Proof General Documentation =========================== The distribution may include pre-built documentation for your convenience. Otherwise you will need to run make info make dvi make pdf make html according to what format you'd like. Everything is generated from the master Texinfo files ProofGeneral.texi and PG-adapting.texi, so you'll need the proper tools for conversion. Check Makefile.doc for details. Front Image for Manual ---------------------- If you want a front image on the printed dvi/gs manuals, you need to have the ProofGeneral.eps file in this directory. You can download a compressed version from This file is not included with the distribution because it is rather large (1.6M). Instead of downloading, you may be able to generate an alternative eps from the included ProofGeneral.jpg file using an image manipulation program such as gimp or Imagemagick. This will give you a slightly different (and degraded) image compared to the distributed one mentioned above. Running "made dvi" will adjust the Texinfo file to make the front page blank if there is no ProofGeneral.eps file available. David Aspinall. August 2000.