path: root/offlineimap.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'offlineimap.el')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/offlineimap.el b/offlineimap.el
index ef4ef9b..1d9a609 100644
--- a/offlineimap.el
+++ b/offlineimap.el
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
;;; Commentary:
;; M-x offlineimap
+;; We need comint for `comint-truncate-buffer'
(require 'comint)
(defgroup offlineimap nil
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@
:group 'offlineimap
:type 'string)
-(defcustom offlineimap-command "offlineimap -u Noninteractive.Basic"
+(defcustom offlineimap-command "offlineimap -u Machine.MachineUI"
"Command to run to launch OfflineIMAP."
:group 'offlineimap
:type 'string)
@@ -51,38 +52,62 @@
"Keymap for offlineimap-mode.")
-(defface offlineimap-syncing-face
+(defface offlineimap-msg-acct-face
+ '((t (:foreground "purple")))
+ "Face used to highlight acct lines.")
+(defface offlineimap-msg-connecting-face
+ '((t (:foreground "gray")))
+ "Face used to highlight connecting lines.")
+(defface offlineimap-msg-syncfolders-face
+ '((t (:foreground "blue")))
+ "Face used to highlight syncfolders lines.")
+(defface offlineimap-msg-syncingfolders-face
'((t (:foreground "cyan")))
- "Face used to highlight syncing lines.")
+ "Face used to highlight syncingfolders lines.")
-(defface offlineimap-scanning-face
+(defface offlineimap-msg-skippingfolder-face
+ '((t (:foreground "cyan")))
+ "Face used to highlight skippingfolder lines.")
+(defface offlineimap-msg-loadmessagelist-face
'((t (:foreground "green")))
- "Face used to highlight scanning lines.")
+ "Face used to highlight loadmessagelist lines.")
-(defface offlineimap-copying-face
+(defface offlineimap-msg-syncingmessages-face
'((t (:foreground "blue")))
- "Face used to highlight copying lines.")
+ "Face used to highlight syncingmessages lines.")
-(defface offlineimap-copy-message-face
- '((t (:foreground "yellow")))
- "Face used to highlight message copy lines.")
+(defface offlineimap-msg-copyingmessage-face
+ '((t (:foreground "orange")))
+ "Face used to highlight copyingmessage lines.")
-(defface offlineimap-adding-flags-face
- '((t (:foreground "yellow" :weight bold)))
- "Face used to highlight flags adding lines.")
+(defface offlineimap-msg-deletingmessages-face
+ '((t (:foreground "red")))
+ "Face used to highlight deletingmessages lines.")
-(defface offlineimap-next-sync-face
+(defface offlineimap-msg-deletingmessage-face
'((t (:foreground "red")))
- "Face used to highlight next sync lines.")
+ "Face used to highlight deletingmessage lines.")
-(defvar offlineimap-mode-font-lock-keywords
- '(("^Syncing .*$" . 'offlineimap-syncing-face)
- ("^Scanning .*$" . 'offlineimap-scanning-face)
- ("^Copying .*$" . 'offlineimap-copying-face)
- ("^Adding flags .*$" . 'offlineimap-adding-flags-face)
- ("^Next sync .*$" . 'offlineimap-next-sync-face)
- ("^Copy message .*$" . 'offlineimap-copy-message-face))
- "Faces used to highlight things in OfflineIMAP mode.")
+(defface offlineimap-msg-addingflags-face
+ '((t (:foreground "yellow")))
+ "Face used to highlight addingflags lines.")
+(defface offlineimap-msg-deletingflags-face
+ '((t (:foreground "pink")))
+ "Face used to highlight deletingflags lines.")
+(defface offlineimap-stop-face
+ '((t (:foreground "red" :weight bold)))
+ "Face used to highlight status when offlineimap is stopped.")
+(defvar offlineimap-mode-line-string nil
+ "Variable showed in mode line to display OfflineIMAP status.")
+(put 'offlineimap-mode-line-string 'risky-local-variable t) ; allow properties
(defun offlineimap-make-buffer ()
"Get the offlineimap buffer."
@@ -91,15 +116,63 @@
+(defun offlineimap-propertize-face (msg-type action text)
+ "Propertize TEXT with correct face according to MSG-TYPE and ACTION."
+ (let* ((face-sym (intern (concat "offlineimap-" msg-type "-" action "-face"))))
+ (if (facep face-sym)
+ (propertize text 'face face-sym)
+ text)))
+(defun offlineimap-update-mode-line ()
+ "Update mode line information about OfflineIMAP."
+ (let* ((buffer (get-buffer offlineimap-buffer-name))
+ (process (get-buffer-process buffer)))
+ (setq offlineimap-mode-line-string
+ (concat " [OfflineIMAP: "
+ (if process
+ (let ((msg-type (process-get process :last-msg-type))
+ (action (process-get process :last-action)))
+ (offlineimap-propertize-face msg-type action action))
+ (propertize "no process" 'face 'offlineimap-stop-face))
+ "]")))
+ (force-mode-line-update))
+(defun offlineimap-process-filter (process msg)
+ "Filter PROCESS output MSG."
+ (let* ((msg-data (split-string msg ":"))
+ (msg-type (nth 0 msg-data))
+ (action (nth 1 msg-data))
+ (thread-name (nth 2 msg-data))
+ (buffer (process-buffer process)))
+ (when (buffer-live-p buffer)
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert (offlineimap-propertize-face
+ msg-type
+ action
+ (concat thread-name "::" action "\n")))
+ (set-marker (process-mark process) (point))
+ (let ((comint-buffer-maximum-size offlineimap-buffer-maximum-size))
+ (comint-truncate-buffer))))
+ (process-put process :last-msg-type msg-type)
+ (process-put process :last-action action))
+ (offlineimap-update-mode-line))
+(defun offlineimap-process-sentinel (process state)
+ "Monitor STATE change of PROCESS."
+ (offlineimap-update-mode-line))
(defun offlineimap ()
"Start OfflineIMAP."
- (comint-exec
- (offlineimap-make-buffer)
- "offlineimap"
- shell-file-name nil
- `("-c" ,offlineimap-command)))
+ (let ((process (start-process-shell-command
+ "offlineimap"
+ (offlineimap-make-buffer)
+ offlineimap-command)))
+ (set-process-filter process 'offlineimap-process-filter)
+ (set-process-sentinel process 'offlineimap-process-sentinel))
+ (add-to-list 'global-mode-string 'offlineimap-mode-line-string t))
(defun offlineimap-quit ()
"Quit OfflineIMAP."
@@ -111,13 +184,8 @@
(signal-process (get-buffer-process (get-buffer offlineimap-buffer-name)) 'SIGUSR1))
-(define-derived-mode offlineimap-mode comint-mode "OfflineIMAP"
+(define-derived-mode offlineimap-mode fundamental-mode "OfflineIMAP"
"A major mode for OfflineIMAP interaction."
- :group 'comm
- (set (make-local-variable 'comint-output-filter-functions)
- '(comint-postoutput-scroll-to-bottom comint-truncate-buffer))
- (set (make-local-variable 'comint-buffer-maximum-size)
- offlineimap-buffer-maximum-size)
- (font-lock-add-keywords nil offlineimap-mode-font-lock-keywords))
+ :group 'comm)
(provide 'offlineimap)