Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* Derive proof-mode from prog-modeHEADmasterGravatar Benjamin Barenblat2019-04-18
| | | | | | | | | | prog-mode [1] is the base mode for programming that comes with Emacs: “All major modes for programming languages should derive from this mode so that users can put generic customization on prog-mode-hook.” Make proof-mode derive from prog-mode, reflecting its status as a programming mode. [1] https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs.git/tree/lisp/progmodes/prog-mode.el?id=a18336a8dc754fa1c68e16dd8009466cf409271b
* Simpler fix for #411.Gravatar Pierre Courtieu2019-02-12
* Fixes #411.Gravatar Pierre Courtieu2019-02-12
| | | | | Stefan's cleanup stumbled on my lack of comments :-(. Some function was supposed to return point found if found.
* Hopefully fix ProofGeneral/PG#413Gravatar Erik Martin-Dorel2019-01-14
| | | | | Revert proof-general.el to 05df29f7ff065d8da45b81691c602b6cf075e4a0/pg-init.el (modulo comments).
* Fix ProofGeneral/PG#413 furtherGravatar Erik Martin-Dorel2019-01-13
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The previous code raised some bytecomp errors when loading a ~/.emacs containing a bootstrapped use-package proof-general config., such as: ``` (require 'package) (let* ((no-ssl (and (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos)) (not (gnutls-available-p)))) (proto (if no-ssl "http" "https"))) (add-to-list 'package-archives (cons "melpa" (concat proto "://melpa.org/packages/")) t)) (package-initialize) ;; Bootstrap use-package (unless (package-installed-p 'use-package) (package-refresh-contents) (package-install 'use-package)) (eval-when-compile (require 'use-package)) (use-package proof-general :ensure t :mode ("\\.v\\'" . coq-mode)) ```
* Merge pull request #414 from ProofGeneral/improve-use-package-supportGravatar Erik Martin-Dorel2019-01-13
|\ | | | | Improve use-package support
| * Update the commentary section in proof-general.elGravatar Erik Martin-Dorel2019-01-13
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | as this text should document the whole package and will be shown at http://www.melpa.org/#/proof-general href: https://github.com/ProofGeneral/PG/issues/198#issuecomment-419741803
| * Fix the license notice in proof-general.elGravatar Erik Martin-Dorel2019-01-13
| | | | | | | | | | | | as PG master is still under GPLv2 (while PG async already switched to GPLv3+) href: https://github.com/ProofGeneral/PG/tree/fb3b75dab55b6e6befffc53e136422558be5faa0#contributing
| * Rename pg-init.el to proof-general.elGravatar Erik Martin-Dorel2019-01-13
|/ | | | Close ProofGeneral/PG#385 and close ProofGeneral/PG#398
* * pg-init.el: Add subdirs during compilation (bug #413)Gravatar Stefan Monnier2019-01-12
| | | | | * generic/pg-user.el (proof-add-completions): `proof-assistant` can also be the empty string :-(
* Make coq-mode work without generic/proof-*Gravatar Stefan Monnier2018-12-26
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Revise the various `require`s to avoid spurious dependencies, and tweak the code here and there to eliminate the remaining dependencies. * coq/coq-db.el: Don't require proof-config nor proof-syntax. (coq-build-opt-regexp-from-db): Avoid proof-regexp-alt-list. * coq/coq-indent.el: Use lexical-binding. Don't require coq-syntax. Comment out all the code that's not used any more. (coq-empty-command-p): Use forward-comment instead of coq-find-not-in-comment-backward. Fix paren typos. (coq-script-parse-cmdend-forward, coq-script-parse-cmdend-backward): Use forward-comment i.s.o proof-script-generic-parse-find-comment-end. Use syntax-ppss i.s.o proof-buffer-syntactic-context. (coq-find-current-start): Explicit case-fold-search i.s.o proof-looking-at. * coq/coq-mode.el (coq-mode): Set comment-start/end. * coq/coq-smie.el: Require coq-syntax explicitly. (coq-smie-detect-goal-command, coq-smie-module-deambiguate): Explicit case-fold-search i.s.o proof-looking-at. (coq-indent-basic): New custom var. (coq-smie-rules): Use it in case PG is not loaded. * coq/coq-syntax.el: Don't require proof-syntax, proof-utils, and span. (coq-goal-command-p): Use overlay-get i.s.o span-property. (coq-save-command-regexp-strict, coq-save-command-regexp): Use \` and regexp-opt i.s.o proof-anchor-regexp and proof-ids-to-regexp. (coq-save-command-p): Explicit case-fold-search i.s.o proof-string-match. (coq--regexp-alt-list-symb): Rename