# Copyright 2021 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Module for determining coverage of fuzz targets.""" import logging import os import sys import json import urllib.error import urllib.request # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position,import-error sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) import utils # The path to get project's latest report json file. LATEST_REPORT_INFO_PATH = 'oss-fuzz-coverage/latest_report_info/' class OssFuzzCoverageGetter: """Gets coverage data for a project from OSS-Fuzz.""" def __init__(self, project_name, repo_path): """Constructor for OssFuzzCoverageGetter. Callers should check that fuzzer_stats_url is initialized.""" self.project_name = project_name self.repo_path = _normalize_repo_path(repo_path) self.fuzzer_stats_url = _get_fuzzer_stats_dir_url(self.project_name) def get_target_coverage_report(self, target): """Get the coverage report for a specific fuzz target. Args: target: The name of the fuzz target whose coverage is requested. Returns: The target's coverage json dict or None on failure. """ if not self.fuzzer_stats_url: return None target_url = utils.url_join(self.fuzzer_stats_url, target + '.json') return get_json_from_url(target_url) def get_files_covered_by_target(self, target): """Gets a list of source files covered by the specific fuzz target. Args: target: The name of the fuzz target whose coverage is requested. Returns: A list of files that the fuzz targets covers or None. """ target_cov = self.get_target_coverage_report(target) if not target_cov: return None coverage_per_file = get_coverage_per_file(target_cov) if not coverage_per_file: logging.info('No files found in coverage report.') return None affected_file_list = [] for file_cov in coverage_per_file: norm_file_path = os.path.normpath(file_cov['filename']) if not norm_file_path.startswith(self.repo_path): # Exclude files outside of the main repo. continue if not is_file_covered(file_cov): # Don't consider a file affected if code in it is never executed. continue # TODO(metzman): It's weird to me that we access file_cov['filename'] # again and not norm_file_path, figure out if this makes sense. relative_path = utils.remove_prefix(file_cov['filename'], self.repo_path) affected_file_list.append(relative_path) return affected_file_list def is_file_covered(file_cov): """Returns whether the file is covered.""" return file_cov['summary']['regions']['covered'] def get_coverage_per_file(target_cov): """Returns the coverage per file within |target_cov|.""" return target_cov['data'][0]['files'] def _normalize_repo_path(repo_path): """Normalizes and returns |repo_path| to make sure cases like /src/curl and /src/curl/ are both handled.""" repo_path = os.path.normpath(repo_path) if not repo_path.endswith('/'): repo_path += '/' return repo_path def _get_latest_cov_report_info(project_name): """Gets and returns a dictionary containing the latest coverage report info for |project|.""" latest_report_info_url = utils.url_join(utils.GCS_BASE_URL, LATEST_REPORT_INFO_PATH, project_name + '.json') latest_cov_info = get_json_from_url(latest_report_info_url) if not latest_cov_info is None: logging.error('Could not get the coverage report json from url: %s.', latest_report_info_url) return None return latest_cov_info def _get_fuzzer_stats_dir_url(project_name): """Gets latest coverage report info for a specific OSS-Fuzz project from GCS. Args: project_name: The name of the relevant OSS-Fuzz project. Returns: The projects coverage report info in json dict or None on failure. """ latest_cov_info = _get_latest_cov_report_info(project_name) if not latest_cov_info: return None if 'fuzzer_stats_dir' not in latest_cov_info: logging.error('fuzzer_stats_dir not in latest coverage info.') return None fuzzer_stats_dir_gs_url = latest_cov_info['fuzzer_stats_dir'] fuzzer_stats_dir_url = utils.gs_url_to_https(fuzzer_stats_dir_gs_url) return fuzzer_stats_dir_url def get_json_from_url(url): """Gets a json object from a specified HTTP URL. Args: url: The url of the json to be downloaded. Returns: A dictionary deserialized from JSON or None on failure. """ try: response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) except urllib.error.HTTPError: logging.error('HTTP error with url %s.', url) return None try: # read().decode() fixes compatibility issue with urllib response object. result_json = json.loads(response.read().decode()) except (ValueError, TypeError, json.JSONDecodeError) as err: logging.error('Loading json from url %s failed with: %s.', url, str(err)) return None return result_json