(* Example uses of X-Symbol symbols in Coq. See README. Trac this at http://proofgeneral.inf.ed.ac.uk/trac/ticket/313 Pierre Courtieu $Id$ *) Fixpoint toto (x:nat) {struct x} : nat := (* n a t should appear as |N *) match x with | O => O (* double arrow here *) | S y => toto y (* double arrow here *) end. Lemma titi : forall x:nat,x=x. (* symbolique for-all and n at *) Admitted. (* X-Symbol: this previously appeared as foo'a'1_B_3 where a and B are greek. Unicode Tokens: this doesn't happen because the regexp used to match is matching on sequences limited by word. Syntax table matters here: try (modify-syntax-entry ?\' ".") (modify-syntax-entry ?\_ ".") *) Variable foo'alpha'1__beta__3 : Set. Fixpoint pow (n m:nat) {struct n} : nat := match n with | O => 0 | S p => m * pow p m end. Notation "a,{b}" := (a - b) (at level 1, no associativity). Notation "a^^b" := (pow a b) (at level 1, no associativity). Notation "a^{b}" := (pow a b) (at level 1, no associativity). Variable delta:nat. (* greek delta with a sub 1 and the same with super 1 *) Definition delta __ 1 := 0. Definition delta __ 2 := delta^^1. Definition delta __ 3 := delta__2^{delta}. Parameter a b x:nat. (* x with a+b subscripted and then superscripted *) Definition x_a_b' := x^{a+b}. Definition x_a_b := x,{a+b}. Definition x_a_b'' := x,{a+b}^{a*b}. (* no greek letter should appear on this next line! *) Variable philosophi : Set. (* same here *) Variable aalpha alphaa : Set. (* _a where a is greek *) Variable _alpha : Set. (* a_ where a is greek *) Variable alpha_ : Set. Lemma gamma__neqn : forall n__i:nat, n__i=n__i. alpha lhd rhd lambda forall exists exists exist foral