path: root/Makefile.travis
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Set the minimal supported version of emacs to 24.3 instead of 24.4Gravatar Erik Martin-Dorel2018-08-22
* CI Emacs 25.3Gravatar Yishuai Li2018-03-11
* Disable ASLR during Travis buildsGravatar Clément Pit--Claudel2018-01-17
* [Travis CI] Replace emacs-git target with emacs-25.{1,2} stable targets. (#181)Gravatar Erik Martin-Dorel2017-04-25
* emacs-git Travis build: Fix URL of Emacs repo & Build against emacs-25 branch.Gravatar Erik Martin-Dorel2016-07-03
* Add .travis.yml file adapted from fstar-mode.elGravatar Jason Gross2016-01-13