(* We now support persistent Isabelle sessions with Proof General, preserving the state of loaded theories (before I used to have a few explicit ``bombs'' to prevent this). When saying ``Exit Isabelle/Isar'' the image is committed back. It's not possible to go continue partially processed theory buffer, but users could expect to have a fully processed theory stored properly. The latter requires scripting to be disabled first, in order to inform the process to store the finished theory. To spare users to think about this, the ``Exit Isabelle/Isar'' operation disables scripting automatically. Produce a writable Isabelle session like this: isabelle -q HOL Foo Now start PG and start a process with the Foo logic image. Tests: Process this file, exit, start. Unprocess, exit, start. [FAILS with Isabelle2002] *) theory Persistent = Main: theorem and_comms: "A & B --> B & A" proof assume "A & B" then show "B & A" proof assume B and A then show ?thesis .. qed qed end