-*- mode:outline -*- * Coq Proof General Bugs See also ../BUGS for generic bugs. ** With new syntax in Coq 7, comments at end of files cannot be processed. Leads to annoying retract/process questions when switching buffers. Workaround: don't use a comment as the last line of the buffer, for now. ** coqtags doesn't find all declarations. It cannot handle lists e.g., with "Parameter x,y:nat" it only tags x but not y. [The same problem exists for legotags] Workaround: don't rely too much on the etags mechanism. ** User defined tactics cannot be retracted. Workaround: you may need to retract to the beginning of the proof. ** Coq Proof General does not know about Coq's Section mechanism. ** Surely others that aren't mentioned here... Please report them to proofgen@dcs.ed.ac.uk.