OPTIONS ======= Track Selection --------------- ``--alang=`` Specify a priority list of audio languages to use. Different container formats employ different language codes. DVDs use ISO 639-1 two-letter language codes, Matroska, MPEG-TS and NUT use ISO 639-2 three-letter language codes, while OGM uses a free-form identifier. See also ``--aid``. .. admonition:: Examples ``mpv dvd://1 --alang=hu,en`` Chooses the Hungarian language track on a DVD and falls back on English if Hungarian is not available. ``mpv --alang=jpn example.mkv`` Plays a Matroska file in Japanese. ``--slang=`` Specify a priority list of subtitle languages to use. Different container formats employ different language codes. DVDs use ISO 639-1 two letter language codes, Matroska uses ISO 639-2 three letter language codes while OGM uses a free-form identifier. See also ``--sid``. .. admonition:: Examples - ``mpv dvd://1 --slang=hu,en`` chooses the Hungarian subtitle track on a DVD and falls back on English if Hungarian is not available. - ``mpv --slang=jpn example.mkv`` plays a Matroska file with Japanese subtitles. ``--aid=`` Select audio track. ``auto`` selects the default, ``no`` disables audio. See also ``--alang``. mpv normally prints available audio tracks on the terminal when starting playback of a file. ``--audio`` is an alias for ``--aid``. ``--aid=no`` or ``--audio=no`` or ``--no-audio`` disables audio playback. (The latter variant does not work with the client API.) ``--sid=`` Display the subtitle stream specified by ````. ``auto`` selects the default, ``no`` disables subtitles. ``--sub`` is an alias for ``--sid``. ``--sid=no`` or ``--sub=no`` or ``--no-sub`` disables subtitle decoding. (The latter variant does not work with the client API.) ``--vid=`` Select video channel. ``auto`` selects the default, ``no`` disables video. ``--video`` is an alias for ``--vid``. ``--vid=no`` or ``--video=no`` or ``--no-video`` disables video playback. (The latter variant does not work with the client API.) If video is disabled, mpv will try to download the audio only if media is streamed with youtube-dl, because it saves bandwidth. This is done by setting the ytdl_format to "bestaudio/best" in the ytdl_hook.lua script. ``--ff-aid=``, ``--ff-sid=``, ``--ff-vid=`` Select audio/subtitle/video streams by the FFmpeg stream index. The FFmpeg stream index is relatively arbitrary, but useful when interacting with other software using FFmpeg (consider ``ffprobe``). Note that with external tracks (added with ``--sub-files`` and similar options), there will be streams with duplicate IDs. In this case, the first stream in order is selected. ``--edition=`` (Matroska files only) Specify the edition (set of chapters) to use, where 0 is the first. If set to ``auto`` (the default), mpv will choose the first edition declared as a default, or if there is no default, the first edition defined. Playback Control ---------------- ``--start=`` Seek to given time position. The general format for absolute times is ``[[hh:]mm:]ss[.ms]``. If the time is given with a prefix of ``+`` or ``-``, the seek is relative from the start or end of the file. (Since mpv 0.14, the start of the file is always considered 0.) ``pp%`` seeks to percent position pp (0-100). ``#c`` seeks to chapter number c. (Chapters start from 1.) .. admonition:: Examples ``--start=+56``, ``--start=+00:56`` Seeks to the start time + 56 seconds. ``--start=-56``, ``--start=-00:56`` Seeks to the end time - 56 seconds. ``--start=01:10:00`` Seeks to 1 hour 10 min. ``--start=50%`` Seeks to the middle of the file. ``--start=30 --end=40`` Seeks to 30 seconds, plays 10 seconds, and exits. ``--start=-3:20 --length=10`` Seeks to 3 minutes and 20 seconds before the end of the file, plays 10 seconds, and exits. ``--start='#2' --end='#4'`` Plays chapters 2 and 3, and exits. ``--end=