from proof-regexp-alt-list-symb. Use mapconcat i.s.o proof-regexp-alt-list. (coq-save-with-hole-regexp): Use regexp-opt i.s.o proof-regexp-alt-list. (coq-goal-command-regexp, coq-goal-with-hole-regexp) (coq-decl-with-hole-regexp, coq-defn-with-hole-regexp) (coq-font-lock-keywords-1): Use mapconcat i.s.o proof-regexp-alt-list. (coq-find-first-hyp, coq-detect-hyps-positions-in-goals): Use current buffer i.s.o proof-goals-buffer. (coq-with-altered-syntax-table): Fix broken use of unwind-protect. * coq/coq.el (coq-detect-hyps-in-goals): Change buffer before calling coq-find-first-hyp and coq-detect-hyps-positions-in-goals. (coq-pg-setup): Use comment-start/end. * generic/pg-goals.el: Require proof-script explicitly instead of autoloading via proof-insert-sendback-command. * generic/pg-pbrpm.el: Require proof-script explicitly instead of autoloading via proof-insert-pbp-command. * generic/pg-pgip.el: Require proof-script explicitly. * generic/proof-depends.el: Require proof-script explicitly instead of autoloading via pg-set-span-helphighlights. * generic/proof-script.el (pg-set-span-helphighlights) (proof-insert-pbp-command, proof-insert-sendback-command) (proof-script-generic-parse-find-comment-end): Don't autoload. * generic/proof-syntax.el (proof-ids-to-regexp): Simplify. * lib/span.el (span-delete): η-reduce.
* Reduce the impact of proof-site, in case PG is not usedGravatar Stefan Monnier2018-12-25
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * generic/proof-autoloads.el: Remove `require`s; not needed. * generic/proof-site.el: Don't require `pg-vars`. (proof-ready-for-assistant): Move to proof-script.el. * generic/proof-menu.el (proof-assistant-format): Make dynamically scoped var explicit (preparation for lexical-binding). * generic/proof-script.el: Require `pg-vars`. (proof-ready-for-assistant): Move from proof-site.el. * generic/proof-syntax.el (proof-replace-regexp-in-string): * generic/proof-shell.el (proof-shell-live-buffer): Don't mark it as inlinable: it's not performance sensitive.
* * coq-mode.el: New file to make coq-mode independent from PGGravatar Stefan Monnier2018-12-22
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Move the part of coq.el that is not specific to ProofGeneral into coq-mode.el to make `coq-mode` into a major mode that can work without PG. * coq/coq-mode.el: New file, with code extracted from coq.el. (coq-use-pg): New var. (coq-near-comment-region): Complete rewrite. * Makefile.devel (autoloads): Add `coq` to the scanned subdirectories. * generic/proof-autoloads.el: Regenerate. * generic/proof-site.el: Don't override pre-existing major-mode definitions. * coq/coq-syntax.el (coq-init-syntax-table): Delete function. Setup the syntax-table while loading coq-mode.el instead. * coq/coq-system.el (coq-prog-name, get-coq-library-directory) (coq-library-directory, coq-tags): Move to coq-mode.el. * coq/coq.el: Set proof-assistant when loaded. (coq-may-use-prettify, coq-outline-regexp) (coq-outline-heading-end-regexp, coq-mode) (coq-prettify-symbols-alist, coq-fill-paragraph-function) (coq-adaptive-fill-function): Move to coq-mode.el. (coq-shell-mode-syntax-table, coq-response-mode-syntax-table) (coq-goals-mode-syntax-table): Just reuse the already setup coq-mode-syntax-table... (coq-shell-mode-config, coq-goals-mode-config, coq-response-config): ... instead of calling coq-init-syntax-table. (coq-get-comment-region): Delete, not used any more. (coq-pg-mode-map): New var. Move top-level keymap setup here. (coq-pg-setup): Rename from coq-mode-config. Move all the non-PG specific settings to coq-mode. * generic/proof-script.el (proof-mode): Simplify call to proof-splash-message since it does the same extra tests internally. (proof-config-done-related): Don't touch font-lock-defaults if the mode doesn't provide any font-lock-defaults. * isar/isar-syntax.el: Use lexical-binding. (isar-font-lock-fontify-syntactically-region): Make it callable from font0lock-keywords. (isar-font-lock-keywords-1): Call isar-font-lock-fontify-syntactically-region. * generic/proof-syntax.el (font-lock-fontify-keywords-region): Remove advice. (proof-ids): Remove, unused. * lib/bufhist.el (bufhist-erase-buffer): Don't let-bind after-change-functions. * generic/pg-pbrpm.el (pg-pbrpm-auto-select-around-point): Fix one more left-over cl.el use. * generic/proof-utils.el (proof-with-script-buffer): Add edebug spec.
* Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ProofGeneral/PGGravatar Pierre Courtieu2018-12-20
* | Fixes #395: hyps highlight is transient and with gray background.Gravatar Pierre Courtieu2018-12-20
| |
| * Merge pull request #410 from soraros/patch-1Gravatar Clément Pit-Claudel2018-12-19
| |\ | | | | | | Quote ?( ?)
| | * Quote ?( ?)Gravatar soraros2018-12-19
| |/
| * Cosmetic cleanup of coq-smie, coq-syntax, and coq-abbrev.Gravatar Stefan Monnier2018-12-15
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Fix a few more cl.el leftovers. Get rid of remaining use of iso-2022. Use SMIE unconditionally. * coq/coq-abbrev.el: Use lexical-binding. (coq-install-abbrevs): Delete, only keep the relevant contents. (proof-defstringset-fn): Remove. Fold changes into the main version. * coq/coq-indent.el (coq-find-real-start): Use forward-comment. * coq/coq-smie.el: Use lexical-binding. Assume `smie` is available. (coq--string-suffix-p): Rename from coq-string-suffix-p. Use string-suffix-p for it when available. (string-suffix-p): Never define here. Change all users to use coq--string-suffix-p instead. (coq-smie-.-deambiguate): Use forward-comment. Remove unused var `beg`. (coq-backward-token-fast-nogluing-dot-friends) (coq-forward-token-fast-nogluing-dot-friends): Remove unused var `tok-other`. (coq-smie-search-token-backward): Remove unused var `p`. (coq-smie-:=-deambiguate, coq-smie-backward-token): Prefer char-before over looking-back. (coq-smie-rules): Use `pcase` over deprecated cl's `case`. * coq/coq-syntax.el: Use lexical-binding. (coq-count-match): Rewrite so it doesn't do needless heap-allocation. (coq-module-opening-p, coq-section-command-p, coq-goal-command-str-p): Use case-fold-search rather than proof-string-match. (coq-goal-command-regexp): Forward-declare. (coq-save-command-regexp-strict): Move before first use. (coq-reserved-regexp): Use a single \_< ... \_>. (coq-detect-hyps-positions): Limit search for looking-back. * coq/coq.el: Remove SMIE declarations since SMIE is always used. (coq-use-smie): Remove, unused. (coq-smie): Always require. * generic/pg-pbrpm.el: Fix leftover cl.el uses. * generic/proof-utils.el (proof-defstringset-fn): Fix copy&paste error in the docstring, improve interactive prompt. * lib/maths-menu.el: Use utf-8 and lexical-binding.
