FAQs for Proof General ====================== $Id$ For latest version, see http://zermelo.dcs.ed.ac.uk/~proofgen/ProofGeneral/FAQ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I'm afraid I got stuck very early on. I sent the following line: by (swap_res_tac [psubsetI] 1; Notice that I forgot the right bracket. The line went pink, the buffer went read-only and nothing I tried would let me fix the error. A. The proof process is waiting for more input, but Proof General doesn't realise this and waits for a response. You should type something in the proof shell, or interrupt the process with C-c C-c or the Stop button. [ In case of Isabelle under Poly/ML, you should start PG 3.1 using the Isabelle script because it adds a hack to send "f" after an interrupt is sent. With PG 3.2, the hack is added for Poly/ML even if you start Emacs first. ] ----------------------------------------------------------------- Q. How can I keep the Proof General option settings across sessions? A. Simply use the ordinary XEmacs menu: Options -> Save Options In FSF Emacs, you can do M-x customize-save-customized or use the Custom->Save menu in a customize buffer. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Q. When using X-Symbol, why do I sometimes see funny characters like \233 in the buffer? A. These are part of the 8 bit character codes used by X Symbol to get symbols from particular fonts. Sometimes X-Symbol forgets to fontify the buffer properly to make it use the right fonts. To fix, type M-x font-lock-fontify-buffer If that doesn't work, type M-x font-lock-mode twice to turn font-lock off then on. Or reload the file. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Q. I'm using Proof General for prover X, then I load a file for prover Y. The buffer doesn't enter the mode for prover Y. Why not? A. Unfortunately the architecture of Proof General is designed so that you can only use one prover at a time in the same Emacs session. If you want to run more than one prover at a time, you have to run more than one Emacs. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Q. How do I use Proof General for Isabelle/Isar instead of Isabelle classic? A. There are several ways: 1. Use the Isabelle settings mechanism, invoke with "Isabelle" 2. Set the environment variable PROOFGENERAL_ASSISTANTS=isar before starting Emacs. 3. Put the line (* -*- isar -*- *) at the top of your Isar files. Unfortunately Isabelle/Isar and Isabelle classic are two quite separate Proof General instances. Ideally they should be combined into one, if anyone fancies some elisp hacking... ----------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Can I join any mailing lists for Proof General? A. Of course, email "majordomo@dcs.ed.ac.uk" with the lines "subscribe proofgeneral" or "subscribe proofgeneral-devel" in the message body.