path: root/devel
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'devel')
3 files changed, 889 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devel/nmbug/nmbug b/devel/nmbug/nmbug
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..fe103b3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/nmbug/nmbug
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# Copyright (c) 2011 David Bremner
+# License: same as notmuch
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+use Pod::Usage;
+no encoding;
+my $NMBGIT = $ENV{NMBGIT} || $ENV{HOME}.'/.nmbug';
+$NMBGIT .= '/.git' if (-d $NMBGIT.'/.git');
+my $TAGPREFIX = $ENV{NMBPREFIX} || 'notmuch::';
+# magic hash for git
+my $EMPTYBLOB = 'e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391';
+# for encoding
+my $ESCAPE_CHAR = '%';
+my $NO_ESCAPE = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.
+ '0123456789+-_@=.:,';
+my $MUST_ENCODE = qr{[^\Q$NO_ESCAPE\E]};
+my $ESCAPED_RX = qr{$ESCAPE_CHAR([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})};
+my %command = (
+ archive => \&do_archive,
+ checkout => \&do_checkout,
+ commit => \&do_commit,
+ fetch => \&do_fetch,
+ help => \&do_help,
+ log => \&do_log,
+ merge => \&do_merge,
+ pull => \&do_pull,
+ push => \&do_push,
+ status => \&do_status,
+ );
+my $subcommand = shift || usage ();
+if (!exists $command{$subcommand}) {
+ usage ();
+sub git_pipe {
+ my $envref = (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') ? shift : {};
+ my $ioref = (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY') ? shift : undef;
+ my $dir = ($_[0] eq '-|' or $_[0] eq '|-') ? shift : undef;
+ unshift @_, 'git';
+ $envref->{GIT_DIR} ||= $NMBGIT;
+ spawn ($envref, defined $ioref ? $ioref : (), defined $dir ? $dir : (), @_);
+sub git {
+ my $fh = git_pipe (@_);
+ my $str = join ('', <$fh>);
+ unless (close $fh) {
+ die "'git @_' exited with nonzero value\n";
+ }
+ chomp($str);
+ return $str;
+sub spawn {
+ my $envref = (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') ? shift : {};
+ my $ioref = (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY') ? shift : undef;
+ my $dir = ($_[0] eq '-|' or $_[0] eq '|-') ? shift : '-|';
+ die unless @_;
+ if (open my $child, $dir) {
+ return $child;
+ }
+ # child
+ while (my ($key, $value) = each %{$envref}) {
+ $ENV{$key} = $value;
+ }
+ if (defined $ioref && $dir eq '-|') {
+ open my $fh, '|-', @_ or die "open |- @_: $!";
+ foreach my $line (@{$ioref}) {
+ print $fh $line, "\n";
+ }
+ exit ! close $fh;
+ } else {
+ if ($dir ne '|-') {
+ open STDIN, '<', '/dev/null' or die "reopening stdin: $!"
