path: root/hol-light/TacticRecording/prooftree.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'hol-light/TacticRecording/prooftree.ml')
1 files changed, 177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hol-light/TacticRecording/prooftree.ml b/hol-light/TacticRecording/prooftree.ml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..877e738c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hol-light/TacticRecording/prooftree.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* HOL Light subgoal package amended for Proof General's Prooftree. *)
+(* *)
+(* Mark Adams, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh *)
+(* *)
+(* (c) Copyright, University of Edinburgh, 2012 *)
+(* ========================================================================= *)
+(* This file provides alternatives to HOL Light's subgoal package commands *)
+(* that output additional annotations specifically for Prooftree. These *)
+(* annotations get intercepted by Proof General, which removes them from the *)
+(* output displayed to the Proof General user. Annotation can be switched *)
+(* off completely with the 'pg_mode_off' command. *)
+(* Note that this assumes the existence of xgoals (see 'xtactics.ml'). *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Proof General mode, for providing extra annotations for Prooftree. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let pg_mode = ref (false : bool);;
+let pg_mode_on () = (pg_mode := true);;
+let pg_mode_off () = (pg_mode := false);;
+let get_pg_mode () = !pg_mode;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The Prooftree global state is an ever increasing counter. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let the_pt_global_state = ref 1;;
+let inc_pt_global_state () =
+ (the_pt_global_state := !the_pt_global_state + 1);;
+let pt_global_state () = !the_pt_global_state;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* The Prooftree proof state is the length of the goal stack. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let pt_proof_state () = length !current_xgoalstack;;
+let pt_back_to_proof_state n : xgoalstack =
+ let pst = pt_proof_state () in
+ if (0 <= n) & (n <= pst)
+ then (current_xgoalstack :=
+ snd (chop_list (pst-n) !current_xgoalstack);
+ !current_xgoalstack)
+ else failwith "Not a valid Prooftree state number";;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Subgoal package commands adjusted to update Prooftree global state. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let the_tactic_flag = ref false;;
+let xe tac =
+ let result = xe tac in
+ (inc_pt_global_state ();
+ the_tactic_flag := true; (* So that special info gets displayed *)
+ result);;
+let xr n =
+ let result = xr n in
+ (inc_pt_global_state ();
+ result);;
+let xset_goal (asl,w) =
+ let result = xset_goal (asl,w) in
+ (inc_pt_global_state ();
+ result);;
+let xg t =
+ let fvs = sort (<) (map (fst o dest_var) (frees t)) in
+ (if fvs <> [] then
+ let errmsg = end_itlist (fun s t -> s^", "^t) fvs in
+ warn true ("Free variables in goal: "^errmsg)
+ else ());
+ xset_goal([],t);;
+let xb () =
+ let result = xb () in
+ (inc_pt_global_state ();
+ result);;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Special Prooftree printers for xgoals and xgoalstacks. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let the_new_goal_ids = ref ([] : goalid list);;
+let print_prooftree_xgoal ((g,id) : xgoal) : unit =
+ ((if (!pg_mode)
+ then (print_string ("[Goal ID " ^ string_of_goal_id id ^ "]");
+ print_newline ()));
+ print_goal g);;
+let (print_prooftree_xgoalstack:xgoalstack->unit) =
+ let print_prooftree_xgoalstate k gs =
+ let (_,gl,_) = gs in
+ let n = length gl in
+ let s = if n = 0 then "No subgoals" else
+ (string_of_int k)^" subgoal"^(if k > 1 then "s" else "")
+ ^" ("^(string_of_int n)^" total)" in
+ print_string s; print_newline();
+ if gl = [] then () else
+ (do_list (print_prooftree_xgoal o C el gl) (rev(1--(k-1)));
+ (if (!pg_mode) then print_string "[*]");
+ print_prooftree_xgoal (el 0 gl)) in
+ fun l ->
+ ((if (!pg_mode) & (!the_tactic_flag)
+ then let xs = map string_of_int (!the_new_goal_ids) in
+ (the_tactic_flag := false;
+ print_string "[New Goal IDs: ";
+ print_string_seplist " " xs;
+ print_string "]";
+ print_newline ()));
+ (if l = [] then print_string "Empty goalstack"
+ else if tl l = [] then
+ let (_,gl,_ as gs) = hd l in
+ print_prooftree_xgoalstate 1 gs
+ else
+ let (_,gl,_ as gs) = hd l
+ and (_,gl0,_) = hd(tl l) in
+ let p = length gl - length gl0 in
+ let p' = if p < 1 then 1 else p + 1 in
+ print_prooftree_xgoalstate p' gs);
+ (if (!pg_mode) then
+ let (vs,theta) =
+ if (l = []) then ([],[])
+ else let ((vs,(_,theta,_)),_,_) = hd l in
+ (vs,theta) in
+ let foo v =
+ let (x,_) = dest_var v in
+ x ^ if (can (rev_assoc v) theta) then " using" else " open" in
+ let xs = map foo vs in
+ (print_newline();
+ print_string "(dependent evars: ";
+ print_string_seplist ", " xs;
+ print_string ")";
+ print_newline ())));;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Adjust the OCaml prompt to carry information for Prooftree. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let original_prompt_fn = !Toploop.read_interactive_input in
+Toploop.read_interactive_input :=
+ fun prompt buffer len ->
+ let basic_prompt = "<" in (* 'prompt' arg is ignored *)
+ let prompt' =
+ if (!pg_mode)
+ then let pst = pt_proof_state () and gst = pt_global_state () in
+ "<prompt> " ^ basic_prompt ^ " " ^
+ string_of_int gst ^ " || " ^ string_of_int pst ^
+ " " ^ basic_prompt ^ " </prompt>"
+ else prompt in
+ original_prompt_fn prompt' buffer len;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Printing the goal of a given Prooftree goal id. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let xgoal_of_id (id:goalid) : xgoal =
+ let gsts = !current_xgoalstack in
+ let find_goal (_,xgs,_) = find (fun (g,id0) -> id0 = id) xgs in
+ let xg = tryfind find_goal gsts in
+ xg;;
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* Install the new goal-related printers. *)
+(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+#install_printer print_prooftree_xgoal;;
+#install_printer print_prooftree_xgoalstack;;