'proof-frob-locked-end) (define-key map [(control c) (control backspace)] 'proof-undo-and-delete-last-successful-command) ; C-c C-v is proof-minibuffer-cmd in universal-keys (define-key map [(control c) (control ?.)] 'proof-goto-end-of-locked) (define-key map [(control c) (control return)] 'proof-goto-point) (cond ((string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version) (define-key map [(control button3)] 'proof-mouse-goto-point) (define-key map [(control button1)] 'proof-mouse-track-insert)) ; no FSF (t (define-key map [mouse-3] 'proof-mouse-goto-point))) ; FSF ;; NB: next binding overwrites comint-find-source-code. ;; FIXME: not implemented yet ;; (define-key map [(meta p)] 'proof-previous-matching-command) ;; (define-key map [(meta n)] 'proof-next-matching-command) ;; Standard binding for completion (define-key map [(control return)] 'proof-script-complete) ;; Add the universal keys bound in all PG buffers. ;; C-c ` is next-error in universal-keys (proof-define-keys map proof-universal-keys)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; Functions to define the menus ;;; ;; The main Proof-General generic menu ;;;###autoload (defun proof-menu-define-main () (easy-menu-define proof-mode-menu proof-mode-map "The main Proof General menu" (cons proof-general-name (append proof-toolbar-scripting-menu proof-menu proof-config-menu proof-bug-report-menu)))) ;; The proof assistant specific menu ;;;###autoload (defun proof-menu-define-specific () (easy-menu-define proof-assistant-menu proof-mode-map (concat "The menu for " proof-assistant) (cons proof-assistant (append (proof-ass menu-entries) '("----") (or proof-menu-favourites (proof-menu-define-favourites-menu)) (or proof-menu-settings (proof-menu-define-settings-menu)) '("----") (list (vector (concat "Start " proof-assistant) 'proof-shell-start ':active '(not (proof-shell-live-buffer))) (vector (concat "Exit " proof-assistant) 'proof-shell-exit ':active '(proof-shell-live-buffer))) '("----") (list (cons "Help" (append `(;; FIXME: should only put these two on the ;; menu if the settings are non-nil. [,(concat proof-assistant " information") (proof-help) t] [,(concat proof-assistant " web page") (browse-url proof-assistant-home-page) t]) (proof-ass help-menu-entries)))))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; Contents of the generic menus ;;; (defvar proof-help-menu '("Help" ["Proof General home page" (browse-url proof-general-home-page) t] ["Proof General Info" (info "ProofGeneral") t]) "Proof General help menu.") (defvar proof-buffer-menu '("Buffers" ["Display some" proof-display-some-buffers :active (or (buffer-live-p proof-goals-buffer) (buffer-live-p proof-response-buffer))] ["Active scripting" (proof-switch-to-buffer proof-script-buffer) :active (buffer-live-p proof-script-buffer)] ["Goals" (proof-switch-to-buffer proof-goals-buffer t) :active (buffer-live-p proof-goals-buffer)] ["Response" (proof-switch-to-buffer proof-response-buffer t) :active (buffer-live-p proof-response-buffer)] ["Shell" (proof-switch-to-buffer proof-shell-buffer) :active (buffer-live-p proof-shell-buffer)]) "Proof General buffer menu.") ;; Make the togglers used in options menu below (proof-deftoggle proof-dont-switch-windows) (proof-deftoggle proof-script-fly-past-comments) (proof-deftoggle proof-delete-empty-windows) (proof-deftoggle proof-multiple-frames-enable proof-multiple-frames-toggle) (proof-deftoggle proof-output-fontify-enable proof-output-fontify-toggle) (proof-deftoggle-fn (proof-ass-sym x-symbol-enable) 'proof-x-symbol-toggle) (defvar proof-quick-opts-menu (cons "Options" (append ;; FIXME: remove after 3.2, and promote this setting to proper option (if proof-script-use-new-parser '(["Fly past comments" proof-script-fly-past-comments-toggle :style toggle :selected proof-script-fly-past-comments]) nil) '(["Three window mode" proof-dont-switch-windows-toggle :style toggle :selected proof-dont-switch-windows] ["Delete empty windows" proof-delete-empty-windows-toggle :style toggle :selected proof-delete-empty-windows] ["Multiple frames" proof-multiple-frames-toggle :style toggle :selected proof-multiple-frames-enable] ["Output highlighting" proof-output-fontify-toggle :active t :style toggle :selected proof-output-fontify-enable] ["Toolbar" proof-toolbar-toggle :active (and (featurep 'toolbar) (boundp 'proof-buffer-type) (eq proof-buffer-type 'script)) :style toggle :selected proof-toolbar-enable] ["X-Symbol" proof-x-symbol-toggle :active (proof-x-symbol-support-maybe-available) :style toggle :selected (proof-ass x-symbol-enable)] ("Follow mode" ["Follow locked region" (customize-set-variable 'proof-follow-mode 'locked) :style radio :selected (eq proof-follow-mode 'locked)] ["Keep locked region displayed" (customize-set-variable 'proof-follow-mode 'follow) :style radio :selected (eq proof-follow-mode 'follow)] ["Never move" (customize-set-variable 'proof-follow-mode 'ignore) :style radio :selected (eq proof-follow-mode 'ignore)])))) "Proof General quick options.") (defconst proof-shared-menu (append (list "----") (list proof-buffer-menu) (list proof-quick-opts-menu) (list proof-help-menu)) "Proof General menu for various modes.") (defconst proof-config-menu (list "----" (customize-menu-create 'proof-general) (customize-menu-create 'proof-general-internals "Internals")) "Proof General configuration menu.") (defvar proof-bug-report-menu (list "----" ["About Proof General" proof-splash-display-screen t] ["Submit bug report" proof-submit-bug-report t]) "Proof General menu for submitting bug report (one item plus separator).") (defvar proof-menu (append '("----" ["Scripting active" proof-toggle-active-scripting :style toggle :selected (eq proof-script-buffer (current-buffer))] ["Electric terminator" proof-electric-terminator-toggle :style toggle :selected proof-electric-terminator-enable] ["Function menu" function-menu :active (fboundp 'function-menu)] ["Complete identifier" complete t] ["Next error" proof-next-error :active proof-shell-next-error-regexp]) proof-shared-menu) "The Proof General generic menu. Functions for scripting buffers.") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; Favourites mechanism for specific menu ;;; (defvar proof-menu-favourites nil "The Proof General favourites menu for the current proof assistant.") (defun proof-menu-define-favourites-menu () "Return menu generated from `PA-favourites'." (let ((favs (reverse (proof-ass favourites))) ents) (while favs (setq ents (cons (apply 'proof-def-favourite (car favs)) ents)) (setq favs (cdr favs))) (setq proof-menu-favourites (list (cons "Favourites" (append ents '(["Add favourite" (call-interactively 'proof-add-favourite) t]))))))) ;;; Define stuff from favourites ;;;###autoload (defmacro proof-defshortcut (fn string &optional key) "Define shortcut function FN to insert STRING, optional keydef KEY. This is intended for defining proof assistant specific functions. STRING is inserted using `proof-insert', which see. KEY is added onto proof-assistant map." (if key (eval `(define-key (proof-ass keymap) (quote ,key) (quote ,fn)))) `(defun ,fn () (concat "Shortcut command to insert " ,string " into the current buffer.") (interactive) (proof-insert ,string))) (defmacro proof-definvisible (fn string &optional key) "Define function FN to send STRING to proof assistant, optional keydef KEY. This is intended for defining proof assistant specific functions. STRING is sent using proof-shell-invisible-command, which see. KEY is added onto proof-assistant map." (if key (eval `(define-key (proof-ass keymap) (quote ,key) (quote ,fn)))) `(defun ,fn () ;; FIXME: docstring broken! and above. (concat "Command to send " ,string " to the proof assistant.") (interactive) (proof-shell-invisible-command ,string))) (defun proof-def-favourite (command inscript menuname &optional key new) "Define and a \"favourite\" proof assisant function. See doc of `proof-add-favourite' for first four arguments. Extra NEW flag means that this should be a new favourite, so check that function