+ }
+ exec @_;
+ die "exec @_: $!";
+ }
+sub get_tags {
+ my $prefix = shift;
+ my @tags;
+ my $fh = spawn ('-|', qw/notmuch search --output=tags/, "*")
+ or die 'error dumping tags';
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ chomp ();
+ push @tags, $_ if (m/^$prefix/);
+ }
+ unless (close $fh) {
+ die "'notmuch search --output=tags *' exited with nonzero value\n";
+ }
+ return @tags;
+sub do_archive {
+ system ('git', "--git-dir=$NMBGIT", 'archive', 'HEAD');
+sub is_committed {
+ my $status = shift;
+ return scalar (@{$status->{added}} ) + scalar (@{$status->{deleted}} ) == 0;
+sub do_commit {
+ my @args = @_;
+ my $status = compute_status ();
+ if ( is_committed ($status) ) {
+ print "Nothing to commit\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $index = read_tree ('HEAD');
+ update_index ($index, $status);
+ my $tree = git ( { GIT_INDEX_FILE => $index }, 'write-tree')
+ or die 'no output from write-tree';
+ my $parent = git ( 'rev-parse', 'HEAD' )
+ or die 'no output from rev-parse';
+ my $commit = git ([ @args ], 'commit-tree', $tree, '-p', $parent)
+ or die 'commit-tree';
+ git ('update-ref', 'HEAD', $commit);
+ unlink $index || die "unlink: $!";
+sub read_tree {
+ my $treeish = shift;
+ my $index = $NMBGIT.'/nmbug.index';
+ git ({ GIT_INDEX_FILE => $index }, 'read-tree', '--empty');
+ git ({ GIT_INDEX_FILE => $index }, 'read-tree', $treeish);
+ return $index;
+sub update_index {
+ my $index = shift;
+ my $status = shift;
+ my $git = spawn ({ GIT_DIR => $NMBGIT, GIT_INDEX_FILE => $index },
+ '|-', qw/git update-index --index-info/)
+ or die 'git update-index';
+ foreach my $pair (@{$status->{deleted}}) {
+ index_tags_for_msg ($git, $pair->{id}, 'D', $pair->{tag});
+ }
+ foreach my $pair (@{$status->{added}}) {
+ index_tags_for_msg ($git, $pair->{id}, 'A', $pair->{tag});
+ }
+ unless (close $git) {
+ die "'git update-index --index-info' exited with nonzero value\n";
+ }
+sub do_fetch {
+ my $remote = shift || 'origin';
+ git ('fetch', $remote);
+sub notmuch {
+ my @args = @_;
+ system ('notmuch', @args) == 0 or die "notmuch @args failed: $?";
+sub index_tags {
+ my $index = $NMBGIT.'/nmbug.index';
+ my $query = join ' ', map ("tag:$_", get_tags ($TAGPREFIX));
+ my $fh = spawn ('-|', qw/notmuch dump --/, $query)
+ or die "notmuch dump: $!";
+ git ('read-tree', '--empty');
+ my $git = spawn ({ GIT_DIR => $NMBGIT, GIT_INDEX_FILE => $index },
+ '|-', qw/git update-index --index-info/)
+ or die 'git update-index';
+ while (<$fh>) {
+ m/ ( [^ ]* ) \s+ \( ([^\)]* ) \) /x || die 'syntax error in dump';
+ my ($id,$rest) = ($1,$2);
+ #strip prefixes before writing
+ my @tags = grep { s/^$TAGPREFIX//; } split (' ', $rest);
+ index_tags_for_msg ($git,$id, 'A', @tags);
+ }
+ unless (close $git) {
+ die "'git update-index --index-info' exited with nonzero value\n";
+ }
+ unless (close $fh) {
+ die "'notmuch dump -- $query' exited with nonzero value\n";
+ }
+ return $index;
+sub index_tags_for_msg {
+ my $fh = shift;
+ my $msgid = shift;
+ my $mode = shift;
+ my $hash = $EMPTYBLOB;
+ my $blobmode = '100644';
+ if ($mode eq 'D') {
+ $blobmode = '0';
+ $hash = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
+ }
+ foreach my $tag (@_) {
+ my $tagpath = 'tags/' . encode_for_fs ($msgid) . '/' . encode_for_fs ($tag);
+ print $fh "$blobmode $hash\t$tagpath\n";
+ }
+sub do_checkout {
+ do_sync (action => 'checkout');
+sub do_sync {
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $status = compute_status ();
+ my ($A_action, $D_action);
+ if ($args{action} eq 'checkout') {
+ $A_action = '-';
+ $D_action = '+';
+ } else {
+ $A_action = '+';
+ $D_action = '-';
+ }
+ foreach my $pair (@{$status->{added}}) {
+ notmuch ('tag', $A_action.$TAGPREFIX.$pair->{tag},
+ 'id:'.$pair->{id});
+ }
+ foreach my $pair (@{$status->{deleted}}) {
+ notmuch ('tag', $D_action.$TAGPREFIX.$pair->{tag},
+ 'id:'.$pair->{id});
+ }
+sub insist_committed {
+ my $status=compute_status();
+ if ( !is_committed ($status) ) {
+ print "Uncommitted changes to $TAGPREFIX* tags in notmuch
+For a summary of changes, run 'nmbug status'
+To save your changes, run 'nmbug commit' before merging/pull
+To discard your changes, run 'nmbug checkout'
+ exit (1);
+ }
+sub do_pull {
+ my $remote = shift || 'origin';
+ git ( 'fetch', $remote);
+ do_merge ();
+sub do_merge {
+ insist_committed ();
+ my $tempwork = tempdir ('/tmp/nmbug-merge.XXXXXX', CLEANUP => 1);
+ git ( { GIT_WORK_TREE => $tempwork }, 'checkout', '-f', 'HEAD');
+ git ( { GIT_WORK_TREE => $tempwork }, 'merge', 'FETCH_HEAD');
+ do_checkout ();
+sub do_log {
+ # we don't want output trapping here, because we want the pager.
