// Example fuzzer for PNG using protos. #include #include #include #include // for crc32 #include "libprotobuf-mutator/src/libfuzzer/libfuzzer_macro.h" #include "png_fuzz_proto.pb.h" static void WriteInt(std::stringstream &out, uint32_t x) { x = __builtin_bswap32(x); out.write((char *)&x, sizeof(x)); } static void WriteByte(std::stringstream &out, uint8_t x) { out.write((char *)&x, sizeof(x)); } static std::string Compress(const std::string &s) { std::string out(s.size() + 100, '\0'); size_t out_len = out.size(); compress((uint8_t *)&out[0], &out_len, (uint8_t *)s.data(), s.size()); out.resize(out_len); return out; } // Chunk is written as: // * 4-byte length // * 4-byte type // * the data itself // * 4-byte crc (of type and data) static void WriteChunk(std::stringstream &out, const char *type, const std::string &chunk, bool compress = false) { std::string compressed; const std::string *s = &chunk; if (compress) { compressed = Compress(chunk); s = &compressed; } uint32_t len = s->size(); uint32_t crc = crc32(crc32(0, (const unsigned char *)type, 4), (const unsigned char *)s->data(), s->size()); WriteInt(out, len); out.write(type, 4); out.write(s->data(), s->size()); WriteInt(out, crc); } std::string ProtoToPng(const PngProto &png_proto) { std::stringstream all; const unsigned char header[] = {0x89, 0x50, 0x4e, 0x47, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x1a, 0x0a}; all.write((const char*)header, sizeof(header)); std::stringstream ihdr_str; auto &ihdr = png_proto.ihdr(); // Avoid large images. // They may have interesting bugs, but OOMs are going to kill fuzzing. uint32_t w = std::min(ihdr.width(), 4096U); uint32_t h = std::min(ihdr.height(), 4096U); WriteInt(ihdr_str, w); WriteInt(ihdr_str, h); WriteInt(ihdr_str, ihdr.other1()); WriteByte(ihdr_str, ihdr.other2()); WriteChunk(all, "IHDR", ihdr_str.str()); for (size_t i = 0, n = png_proto.chunks_size(); i < n; i++) { auto &chunk = png_proto.chunks(i); if (chunk.has_plte()) { WriteChunk(all, "PLTE", chunk.plte().data()); } else if (chunk.has_idat()) { WriteChunk(all, "IDAT", chunk.idat().data(), true); } else if (chunk.has_iccp()) { std::stringstream iccp_str; iccp_str << "xyz"; // don't fuzz iCCP name field. WriteByte(iccp_str, 0); WriteByte(iccp_str, 0); auto compressed_data = Compress(chunk.iccp().data()); iccp_str.write(compressed_data.data(), compressed_data.size()); WriteChunk(all, "iCCP", iccp_str.str()); } else if (chunk.has_other_chunk()) { auto &other_chunk = chunk.other_chunk(); char type[5] = {0}; if (other_chunk.has_known_type()) { static const char * known_chunks[] = { "bKGD", "cHRM", "dSIG", "eXIf", "gAMA", "hIST", "iCCP", "iTXt", "pHYs", "sBIT", "sPLT", "sRGB", "sTER", "tEXt", "tIME", "tRNS", "zTXt", "sCAL", "pCAL", "oFFs", }; size_t known_chunks_size = sizeof(known_chunks) / sizeof(known_chunks[0]); size_t chunk_idx = other_chunk.known_type() % known_chunks_size; memcpy(type, known_chunks[chunk_idx], 4); } else if (other_chunk.has_unknown_type()) { uint32_t unknown_type_int = other_chunk.unknown_type(); memcpy(type, &unknown_type_int, 4); } else { continue; } type[4] = 0; WriteChunk(all, type, other_chunk.data()); } } WriteChunk(all, "IEND", ""); std::string res = all.str(); if (const char *dump_path = getenv("PROTO_FUZZER_DUMP_PATH")) { // With libFuzzer binary run this to generate a PNG file x.png: // PROTO_FUZZER_DUMP_PATH=x.png ./a.out proto-input std::ofstream of(dump_path); of.write(res.data(), res.size()); } return res; } // The actual fuzz target that consumes the PNG data. extern "C" int FuzzPNG(const uint8_t* data, size_t size); DEFINE_PROTO_FUZZER(const PngProto &png_proto) { auto s = ProtoToPng(png_proto); FuzzPNG((const uint8_t*)s.data(), s.size()); }