BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterDerive proof-mode from prog-modeGravatar Benjamin Barenblat6 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2019-04-18Derive proof-mode from prog-modeHEADmasterGravatar Benjamin Barenblat
2019-02-12Simpler fix for #411.Gravatar Pierre Courtieu
2019-02-12Fixes #411.Gravatar Pierre Courtieu
2019-01-14Hopefully fix ProofGeneral/PG#413Gravatar Erik Martin-Dorel
2019-01-13Fix ProofGeneral/PG#413 furtherGravatar Erik Martin-Dorel
2019-01-13Merge pull request #414 from ProofGeneral/improve-use-package-supportGravatar Erik Martin-Dorel
2019-01-13Update the commentary section in proof-general.elGravatar Erik Martin-Dorel
2019-01-13Fix the license notice in proof-general.elGravatar Erik Martin-Dorel
2019-01-13Rename pg-init.el to proof-general.elGravatar Erik Martin-Dorel
2019-01-12* pg-init.el: Add subdirs during compilation (bug #413)Gravatar Stefan Monnier
2018-12-26Make coq-mode work without generic/proof-*Gravatar Stefan Monnier
2018-12-25Reduce the impact of proof-site, in case PG is not usedGravatar Stefan Monnier
2018-12-22* coq-mode.el: New file to make coq-mode independent from PGGravatar Stefan Monnier
2018-12-20Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ProofGeneral/PGGravatar Pierre Courtieu
2018-12-20Fixes #395: hyps highlight is transient and with gray background.Gravatar Pierre Courtieu
2018-12-19Merge pull request #410 from soraros/patch-1Gravatar Clément Pit-Claudel