+ system ( 'git', "--git-dir=$NMBGIT", 'log', '--name-status', @_);
+sub do_push {
+ my $remote = shift || 'origin';
+ git ('push', $remote, 'master');
+sub do_status {
+ my $status = compute_status ();
+ my %output = ();
+ foreach my $pair (@{$status->{added}}) {
+ $output{$pair->{id}} ||= {};
+ $output{$pair->{id}}{$pair->{tag}} = 'A'
+ }
+ foreach my $pair (@{$status->{deleted}}) {
+ $output{$pair->{id}} ||= {};
+ $output{$pair->{id}}{$pair->{tag}} = 'D'
+ }
+ foreach my $pair (@{$status->{missing}}) {
+ $output{$pair->{id}} ||= {};
+ $output{$pair->{id}}{$pair->{tag}} = 'U'
+ }
+ if (is_unmerged ()) {
+ foreach my $pair (diff_refs ('A')) {
+ $output{$pair->{id}} ||= {};
+ $output{$pair->{id}}{$pair->{tag}} ||= ' ';
+ $output{$pair->{id}}{$pair->{tag}} .= 'a';
+ }
+ foreach my $pair (diff_refs ('D')) {
+ $output{$pair->{id}} ||= {};
+ $output{$pair->{id}}{$pair->{tag}} ||= ' ';
+ $output{$pair->{id}}{$pair->{tag}} .= 'd';
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $id (sort keys %output) {
+ foreach my $tag (sort keys %{$output{$id}}) {
+ printf "%s\t%s\t%s\n", $output{$id}{$tag}, $id, $tag;
+ }
+ }
+sub is_unmerged {
+ return 0 if (! -f $NMBGIT.'/FETCH_HEAD');
+ my $fetch_head = git ('rev-parse', 'FETCH_HEAD');
+ my $base = git ( 'merge-base', 'HEAD', 'FETCH_HEAD');
+ return ($base ne $fetch_head);
+sub compute_status {
+ my %args = @_;
+ my @added;
+ my @deleted;
+ my @missing;
+ my $index = index_tags ();
+ my @maybe_deleted = diff_index ($index, 'D');
+ foreach my $pair (@maybe_deleted) {
+ my $id = $pair->{id};
+ my $fh = spawn ('-|', qw/notmuch search --output=files/,"id:$id")
+ or die "searching for $id";
+ if (!<$fh>) {
+ push @missing, $pair;
+ } else {
+ push @deleted, $pair;
+ }
+ unless (close $fh) {
+ die "'notmuch search --output=files id:$id' exited with nonzero value\n";
+ }
+ }
+ @added = diff_index ($index, 'A');
+ unlink $index || die "unlink $index: $!";
+ return { added => [@added], deleted => [@deleted], missing => [@missing] };
+sub diff_index {
+ my $index = shift;
+ my $filter = shift;
+ my $fh = git_pipe ({ GIT_INDEX_FILE => $index },
+ qw/diff-index --cached/,
+ "--diff-filter=$filter", qw/--name-only HEAD/ );
+ my @lines = unpack_diff_lines ($fh);
+ unless (close $fh) {
+ die "'git diff-index --cached --diff-filter=$filter --name-only HEAD' ",
+ "exited with nonzero value\n";
+ }
+ return @lines;
+sub diff_refs {
+ my $filter = shift;
+ my $ref1 = shift || 'HEAD';
+ my $ref2 = shift || 'FETCH_HEAD';
+ my $fh= git_pipe ( 'diff', "--diff-filter=$filter", '--name-only',
+ $ref1, $ref2);
+ my @lines = unpack_diff_lines ($fh);
+ unless (close $fh) {
+ die "'git diff --diff-filter=$filter --name-only $ref1 $ref2' ",
+ "exited with nonzero value\n";
+ }
+ return @lines;
+sub unpack_diff_lines {
+ my $fh = shift;
