# Copyright 2020 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ################################################################################ """Cloud functions for build scheduling.""" from collections import namedtuple import logging import os import re import yaml from github import Github from google.api_core import exceptions from google.cloud import ndb from google.cloud import scheduler_v1 VALID_PROJECT_NAME = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$') DEFAULT_BUILDS_PER_DAY = 1 MAX_BUILDS_PER_DAY = 4 ProjectMetadata = namedtuple('ProjectMetadata', 'schedule') class ProjectYamlError(Exception): """Error in project.yaml format.""" # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods class Project(ndb.Model): """Represents an integrated OSS-Fuzz project.""" name = ndb.StringProperty() schedule = ndb.StringProperty() # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods class GitAuth(ndb.Model): """Represents Github access token entity.""" access_token = ndb.StringProperty() def create_scheduler(cloud_scheduler_client, project_name, schedule): """Creates schedulers for new projects.""" project_id = os.environ.get('GCP_PROJECT') location_id = os.environ.get('FUNCTION_REGION') parent = cloud_scheduler_client.location_path(project_id, location_id) job = { 'name': parent + '/jobs/' + project_name + '-scheduler', 'pubsub_target': { 'topic_name': 'projects/' + project_id + '/topics/request-build', 'data': project_name.encode() }, 'schedule': schedule } cloud_scheduler_client.create_job(parent, job) def delete_scheduler(cloud_scheduler_client, project_name): """Deletes schedulers for projects that were removed.""" project_id = os.environ.get('GCP_PROJECT') location_id = os.environ.get('FUNCTION_REGION') name = cloud_scheduler_client.job_path(project_id, location_id, project_name + '-scheduler') cloud_scheduler_client.delete_job(name) def update_scheduler(cloud_scheduler_client, project, schedule): """Updates schedule in case schedule was changed.""" project_id = os.environ.get('GCP_PROJECT') location_id = os.environ.get('FUNCTION_REGION') parent = cloud_scheduler_client.location_path(project_id, location_id) job = { 'name': parent + '/jobs/' + project.name + '-scheduler', 'pubsub_target': { 'topic_name': 'projects/' + project_id + '/topics/request-build', 'data': project.name.encode() }, 'schedule': project.schedule } update_mask = {'schedule': schedule} cloud_scheduler_client.update(job, update_mask) def sync_projects(cloud_scheduler_client, projects): """Sync projects with cloud datastore.""" for project in Project.query(): if project.name in projects: continue try: delete_scheduler(cloud_scheduler_client, project.name) project.key.delete() except exceptions.GoogleAPICallError as error: logging.error('Scheduler deletion for %s failed with %s', project.name, error) existing_projects = {project.name for project in Project.query()} for project_name in projects: if project_name in existing_projects: continue try: create_scheduler(cloud_scheduler_client, project_name, projects[project_name].schedule) Project(name=project_name, schedule=projects[project_name].schedule).put() except exceptions.GoogleAPICallError as error: logging.error('Scheduler creation for %s failed with %s', project_name, error) for project in Project.query(): if project.name not in projects or project.schedule == projects[ project.name]: continue try: update_scheduler(cloud_scheduler_client, project, projects[project.name].schedule) project.schedule = projects[project.name].schedule project.put() except exceptions.GoogleAPICallError as error: logging.error('Updating scheduler for %s failed with %s', project.name, error) def _has_docker_file(project_contents): """Checks if project has a Dockerfile.""" return any( content_file.name == 'Dockerfile' for content_file in project_contents) def get_schedule(project_contents): """Checks for schedule parameter in yaml file else uses DEFAULT_SCHEDULE.""" for content_file in project_contents: if content_file.name != 'project.yaml': continue project_yaml = yaml.safe_load(content_file.decoded_content.decode('utf-8')) builds_per_day = project_yaml.get('builds_per_day', DEFAULT_BUILDS_PER_DAY) if not isinstance(builds_per_day, int) or builds_per_day not in range( 1, MAX_BUILDS_PER_DAY + 1): raise ProjectYamlError('Parameter is not an integer in range [1-4]') # Starting at 6:00 am, next build schedules are added at 'interval' slots # Example for interval 2, hours = [6, 18] and schedule = '0 6,18 * * *' interval = 24 // builds_per_day hours = [] for hour in range(6, 30, interval): hours.append(hour % 24) schedule = '0 ' + ','.join(str(hour) for hour in hours) + ' * * *' return schedule def get_projects(repo): """Get project list from git repository.""" projects = {} contents = repo.get_contents('projects') for content_file in contents: if content_file.type != 'dir' or not VALID_PROJECT_NAME.match( content_file.name): continue project_contents = repo.get_contents(content_file.path) if not _has_docker_file(project_contents): continue try: projects[content_file.name] = ProjectMetadata( schedule=get_schedule(project_contents)) except ProjectYamlError as error: logging.error( 'Incorrect format for project.yaml file of %s with error %s', content_file.name, error) return projects def get_access_token(): """Retrieves Github's Access token from Cloud Datastore.""" token = GitAuth.query().get() if token is None: raise RuntimeError('No access token available') return token.access_token def sync(event, context): """Sync projects with cloud datastore.""" del event, context #unused client = ndb.Client() with client.context(): github_client = Github(get_access_token()) repo = github_client.get_repo('google/oss-fuzz') projects = get_projects(repo) cloud_scheduler_client = scheduler_v1.CloudSchedulerClient() sync_projects(cloud_scheduler_client, projects)