This file describes what to do to be able to run our script management mode for xemacs. Please let us know if you have any problems in trying to install it. Check the values of coq-tags and coq-prog-name in coq.el to see that they correspond to the paths for coqtop and the library on your system. To install, begin by making sure that your load-path has the current directory in it by typing: load-path C-j in the *scratch* buffer. If it does not, type: (setq load-path (cons "." load-path)) C-j again in the *scratch* buffer (or add it to your .emacs file). Then put the .el files in an appropriate directory and compile them using `byte-recompile-file' in xemacs: M-0 M-x byte-recompile-directory Put the compiled emacs files and the file in a suitable directory for local emacs files, as suggested by your system administrator. Otherwise, if you prefer to keep your own private copy, alter the variable coq-info-dir in coq.el to that directory and add the line: (setq load-path (cons load-path)) to your .emacs file, where is your local directory. If you want to use this mode for Coq, you need to make sure you have an appropriate version, which is from later than 1 March 1998. Install coqtags or legotags in a standard place. If you are running Coq, generate a TAGS file for the library by running coqtags `find . -name \*.v -print` in the root directory of the library, $COQTOP/theories. If you are running LEGO, do the same using legotags in the appropriate directory. Finally, you should add the following lines to your .emacs file. ;;; LEGO and Coq (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.v" . coq-mode) (cons '("\\.l$" . lego-mode) auto-mode-alist))) (autoload 'coq-mode "coq" "Major mode for editing Coq vernacular." t) (autoload 'lego-mode "lego" "Major mode for editing Lego proof scripts." t) ; Tags is unusable with Coq library otherwise: (setq tag-always-exact t) After this, simply load a LEGO or Coq file and the appropriate mode will be run automatically. Healfdene GOGUEN