defined is not already bound. This function defines a function and returns a menu entry suitable for adding to the proof assistant menu." (let* ((menunames (split-string (downcase menuname))) (menuname-sym (proof-sym (proof-splice-separator "-" menunames))) (menu-fn menuname-sym) (i 1)) (while (and new (fboundp menu-fn)) (setq menu-fn (intern (concat (symbol-name menuname-sym) "-" (int-to-string i)))) (incf i)) (if inscript (eval `(proof-defshortcut ,menu-fn ,command ,key)) (eval `(proof-definvisible ,menu-fn ,command ,key))) ;; Return menu entry (vector menuname menu-fn t))) ;;; Code for adding "favourites" to the proof-assistant specific menu (defvar proof-make-favourite-cmd-history nil "History for proof-make-favourite.") (defun proof-add-favourite (command inscript menuname &optional key) "Define and add a \"favourite\" proof-assisant function to the menu bar. The favourite function will issue COMMAND to the proof assistant. COMMAND is inserted into script (not sent immediately) if INSCRIPT non-nil. MENUNAME is the name of the function for the menu. KEY is the optional key binding." (interactive (let* ((cmd (read-string (concat "Command to send to " proof-assistant ": ") (buffer-substring (save-excursion (beginning-of-line-text) (point)) (point)) proof-make-favourite-cmd-history)) (ins (y-or-n-p "Should command be recorded in script? ")) (men (read-string "Name of command on menu: " cmd)) (key (if (y-or-n-p "Set a keybinding for this command? : ") (events-to-keys (read-key-sequence "Type the key to use (binding will be C-c C-a ): " nil t))))) (list cmd ins men key))) (let ((menu-entry (proof-def-favourite command inscript menuname key t))) ;; If definition succeeds, add to customize variable and save immediately. ;; FIXME: should maybe overwrite previous duplicates, use ;; update rather than append. (customize-save-variable (proof-ass-sym favourites) (append (proof-ass favourites) (list (list command inscript menuname key)))) (easy-menu-add-item proof-assistant-menu '("Favourites") menu-entry "Add favourite"))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; Proof assistant settings mechanism. ;;; (defvar proof-assistant-settings nil "A list of default values kept in Proof General for current proof assistant. A list of lists (SYMBOL SETTING TYPE) where SETTING is a string value to send to the proof assistant using the value of SYMBOL and and the function `proof-assistant-format'. The TYPE item determines the form of the menu entry for the setting.") (defvar proof-menu-settings nil "Settings submenu for Proof General.") (defun proof-menu-define-settings-menu () "Return menu generated from `proof-assistant-settings'." (let ((setgs proof-assistant-settings) ents) (while setgs (setq ents (cons (apply 'proof-menu-entry-for-setting (car setgs)) ents)) (setq setgs (cdr setgs))) (if ents (setq proof-menu-settings (list (cons "Settings" ents)))))) (defun proof-menu-entry-name (symbol) "Return a nice menu entry name for SYMBOL." (upcase-initials (replace-in-string (symbol-name symbol) "-" " "))) (defun proof-menu-entry-for-setting (symbol setting type) (let ((entry-name (proof-menu-entry-name symbol)) (pasym (proof-ass-symv symbol))) (cond ((eq type 'boolean) (vector entry-name (proof-deftoggle-fn pasym) :style 'toggle :selected pasym)) ((eq type 'integer) (vector entry-name (proof-defintset-fn pasym) t)) ((eq type 'string) (vector entry-name (proof-defstringset-fn pasym) t))))) (defun proof-defpacustom-fn (name val args) "As for macro `defpacustom' but evaluation arguments." (let (newargs setting) (while args (cond ((eq (car args) :setting) (setq setting (cadr args)) (setq args (cdr args))) ((eq (car args) :type) (setq type (cadr args)) (setq newargs (cons (car args) newargs))) (t (setq newargs (cons (car args) newargs)))) (setq args (cdr args))) (setq newargs (reverse newargs)) (unless setting (error "defpacustom: missing :setting keyword")) (unless (and type (or (eq (eval type) 'boolean) (eq (eval type) 'integer) (eq (eval type) 'string))) (error "defpacustom: missing :type keyword or wrong :type value")) (if (assoc name proof-assistant-settings) (error "defpacustom: Proof assistanting setting %s already defined!" name)) ;; Could consider moving the bulk of the remainder of this ;; function to a function proof-assistant-setup-settings which ;; defines the custom vals *and* menu entries. This would ;; allow proof assistant customization to manipulate ;; proof-assistant-settings directly rather than forcing ;; use of defpacustom. (Probably stay as we are: more abstract) (eval `(defpgcustom ,name ,val ,@newargs :set 'proof-set-value :group 'proof-assistant-setting)) (eval `(defpgfun ,name () (proof-assistant-invisible-command-ifposs (proof-assistant-settings-cmd (quote ,name))))) (setq proof-assistant-settings (cons (list name setting (eval type)) proof-assistant-settings)))) ;;;###autoload (defmacro defpacustom (name val &rest args) "Define a setting NAME for the current proof assitant, default VAL. NAME should correspond to some internal setting, flag, etc, for the proof assistant. The :type of NAME should be one of 'integer, 'boolean, 'string. The customization variable is automatically in group `proof-assistant-setting. The function `proof-assistant-format' is used to format VAL." `(proof-defpacustom-fn (quote ,name) (quote ,val) (quote ,args))) (defun proof-assistant-invisible-command-ifposs (cmd) "Send CMD as an \"invisible command\" if the proof process is available." ;; FIXME: better would be to queue the command, or even interrupt a ;; queue in progress. Also must send current settings at start of ;; session somehow. (This might happen automatically if a queue of ;; deffered commands is set, since defcustom calls proof-set-value ;; even to set the default/initial value?) (if (proof-shell-available-p) (progn (proof-shell-invisible-command cmd t) ;; refresh display, ;; FIXME: should only do if goals display is active, ;; messy otherwise. ;; (we need a new flag for "active goals display"). (if proof-showproof-command (proof-shell-invisible-command proof-showproof-command)) ;; Could also repeat last command if non-state destroying. ))) (defun proof-assistant-settings-cmd (&optional setting) "Return string for making setting vals kept in Proof General customizations. If SETTING is non-nil, return a string for just that setting. Otherwise return a string for configuring all settings." (let ((evalifneeded (lambda (expr) (if (or (not setting) (eq setting (car expr))) (proof-assistant-format (cadr expr) (eval (proof-ass-symv (car expr)))))))) (apply 'concat (mapcar evalifneeded proof-assistant-settings)))) (defun proof-assistant-format (string curvalue) "Replace a format characters %b %i %s in STRING by formatted CURVALUE. Formatting suitable for current proof assistant, controlled by `proof-assistant-format-table' which see. Finally, apply `proof-assistant-setting-format' if non-nil. As a special case for boolean settings: the setting STRING can be a cons cell of two strings, the first one for true (non-nil value) and the second for false." (if (consp string) (if curvalue (car string) (cdr string)) ;; Otherwise must use % format characters (let ((setting (proof-format proof-assistant-format-table string))) (if proof-assistant-setting-format (funcall proof-assistant-setting-format setting) setting)))) (defvar proof-assistant-format-table (list (cons "%b" '(proof-assistant-format-bool curvalue)) (cons "%i" '(proof-assistant-format-int curvalue)) (cons "%s" '(proof-assistant-format-string curvalue))) "Table to use with `proof-format' for formatting CURVALUE for assistant. NB: variable curvalue is dynamically scoped (used in proof-assistant-format).") (defun proof-assistant-format-bool (value) (if value proof-assistant-true-value proof-assistant-false-value)) (defun proof-assistant-format-int (value) (funcall proof-assistant-format-int-fn value)) (defun proof-assistant-format-string (value) (funcall proof-assistant-format-string-fn value)) (provide 'proof-menu) ;; proof-menu.el ends here.