+ my @found;
+ while(<$fh>) {
+ chomp ();
+ my ($id,$tag) = m|tags/ ([^/]+) / ([^/]+) |x;
+ $id = decode_from_fs ($id);
+ $tag = decode_from_fs ($tag);
+ push @found, { id => $id, tag => $tag };
+ }
+ return @found;
+sub encode_for_fs {
+ my $str = shift;
+ $str =~ s/($MUST_ENCODE)/"$ESCAPE_CHAR".sprintf ("%02x",ord ($1))/ge;
+ return $str;
+sub decode_from_fs {
+ my $str = shift;
+ $str =~ s/$ESCAPED_RX/ chr (hex ($1))/eg;
+ return $str;
+sub usage {
+ pod2usage ();
+ exit (1);
+sub do_help {
+ pod2usage ( -verbose => 2 );
+ exit (0);
+=head1 NAME
+nmbug - manage notmuch tags about notmuch
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+nmbug subcommand [options]
+B<nmbug help> for more help
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=head2 Most common commands
+=over 8
+=item B<commit> [message]
+Commit appropriately prefixed tags from the notmuch database to
+git. Any extra arguments are used (one per line) as a commit message.
+=item B<push> [remote]
+push local nmbug git state to remote repo
+=item B<pull> [remote]
+pull (merge) remote repo changes to notmuch. B<pull> is equivalent to
+B<fetch> followed by B<merge>.
+=head2 Other Useful Commands
+=over 8
+=item B<checkout>
+Update the notmuch database from git. This is mainly useful to discard
+your changes in notmuch relative to git.
+=item B<fetch> [remote]
+Fetch changes from the remote repo (see merge to bring those changes
+into notmuch).
+=item B<help> [subcommand]
+print help [for subcommand]
+=item B<log> [parameters]
+A simple wrapper for git log. After running C<nmbug fetch>, you can
+inspect the changes with C<nmbug log HEAD..FETCH_HEAD>
+=item B<merge>
+Merge changes from FETCH_HEAD into HEAD, and load the result into
+=item B<status>
+Show pending updates in notmuch or git repo. See below for more
+information about the output format.
+=head2 Less common commands
+=over 8
+=item B<archive>
+Dump a tar archive (using git archive) of the current nmbug tag set.
+B<nmbug status> prints lines of the form
+ ng Message-Id tag
+where n is a single character representing notmuch database status
+=over 8
+=item B<A>
+Tag is present in notmuch database, but not committed to nmbug
+(equivalently, tag has been deleted in nmbug repo, e.g. by a pull, but
+not restored to notmuch database).
+=item B<D>
+Tag is present in nmbug repo, but not restored to notmuch database
+(equivalently, tag has been deleted in notmuch)
+=item B<U>
+Message is unknown (missing from local notmuch database)
+The second character (if present) represents a difference between remote
+git and local. Typically C<nmbug fetch> needs to be run to update this.
+=over 8
+=item B<a>
+Tag is present in remote, but not in local git.
+=item B<d>
+Tag is present in local git, but not in remote git.
