(* First check that ".." is not considered as a command end. *) Require Export Coq.Lists.List. Notation "[ ]" := nil : list_scope. Notation "[ a ; .. ; b ]" := (a :: .. (b :: []) ..) : list_scope. Require Import Arith. Record a : Type := make_a { aa : nat }. Module foo. Inductive test : nat -> Prop := | C1 : forall n, test n | C2 : forall n, test n | C3 : forall n, test n | C4 : forall n, test n. Inductive test2 : nat -> Prop := C21 : forall n, test2 n | C22 : forall n, test2 n | C23 : forall n, test2 n | C24 : forall n, test2 n. Inductive test' : nat -> Prop := | C1' : forall n, test' n | C2' : forall n, test' n | C3' : forall n, test' n | C4' : forall n, test' n with test2' : nat -> Prop := C21' : forall n, test2' n | C22' : forall n, test2' n | C23' : forall n, test2' n | C24' : forall n, test2' n. Let x := 1. Let y := 2. Let y2 := (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Inductive test3 (* fixindent *) : nat -> Prop := C31 : forall n, test3 n | C32 : forall n, test3 n. End foo. Lemma toto:nat. Proof. {{ exact 3. }} Qed. Let xxx (* Precedence of "else" w.r.t "," and "->"! *) : if true then nat * nat else nat -> nat := (if true then 1 else 2, 3). Module Y. Lemma L : forall x:nat , Nat.iter x (A:=nat) (plus 2) 0 >= x. Proof with auto with arith. intros x. induction x;simpl;intros... Qed. Lemma L2 : forall x:nat , Nat.iter x (A:=nat) (plus 2) 0 >= x. Proof with auto with arith. idtac. (* "as" tactical *) induction x as [ | x IHx]. - cbn. apply Nat.le_trans with (n:=0) (* aligning the different closes of a "with". *) (m:=0) (p:=0). + auto with arith. + auto with arith. - simpl. intros. auto with arith. Qed. Lemma L' : forall x:nat , Nat.iter x (A:=nat) (plus 2) 0 >= x with L'' : forall x:nat , Nat.iter x (A:=nat) (plus 2) 0 >= x. Proof with auto with arith. - induction x;simpl;intros... - induction x;simpl;intros... Qed. End Y. Function div2 (n : nat) {struct n}: nat := match n with | 0 => 0 | 1 => 0 | S (S n') => S (div2 n') end. Module M1. Module M2. Lemma l1: forall n:nat, n = n. auto. Qed. Lemma l2: forall n:nat, n = n. auto. Qed. Lemma l3: forall n:nat, n <= n. auto. Qed. (* Lemma l4: forall n:nat, n <= n. Proof. intro. Qed. *) Lemma l5 : forall n:nat, n <= n. Proof. auto. Qed. Lemma l6: forall n:nat, n = n. intros. Lemma l7: forall n:nat, n = n. destruct n. { auto. } { destruct n. { auto. } auto. } Qed. { destruct n. { auto. } { auto. } } Qed. End M2. End M1. Module M1'. Module M2'. Lemma l6: forall n:nat, n = n. Proof. intros. Lemma l7: forall n:nat, n = n. Proof. destruct n. { auto. } { destruct n. { idtac;[ auto ]. } auto. } Qed. {destruct n. { auto. } {auto. } } Qed. End M2'. End M1'. (* TODO: add multichar bullets once coq 8.5 is out *) Module M4'. Module M2'. Lemma l6: forall n:nat, n = n. Proof. intros. Lemma l7: forall n:nat, n = n. Proof. destruct n. - auto. - destruct n. + idtac;[ auto ]. + destruct n. * auto. * auto. Qed. {destruct n. - auto. - auto. } Qed. End M2'. End M4'. Module M1''. Module M2''. Lemma l7: forall n:nat, n = n. destruct n. { auto. } { destruct n. { idtac; [ auto ]. } auto. } Qed. End M2''. End M1''. Record rec:Set := { fld1:nat; fld2:nat; fld3:bool }. Class cla {X:Set}:Set := { cfld1:nat; cld2:nat; cld3:bool }. Module X. Lemma l : forall r:rec, exists r':rec, r'.(fld1) = r.(fld2)/\ r'.(fld2) = r.(fld1). Proof. intros r. { exists {| fld1:=r.(fld2); fld2:=r.(fld1); fld3:=false |}. split. {auto. } {auto. } } Qed. Lemma l2 : forall r:rec, exists r':rec, r.(fld1) = r'.(fld2) /\ r.(fld2) = r'.(fld1). Proof. intros r. {{ idtac; exists {| fld1:=r.(fld2); fld2:=r.(fld1); fld3:=false |}. (* ltac *) match goal with _:rec |- ?a /\ ?b => split | _ => fail end. Fail lazymatch goal with _:rec |- ?a /\ ?b => split | _ => fail end. Fail multimatch goal with _:rec |- ?a /\ ?b => split | _ => fail end. { simpl. auto. } { simpl. auto. }}} Qed. End X. Require Import Morphisms. Generalizable All Variables. Local Open Scope signature_scope. Require Import RelationClasses. Module TC. Instance: (@RewriteRelation nat) impl. (* No goal created *) Definition XX := 0. Instance StrictOrder_Asymmetric `(StrictOrder A R) : Asymmetric R. (* One goal created. Then the user MUST put "Proof." to help indentation *) Proof. firstorder. Qed. Program Fixpoint f (x:nat) {struct x} : nat := match x with | 0 => 0 | S y => S (f y) end. Program Instance all_iff_morphism {A : Type} : Proper (pointwise_relation A iff ==> iff) (@all A). Next Obligation. Proof. unfold pointwise_relation, all in * . intro. intros y H. intuition ; specialize (H x0) ; intuition. Qed. End TC. Require Import Sets.Ensembles. Require Import Bool.Bvector. Section SET. Definition set (T : Type) := Ensemble T. Require Import Program. Definition eq_n : forall A n (v:Vector.t A n) n', n=n' -> Vector.t A n'. Proof. intros A n v n' H. rewrite <- H. assumption. Defined. Fixpoint setVecProd (T : Type) (n : nat) (v1:Vector.t (set T) n) {struct v1}: (Vector.t T n) -> Prop := match v1 with Vector.nil _ => fun v2 => match v2 with Vector.nil _ => True | _ => False end | (Vector.cons _ x n' v1') => fun v2 => (* indentation of dependen "match" clause. *) match v2 as X in Vector.t _ n'' return (Vector.t T (pred n'') -> Prop) -> Prop with | Vector.nil _ => fun _ => False | (Vector.cons _ y n'' v2') => fun v2'' => (x y) /\ (v2'' v2') end (setVecProd T n' v1') end. End SET. Module curlybracesatend. Lemma foo: forall n: nat, exists m:nat, m = n + 1. Proof. intros n. destruct n. { exists 1. reflexivity. } exists (S (S n)). simpl. rewrite Nat.add_1_r. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma foo2: forall n: nat, exists m:nat, (* This is strange compared to the same line in the previous lemma *) m = n + 1. Proof. intros n. destruct n. { exists 1. reflexivity. } exists (S (S n)). simpl. rewrite Nat.add_1_r. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma foo3: forall n: nat, exists m:nat, (* This is strange compared to the same line in the previous lemma *) m = n + 1. Proof. intros n. cut (n = n). { destruct n. { exists 1. reflexivity. } { exists (S (S n)). simpl. rewrite Nat.add_1_r. reflexivity. } } idtac. reflexivity. Qed. End curlybracesatend.