| * Prepend cl- to more c[ad]+r instancesGravatar Clément Pit-Claudel2018-12-15
| |
| * Use cl-caddr instead of caddrGravatar Clément Pit-Claudel2018-12-15
| | | | | | | | | | | | Hopefully fixes #409. Reported-By: @lysxia
| * Fix remaining uses of CL; Make files more declarativeGravatar Stefan Monnier2018-12-14
|/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Emacs occasionally loads Elisp files just to get more info (e.g. for C-h f), so loading a file should "no effect". Fix the most obvious such effects: the splash screen and the autotests by moving those effects into a function. * coq/coq-autotest.el: Make it declarative. Use lexical-binding. (coq-autotest): New function holding the code that used to be at top-level. * generic/proof.el: Use lexical-binding. Don't call proof-splash-message just because we're being loaded. * generic/proof-script.el: Use lexical-scoping; fix all warnings. (pg-show-all-portions): Simplify the code with a closure. (proof-activate-scripting): Declare activated-interactively as dyn-scoped. (proof--splash-done): New var. (proof-mode): Call proof-splash-message upon first use. * generic/proof-splash.el (proof-splash-message): Don't check byte-compile-current-file now that we're only called when the mode is activated. * acl2/acl2.el (auto-mode-alist): Use `add-to-list` and \'. * coq/coq-db.el (coq-build-menu-from-db-internal): Avoid silly O(N²). * coq/coq-seq-compile.el: * coq/coq-par-test.el: * coq/coq-par-compile.el: Fix leftover uses of CL's `assert`. * generic/proof-utils.el: * generic/pg-movie.el: * etc/testsuite/pg-test.el: * coq/coq-syntax.el: Fix leftover uses of CL's `incf`. * generic/pg-autotest.el: Fix leftover uses of CL's `decf`. * obsolete/plastic/plastic.el (plastic-preprocessing): Fix leftover use of CL's `loop`. * generic/pg-user.el (proof-add-completions): Do nothing if no proof-assistant is set yet (i.e. during byte-compilation). (byte-compile-current-file): No need to test this any more. * generic/proof-syntax.el (proof-regexp-alt-list): Use mapconcat. Remove unnecessary "\\(?:...\\)". (proof-regexp-alt): Redefine in terms of proof-regexp-alt-list.
* Fixes the fix of #407. Is this temporary.Gravatar Pierre Courtieu2018-12-14
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | This fix is not completely satisfying for the following reason: 1- I had to add a new hook in generic code. But I don't see how we could avoid this: the computation of options must happen AFTER the proof-prog-name is asked to the user, because this computation depends on the version of coq. 2- We should fix the synchronization between coq-prog-name and proof-prog-name. Either remove coq-prog-name and use only proof-prog-name, or have the generic coq always point to some (proof-ass-sym prog-name).
* Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ProofGeneral/PGGravatar Pierre Courtieu2018-12-14
* | Fix #407: -topfile added if coq > v8.10alpha.Gravatar Pierre Courtieu2018-12-14
| |
| * Use `cl-lib` instead of `cl` everywhereGravatar Stefan Monnier2018-12-13
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Use lexical-binding in a few files where it was easy. Don't require `proof-compat` when it's not used. * coq/coq-db.el: Use lexical-binding. * coq/coq-system.el: Use lexical-binding. (coq--extract-prog-args): Use concatenated-args rather than recomputing it. * coq/coq.el: Require `span` to silence some warnings. * generic/pg-user.el: Use lexical-binding. (complete, add-completion, completion-min-length): Silence warnings. * generic/pg-xml.el: Use lexical-binding. (pg-xml-string-of): Prefer mapconcat to reduce+concat. * generic/proof-depends.el: Use lexical-binding. (proof-dep-split-deps): Use `push`. * generic/proof-shell.el: Require `span` to silence some warnings. (proof-shell-invisible-command): Don't use lexical-let just to build a wasteful η-redex! * lib/holes.el: Use lexical-binding. Remove redundant :group args. * lib/span.el: Use lexical-binding. (span-read-only-hook): Use user-error. (span-raise): Remove, unused.
| * Cleanup patch; Moving defvar to toplevelGravatar Stefan Monnier2018-12-12
|/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Move `defvar`s used to silence warnings outside of eval-when-compile. Make sure they don't actually give a value to the var. * pg-init.el: Simplify. Use (if t ...) to avoid running `require` at compile-time. Don't add subdirs to load-path here since this code is never used. (pg-init--script-full-path, pg-init--pg-root): Inline their definition into their sole user. * generic/proof-utils.el (proof-resize-window-tofit): Inline definitions of window-leftmost-p and window-rightmost-p previously in proof-compat.el. * lib/proof-compat.el (proof-running-on-win32): Remove, not used. (mac-key-mode): Remove, there's no carbon-emacs-package-version in Emacs≥24.3. (pg-custom-undeclare-variable): Use dolist. (save-selected-frame): Remove, save-selected-window also saves&restores the selected frame at the same time. Update all users (which already used save-selected-window around it). (window-leftmost-p, window-rightmost-p, window-bottom-p) (find-coding-system): Remove, unused. * hol-light/hol-light.el (caml-font-lock-keywords): Don't try to defvar it to a dummy value and... (hol-light): ...check its existence before using it instead. * coq/coq.el (coq-may-use-prettify): Simplify initialization.