+Each tag $tag for message with Message-Id $id is written to
+an empty file
+ tags/encode($id)/encode($tag)
+The encoding preserves alphanumerics, and the characters "+-_@=.:,"
+(not the quotes). All other octets are replaced with '%' followed by
+a two digit hex number.
+B<NMBGIT> specifies the location of the git repository used by nmbug.
+If not specified $HOME/.nmbug is used.
+B<NMBPREFIX> specifies the prefix in the notmuch database for tags of
+interest to nmbug. If not specified 'notmuch::' is used.
diff --git a/devel/nmbug/nmbug-status b/devel/nmbug/nmbug-status
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..d08ca08d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/nmbug/nmbug-status
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2011-2012 David Bremner <david@tethera.net>
+# License: Same as notmuch
+# dependencies
+# - python 2.6 for json
+# - argparse; either python 2.7, or install separately
+import datetime
+import notmuch
+import rfc822
+import urllib
+import json
+import argparse
+import os
+import subprocess
+# parse command line arguments
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+parser.add_argument('--text', help='output plain text format',
+ action='store_true')
+parser.add_argument('--config', help='load config from given file')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+# read config from json file
+if args.config != None:
+ fp = open(args.config)
+ nmbhome = os.getenv('NMBGIT', os.path.expanduser('~/.nmbug'))
+ # read only the first line from the pipe
+ sha1 = subprocess.Popen(['git', '--git-dir', nmbhome,
+ 'show-ref', '-s', 'config'],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.readline()
+ sha1 = sha1.rstrip()
+ fp = subprocess.Popen(['git', '--git-dir', nmbhome,
+ 'cat-file', 'blob', sha1+':status-config.json'],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout
+config = json.load(fp)
+if args.text:
+ output_format = 'text'
+ output_format = 'html'
+class Thread:
+ def __init__(self, last, lines):
+ self.last = last
+ self.lines = lines
+ def join_utf8_with_newlines(self):
+ return '\n'.join( (line.encode('utf-8') for line in self.lines) )
+def output_with_separator(threadlist, sep):
+ outputs = (thread.join_utf8_with_newlines() for thread in threadlist)
+ print sep.join(outputs)
+headers = ['date', 'from', 'subject']
+def print_view(title, query, comment):
+ query_string = ' and '.join(query)
+ q_new = notmuch.Query(db, query_string)
+ q_new.set_sort(notmuch.Query.SORT.OLDEST_FIRST)
+ last_thread_id = ''
+ threads = {}
+ threadlist = []
+ out = {}
+ last = None
+ lines = None
+ if output_format == 'html':
+ print '<h3><a name="%s" />%s</h3>' % (title, title)
+ print comment
+ print 'The view is generated from the following query:'
+ print '<blockquote>'
+ print query_string
+ print '</blockquote>'
+ print '<table>\n'
+ for m in q_new.search_messages():
+ thread_id = m.get_thread_id()
+ if thread_id != last_thread_id:
+ if threads.has_key(thread_id):
+ last = threads[thread_id].last
+ lines = threads[thread_id].lines
+ else:
+ last = {}
+ lines = []
+ thread = Thread(last, lines)
+ threads[thread_id] = thread
+ for h in headers:
+ last[h] = ''
+ threadlist.append(thread)
+ last_thread_id = thread_id
+ for header in headers:
+ val = m.get_header(header)
+ if header == 'date':
+ val = str.join(' ', val.split(None)[1:4])
+ val = str(datetime.datetime.strptime(val, '%d %b %Y').date())
+ elif header == 'from':
+ (val, addr) = rfc822.parseaddr(val)
+ if val == '':
+ val = addr.split('@')[0]
+ if header != 'subject' and last[header] == val:
+ out[header] = ''
+ else:
+ out[header] = val
+ last[header] = val
+ mid = m.get_message_id()
+ out['id'] = 'id:"%s"' % mid
+ if output_format == 'html':
+ out['subject'] = '<a href="http://mid.gmane.org/%s">%s</a>' \
+ % (urllib.quote(mid), out['subject'])
+ lines.append(' <tr><td>%s' % out['date'])
+ lines.append('</td><td>%s' % out['id'])
+ lines.append('</td></tr>')
+ lines.append(' <tr><td>%s' % out['from'])
+ lines.append('</td><td>%s' % out['subject'])
+ lines.append('</td></tr>')
+ else:
+ lines.append('%(date)-10.10s %(from)-20.20s %(subject)-40.40s\n%(id)72s' % out)
+ if output_format == 'html':
+ output_with_separator(threadlist,
+ '\n<tr><td colspan="2"><br /></td></tr>\n')
+ print '</table>'
+ else:
+ output_with_separator(threadlist, '\n\n')
+# main program
+db = notmuch.Database(mode=notmuch.Database.MODE.READ_WRITE)
+if output_format == 'html':
+ print '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+<title>Notmuch Patches</title>
+ print '<h2>Notmuch Patches</h2>'
+ print 'Generated: %s<br />' % datetime.datetime.utcnow().date()
+ print 'For more infomation see <a href="http://notmuchmail.org/nmbug">nmbug</a>'
+ print '<h3>Views</h3>'
+ print '<ul>'
+ for view in config['views']:
+ print '<li><a href="#%(title)s">%(title)s</a></li>' % view
+ print '</ul>'
+for view in config['views']:
+ print_view(**view)
+if output_format == 'html':
+ print '</body>\n</html>'
diff --git a/devel/nmbug/status-config.json b/devel/nmbug/status-config.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6b4934fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/nmbug/status-config.json
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ "views": [
+ {
+ "comment": "Unresolved bugs (or just need tag updating).",
+ "query": [
+ "tag:notmuch::bug",
+ "not tag:notmuch::fixed",
+ "not tag:notmuch::wontfix"
+ ],
+ "title": "Bugs"
+ },
+ {
+ "comment": "These patches are under consideration for pushing.",
+ "query": [
+ "tag:notmuch::patch and not tag:notmuch::pushed",
+ "not tag:notmuch::obsolete and not tag:notmuch::wip",
+ "not tag:notmuch::stale and not tag:notmuch::contrib",
+ "not tag:notmuch::moreinfo",
+ "not tag:notmuch::python",
+ "not tag:notmuch::vim",
+ "not tag:notmuch::wontfix",
+ "not tag:notmuch::needs-review"
+ ],
+ "title": "Maybe Ready (Core and Emacs)"
+ },
+ {
+ "comment": "These python related patches might be ready to push, or they might just need updated tags.",
+ "query": [
+ "tag:notmuch::patch and not tag:notmuch::pushed",
+ "not tag:notmuch::obsolete and not tag:notmuch::wip",
+ "not tag:notmuch::stale and not tag:notmuch::contrib",
+ "not tag:notmuch::moreinfo",
+ "not tag:notmuch::wontfix",
+ " tag:notmuch::python",
+ "not tag:notmuch::needs-review"
+ ],
+ "title": "Maybe Ready (Python)"
+ },
+ {
+ "comment": "These vim related patches might be ready to push, or they might just need updated tags.",
+ "query": [
+ "tag:notmuch::patch and not tag:notmuch::pushed",
+ "not tag:notmuch::obsolete and not tag:notmuch::wip",
+ "not tag:notmuch::stale and not tag:notmuch::contrib",
+ "not tag:notmuch::moreinfo",
+ "not tag:notmuch::wontfix",
+ "tag:notmuch::vim",
+ "not tag:notmuch::needs-review"
+ ],
+ "title": "Maybe Ready (vim)"
+ },
+ {
+ "comment": "These patches are under review, or waiting for feedback.",
+ "query": [
+ "tag:notmuch::patch",
+ "not tag:notmuch::pushed",
+ "not tag:notmuch::obsolete",
+ "not tag:notmuch::stale",
+ "not tag:notmuch::wontfix",
+ "(tag:notmuch::moreinfo or tag:notmuch::needs-review)"
+ ],
+ "title": "Review"
+ }
+ ]