* Merge pull request #402 from Chobbes/modelineGravatar Clément Pit-Claudel2018-11-15
|\ | | | | Remove code that hides mode-line.
| * Remove code that hides mode-line.Gravatar Calvin Beck2018-11-12
* Merge pull request #397 from Chobbes/masterGravatar Clément Pit-Claudel2018-11-01
|\ | | | | Ignore all ephemeral buffers and buffers not backed by a file
| * Ignore ephemeral buffers, and buffers not pointed at files.Gravatar Calvin Beck2018-11-01
|/ | | | | | This helps with, for example, org-src-fontification buffers. https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2016-03/msg00354.html
* Merge pull request #396 from dbp/coqproject-localGravatar Clément Pit-Claudel2018-10-30
|\ | | | | Use non-remote path to expand paths in _CoqProject when file is remote.
| * Use non-remote path to expand paths in _CoqProject when file is remote.Gravatar Daniel Patterson2018-10-30
|/ | | | | | | | | When editing a remote file, the `coqtop` process will itself be remote, which means that the paths that are passed to it should be _local_, not remote. Otherwise, paths like '/ssh:hostname:/path/to/dir' get passed to `coqtop`, which has no idea what's going on. This relates to #203.
* Merge pull request #393 from anton-trunov/fix-coqproject-argGravatar Clément Pit-Claudel2018-09-27
|\ | | | | Fix parsing of -arg in _CoqProject file
| * Fix parsing of -arg in _CoqProject fileGravatar Anton Trunov2018-09-27
|/ | | | | The result of parsing was in reverse, see https://github.com/ProofGeneral/PG/issues/392\#issuecomment-425227314
* Reloading proof-autoloads is safe; don't forbid itGravatar Clément Pit-Claudel2018-09-01
| | | | | | Fixes GH-386. Reported-by: @mrkkrp
* Merge pull request #384 from ProofGeneral/update-install-guideGravatar Erik Martin-Dorel2018-08-30
|\ | | | | Update installation instructions for MELPA in README.md
| * Add MELPA badgeGravatar Erik Martin-Dorel2018-08-30
| |
| * Update the section of supported PAsGravatar Erik Martin-Dorel2018-08-30
| |
| * README.md: Update installation instructionsGravatar Erik Martin-Dorel2018-08-30
* Merge pull request #169 from ProofGeneral/help-span-extendedGravatar Erik Martin-Dorel2018-08-25
|\ | | | | Fix #158 by extending helpspan
* | ProofGeneral.texi: Add EasyCrypt in the introGravatar Erik Martin-Dorel2018-08-23
| |
* | Update AUTHORS file for EasyCryptGravatar Erik Martin-Dorel2018-08-23
| |
* | Merge pull request #380 from ProofGeneral/prepare-melpaGravatar Erik Martin-Dorel2018-08-23
|\ \ | | | | | | Prepare PG for MELPA
| * | Run make autoloadsGravatar Erik Martin-Dorel2018-08-23
| | |
| * | Update AUTHORS, fixing 2 typosGravatar Erik Martin-Dorel2018-08-23
| | |
| * | Add link to the latex-pretty-symbols package mentioned by @craffGravatar Erik Martin-Dorel2018-08-23
| | | | | | | | | | | | Fix the typo reported by @siddharthist as well
| * | Fix most doc issues raised by (checkdoc)Gravatar Erik Martin-Dorel2018-08-23
| | |
| * | pg-init.el: Add metadata asked by (package-lint-current-buffer)Gravatar Erik Martin-Dorel2018-08-23
| | |
| * | Update Info dir file (so there’s no unwanted line break)Gravatar Erik Martin-Dorel2018-08-23
| | |
| * | Bump version from 4.4.1~pre to 4.5-gitGravatar Erik Martin-Dorel2018-08-22
| | | | | | | | | | | | This commit ensures the version number is (version-to-list)-compliant.